Title: Controls and monitoring in MICE
1Controls and monitoring in MICE
- Physics and systematics
- Controls types
- Controls list
- Data record
- M. A. Cummings April 2004 CERN
2MICE Physics
Theory uncertainties Model and simulation
choices Currently, systematics at 50
Experimental uncertainties Design of
detectors/cooling elements Currently,
systematics at 0.1-1.0
Beam shape and diagnostics Proper emittance
population Tracking and particle ID Cooling
channel operation
Correct geometries TRIUMF data Debugging/comparin
g simulations
(eout / ein)theory. 0.895
(eout / ein)exp 0.904 0.001
On the experimental side, now we must start
thinking about the systematic uncertainties and
how we determine them
3Systematics assumptions and questions
- Stated Goal eout/ein of ? 10 3
- Assume there will be a standard (or agreed to)
definition of 6-D cooling. - Assume that the tracker can give us precision
particle position and momemtum that this wont
contribute significantly to the error. - Assume particle ID lt 1 error
- The main sources of systematic errors are in the
COOLING CHANNEL and detector solenoids, which
will need to be under control to a level such
that up to 10 independent sources of systematics
will be lt 10-3 - Suggested goal to keep each source of error
lt310-4 level if at all possible. - What are the beam diagnostics concerns in a
single particle experiment? How is beam diffusion
controlled? Backgrounds?
4Systematics readout
- Areas
- Beam shape and content
- Trackers and detectors
- Cooling channel
- Systematic handles
- Using the beam itself calibration runs
- Experiment staging and component combinatorics
- Defining tolerances
- Determining controls/monitoring readout onto the
event record - Controls
- Enviromental and backgrounds
- Particle tracking and ID (determining samples and
emittances) - Systematics on the cooling channel
5MICE Experiments and Systematics
- Want to record a full configuration of the
experiment at every possible event. - Event trigger accelerator clock (or something
very close) - Will be running with different configurations of
the cooling channel components and the beam for
calibration runs - With RF, no beam
- without RF, beam
- without any
- with both RF and beam.
- With magnets no absorbers
- With magnets one absorber
- Magnets, with and without RF.
- Need to understand the tolerances on detectors
and cooling channel elements necessary for
cooling measurement - Want to record controls data as part of each data
6- Start-up systematics chart
7MACCs experimental controls channel list
what info source how many channels who determines
Beam diagnostics - Tilley/Drumm
Beam particle detectors Gregoire
Tracker/ particle ID - Bross/Bonesini
Magnetic Fields 12(51615) Rey/Guyot/Green
Alignment A few ISIS alignment system Black/Linde
Cryo controls - Baynham
RF (V, phase, temp) 242 8 D. Li
Magnets (temps) currents 310 32 Green
Absorbers (temps, level, pressure) 20 3 Cummings/Ishimoto
8Magnetic Field Controls
The magnetic measurement devices as from the
proposal see pages 52, 53.
- The magnet system will be operated in a variety
of currents and even polarities - The field maps may not simply be the linear
superposition of those measured on each single
magnet independently - Forces are likely to squeeze the supports and
move the coils in the cryostats.
Need to know the shape of the magnetic field
MG 4 sets of 3 Hall probes for EACH coil
9Cooling Channel Readout
- Cooling channel components (physics components)
- Absorber temperature and pressure
- Absorber length (optical occlusion method)
- Magnetic field measurements
- Hall probes
- power supply (currents)
- RF power, phase
- Temperatures of all component structures
- Alignment to global coordinate system
- Controls ( state of the system included in data
record) - LH2, Magnet and RF Safety systems (subset of
monitoring describing the state of the system) - Temp/flow on Helium
- Cryogenic systems
- Ambient temperature
- Static not expected to change with time (but
may drift) - Dynamic changing with time
- ISIS proton beam trigger (pulse) and
- intensity (voltage level) (dynamic)
- ISIS proton beam loss monitors - few - voltage
level, 20 ms cycles (dynamic) - Target position (static)
- Target drive amplitude (dynamic)
- Target drive trigger (pulse)
- Beam Diagnostics
- yet to be determined -Glasgow are looking at
scintillators - X,Y beam profiles (N channels -
dynamic) - Settings of magnets (V, I) 12 elements (static)
9 quads, 2 dipoles, 1 sc-solenoid - Beam Line Vacuum (e.g. penning pirani)
- Diffuser in place
- Vacuum state
Thanks Paul! - rough pump on/off
- turbo pump on/off
- valves open/closed (2)
11Particle ID ex Cherenkov (2)
- - 8 analog channels for monitoring the
(positive) HV's.- 8 analog channels for
monitoring the analog responses of PM's to
light pulses.- 1 digital output channel for
triggering the light pulser - - 8 TDC outputs (probably not important?
depends on the noise levels).- 1 analog channel
for a temperature probe- 1 analog channel for
the He pressure inside the Cherenkov vessel.- 1
analog channel for monitoring the humidity inside
the vessel. -
Thanks Guislain!
12How to proceed
- MACC keeper of controls list for the event record
- Responsibility for determining tolerances gt
D(eout/ein) should be within the various detector
groups - Form the experimental group
- Calibration runs
- Staging
- Run physics configurations
- Run durations
- Event record (including controls)