Title: Series-Resonant Inverter
1Series-Resonant Inverter
T1 fired, resonant pulse of current flows
through the load. The current falls to zero at t
t1m and T1 is self commutated. T2 fired,
reverse resonant current flows through the load
and T2 is also self-commutated. The series
resonant circuit must be underdamped, R2 lt (4L/C)
3Operation in Mode 1 Fire T1
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5To find the time when the current is maximum, set
the first derivative 0
6To find the capacitor voltage, integrate the
The current i1 becomes 0 _at_ tt1m
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8Operation in Mode 2 T1, T2 Both OFF
10Operation in Mode 3 Fire T2
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14Summary -- Series Resonant Inverter
15To avoid a short-circuit across the main dc
supply, T1 must be turned OFF before T2 is turned
ON, resulting in a dead zone.
This off-time must be longer than the turn-off
time of the thyristors, tq.
The maximum possible output frequency is
16Series Resonant Inverter Coupled Inductors
17Improvement in performance
- When T1 turned ON, voltage _at_ L1 is as shown,
voltage _at_ L2 in same direction, adding to the
voltage _at_ C - This turns T2 OFF before the load current falls
to 0.
18Half-Bridge Series Resonant Inverter
Note L1 L2 C1 C2
19This configuration reduces the high-pulsed
current from the dc supply
- Power drawn from the source during both
half-cycles of the output. - Half of the current is supplied from the
associated capacitor, half of the current is
supplied from the source.
20Full-Bridge Series-Resonant Inverter
21Characteristics of the full-bridge inverter
- This configuration provides higher output power.
- Either T1-T2 or T3-T4 are fired.
- Supply current is continuous but pulsating.
22Example 8.1 Analysis of the Basic Resonant
- L1 L2 L 50µH
- C 6µF
- R 2?
- Vs 220V
- fo 7kHz
- tq 10µs
23Determine the resonant frequency
The resonant frequency in Hz
24Determine the turn-off time toff
25Determine the maximum permissible frequency
26Determine the peak-to-peak capacitor voltage
27Determine the peak load current
28Sketch the instantaneous load current, capacitor
voltage, and dc supply current
29Calculate the rms load current
30Using MATHCAD,
Io 44.1Amperes
31Determine the output power
32Determine the average supply current
33Determine the average, peak, and rms thyristor
34rms Thyristor Current