Making magnetars: isolated from binaries - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Making magnetars: isolated from binaries


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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Making magnetars: isolated from binaries

Making magnetars isolated from binaries
  • Sergei Popov Alexei Bogomazov, Mikhail Prokhorov

(astro-ph/0505406 arXiv0905.3238)
Magnetars in the Galaxy
  • 5 SGRs, gt10 AXPs, plus candidates, plus radio
    pulsars with high magnetic fields
  • Young objects (about 104 year).
  • At least about 10 of all NSs (or more, as
    transient magnetars can be numerous).

(see a recent review in arXiv0804.0250 )
Origin of magnetars
We present population synthesis
calculations of binary systems. Our goal is
to estimate the number of neutron stars
originated from progenitors with enhanced
rotation, as such compact objects can be
expected to have large magnetic fields,
i.e. they can be magnetars.
A question
  • Why do all magnetars are isolated?
  • 5-10 of NSs are expected to be binary (for
    moderate and small kicks)
  • All known magnetars (or candidates) are
    single objects.
  • At the moment from the statistical point of
    view it is not a miracle, however, its time to
    ask this question.

Two possible explanations Large kick
velocities Particular evolutionary path
Theory of magnetars
  • Thompson, Duncan ApJ 408, 194 (1993)
  • Entropy-driven convection in young NSs generate
    strong magnetic field
  • Twist of magnetic field lines

Generation of the magnetic field
The mechanism of the magnetic field generation
is still unknown. Turbulent dynamo
a-O dynamo (Duncan,Thompson) a2 dynamo (Bonanno
et al.) or their combination
In any case, initial rotation of a protoNS is the
critical parameter.
Strong field via flux conservation
There are reasons to suspect that the magnetic
fields of magnetars are not due to any kind of
dynamo mechanism, but just due to
flux conservation
  • Study of SNRs with magnetars (Vink and Kuiper
  • If there was a rapidly rotating magnetar
    then a huge
  • energy release is inevitable. No traces of
    such energy
  • injections are found.
  • There are few examples of massive stars with
  • strong enough to produce a magnetars due to
  • conservation (Ferrario and Wickramasinghe

Still, these suggestions can be criticized
(Spruit arXiv 0711.3650)
Magnetic field estimates
  • Spin down
  • Long spin periods
  • Energy to support bursts
  • Field to confine a fireball (tails)
  • Duration of spikes (alfven waves)
  • Direct measurements of magnetic field (cyclotron

Ibrahim et al. 2002
SGR 1806-20 - I
  • SGR 1806-20 displayed a gradual increase in the
    level of activity during 2003-2004 (Woods et al
    2004 Mereghetti et al 2005)
  • enhanced burst rate
  • increased persistent luminosity

Bursts / day (IPN)
20-60 keV flux (INTEGRAL IBIS)
The 2004 December 27 Event
Mereghetti et al 2005
SGR 1806-20 - II
  • Four XMM-Newton observations before the burst
    (the last one on October 5 2004, Mereghetti et al
  • Pulsations clearly detected in all observations
  • ? 5.5x10-10 s/s, higher than the historical
  • Blackbody component in addition to an absorbed
    power law (kT 0.79 keV)
  • Harder spectra G 1.5 vs. G 2
  • The 2-10 keV luminosity almost doubled (LX 1036

Twisted Magnetospheres I
  • The magnetic field inside a magnetar is wound
  • The presence of a toroidal component induces a
    rotation of the surface layers
  • The crust tensile strength resists
  • A gradual (quasi-plastic ?) deformation of the
  • The external field twists up
  • (Thompson, Lyutikov Kulkarni 2002)

Thompson Duncan 2001
Growing twist
(images from Mereghetti arXiv 0804.0250)
A Growing Twist in SGR 1806-20 ?
  • Evidence for spectral hardening AND enhanced
  • G-Pdot and G-L correlations
  • Growth of bursting activity
  • Possible presence of proton cyclotron line only
    during bursts

All these features are consistent with an
increasingly twisted magnetosphere
Twisted magnetospheres
  • Twisted magnetosphere model, within magnetar
    scenario, in general agreement with observations
  • Resonant scattering of thermal, surface photons
    produces spectra with right properties
  • Many issues need to be investigated further
  • Twist of more general external fields
  • Detailed models for magnetospheric currents
  • More accurate treatment of cross section
    including QED effects and electron recoil (in
  • 10-100 keV tails up-scattering by
    (ultra)relativistic (e) particles ?
  • Create an archive to fit model spectra to

What is special about magnetars?
Link with massive stars There are reasons to
suspect that magnetars are connected to massive
stars (astro-ph/0611589). Link to binary
stars There is a hypothesis that magnetars are
formed in close binary systems (astro-ph/0505406,
AXP in Westerlund 1 most probably hasa very
massive progenitor gt40 Msolar.
The question is still on the list.
Progenitor mass for a SGR
Red supergiants in the cluster
Cluster are is between13 and 15 Myr. Studies of
other stars in the cluster confirmthis age
Magnetars origin
  • Probably, magnetars are isolated due to
    their origin
  • Fast rotation is necessary (Thompson,
  • Two possibilities to spin-up during evolution
    in a binary
  • 1) Spin-up of a progenitor star in a binary
    via accretion or synchronization
  • 2) Coalescence

Rem Now there are claims (Vink et al.,
Ferrario et al.) that magnetars can be
born slowly rotating, so the field is fossil.
We do not discuss this ideas here.
The first calculations
An optimistic scenario
We present population synthesis
calculations of binary systems using
optimistic assumptions about spinning up of
stellar cores and further evolution of
their rotation rate. The fraction of neutron
stars born from stellar cores with enhanced
rotation is estimated to be about 8-14 .
Most of these objects are isolated due to
coalescences of components prior to a
neutron star formation, or due to a system
disruption after a supernova explosion. The
fraction of such neutron stars in survived
binaries is about 1 or lower, i.e.
magnetars are expected to be isolated objects.
Their most numerous companions are black
MNRAS vol. 367, p. 732 (2006)
The code
  • We use the Scenario Machine code.
  • Developed in SAI (Moscow) since 1983
  • by Lipunov, Postnov, Prokhorov et al.
  • (http//
    arXiv 0704/1387)
  • We run the population synthesis of binaries to
    estimate the fraction of NS progenitors with
    enhanced rotation.

The model
  • Among all possible evolutionary paths that
    result in formation of NSs we select those that
    lead to angular momentum increase of progenitors.
  • Coalescence prior to a NS formation.
  • Roche lobe overflow by a primary without a
    common envelope.
  • Roche lobe overflow by a primary with a common
  • Roche lobe overflow by a secondary without a
    common envelope.
  • Roche lobe overflow by a secondary with a
    common envelope.

  • We run the code for two values of the
    parameter aq which characterizes the mass ratio
    distribution of components, f(q), where q is the
    mass ratio.
  • At first, the mass of a primary is taken from
    the Salpeter distribution, and then the q
    distribution is applied. f(q)q
    aq , qM2/M1lt1
  • We use aq0 (flat distribution, i.e. all
    variants of mass ratio are equally probable) and
    aq2 (close masses are more probable, so numbers
    of NS and BH progenitors are increased in
    comparison with aq0).

Results of calculations
Results of calculations-details
Most of magnetars appear after coalescences or
from secondary companions after RLO by
primaries. They are mostly isolated.
Intermediate conclusions
  • We made population synthesis of binary
    systems to derive the relative number of NSs
    originated from progenitors with enhanced
    rotation -magnetars''.
  • With an inclusion of single stars (with the
    totalnumber equal to the total number of
    binaries) the fraction of magnetars' is
  • Most of these NSs are isolated due to
    coalescences of components prior to NS
    formation, or due to a system disruption after a
    SN explosion.
  • The fraction of magnetars'' in survived
    binaries is about 1 or lower.
  • The most numerous companions of magnetars''
    are BHs.

MNRAS vol. 367, p. 732 (2006)
Problems and questions
  • In these calculations we assume that since a star
    obtained additionalangular momentum, then it is
    effectively transferred to the core,and it
    doesnt loose in afterwards.This is too
  • There are three processes (Hirschi et al. 2004,
  • convection,
  • shear diffusion,
  • meridional circulation
  • which result in slowing down the core rotation.
  • Let us consider more conservative scenarios.

GRBs and magnetars
It is important to remember that a similar
problem necessity of rapid core rotation is
in explanation of GRB progenitors. We
hypothesize that a similar channel is
operatingin binary systems to produce rapidly
rotating pre-SN. If then a BH is born we have a
GRB.If a NS we have a magnetars. The fraction
of magnetars among NSs is similarto the fraction
of GRBs among BH-forming SNae.
Magnetars, Gamma-ray Bursts, and Very Close
We consider the possible existence of a common
channel of evolution of binary systems, which
results in a GRB during the formation of a BH or
the birth of a magnetar during the formation of a
NS. We assume that the rapid rotation of the
core of a collapsing star can be explained by
tidal synchronization in a very close binary. The
calculated rate of formation of rapidly rotating
neutron stars is qualitatively consistent with
estimates of the formation rate of magnetars.
However, our analysis of the binarity of
newly-born compact objects with short rotational
periods indicates that the fraction of binaries
among them substantially exceeds the
observational estimates. To bring this fraction
into agreement with the statistics for magnetars,
the additional velocity acquired by a magnetar
during its formation must be primarily
perpendicular to the orbital plane before the
supernova explosion, and be large.
Astronomy Reports vol. 53, p. 325 (2009)
Model assumptions
Here we consider only tidal synchronization on
late stages(end of helium burning, or carbon
burning).I.e. a core gets additional momentum
not long before the collapse.This is possible
only in very narrow systems (Porblt10 days).
We used two laws for stellar windA. Standard
windC. Enhanced wind for massive stars
(classification following arXiv 0704.1387)
  • In this study we use two variants
  • of the velocity absolute value distribution
  • maxwellian
  • delta-functionWe used different options for
  • isotropic
  • along the spin axis (see Kuranov et al. 2009
    MNRAS 395, 2087)

Different kicks and mass loss
  • isotropic kick, type A wind scenario
  • isotropic kick, type C wind scenario
  • (3) Kick along the spin axis, type A wind
  • (4) Kick along the spin axis, type C wind scenario

Single maxwelliandistribution
Delta-function kick
  • isotropic kick, type A wind scenario
  • isotropic kick, type C wind scenario
  • (3) kick along the spin axis, type A wind
  • (4) Kick along the spin axis, type C wind scenario

Delta-function kick
Delta-function spin influence
The absolute value of the kick depends on the
initial rotational period of the young neutron
star.Kick always along the spin. 1- type A
wind 2- type C wind
VV0 (0.001/PNS) 0.001ltPNSlt0.005
Orbital periods
Distribution of orbital periods just before the
collapse in the systems in which neutron stars
originate. If a neutron star originates in a
disrupted system, the orbital period at the time
of disruption is taken into account. The type A
evolutionary scenario is adopted.
Most of companions are -main-sequence stars
(49) and -black holes (46). The remaining 5
are roughly equally divided among -white
dwarfs (2), -WolfRayet stars (1), -stars
filling their Roche lobes (0.7), -helium stars
filling their Roche lobes (the BB stage),
-hot white dwarfs (0.7), -neutron stars (0.6).
Are there magnetars in binaries?
At the moment all known SGRs and AXPs are
isolated objects. About 10 of NSs are expected
to be in binaries. The fact that all known
magnetars are isolated can be relatedto their
origin, but this is unclear.
If a magnetar appears in a very close binary
system, thenan analogue of a polar can be
formed. The secondary star is insidethe huge
magnetosphere of a magnetar. This can lead to
interestingobservational manifestations.
Binaries with magnetars -magnetors
Can RCW 103 be a prototype? 6.7 hour period (de
Luca et al. 2006)
  • Possible explanations
  • Magnetar, spun-down by disc
  • Double NS system
  • Low-mass companion magnetar
  • magnetor

arXiv0803.1373(see also astro-ph/0610593)
RCW 103
  • We made population synthesis of binary stars to
    explore the evolution and products of stars
    with enhanced rotation
  • In the optimistic scenario we easily explain the
    fraction of magnetars an the fact that they
    are isolated
  • In a more conservative scenario we need large
    kicks to explain the fact that all known
    magnetars are isolated
  • Without detailed data about spatial velocities
    of magnetars it is difficult to make
  • Still, it is possible that the channel for
    magnetar formation is the same as for
    GRB-progenitors formation, most probably in
    close binary systems
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