2What are Development Indicators?
Development indicators are statistics which can
help to determine the level of development of a
country or region - this can help place a country
as a LEDC or MEDC.
3Development Indicator 1
Population Density The amount of people per
square kilometre (p / km2). The higher the
number, the more developed an area is supposed to
be eg Japan
4Development Indicator 2
- Birth Rate
- The amount of babies born per thousand of the
population per year (B. R. / 1000). The higher
this is, the less developed a country is supposed
to be.
5Development Indicator 3
- Death Rate
- The amount of deaths per thousand of the
population per year (D. R. / 1000). The higher
this figure is, the less developed a country is
supposed to be. - Infant Mortality Rate.
- Levels of Malnourishment
6Development Indicator 4
Urbanisation The percentage of the population
that lives in urban areas (). The higher the
figure, the more developed a country is supposed
to be.
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8Development Indicator 5
Agricultural Percentage The amount of the
working population that works in agriculture or
PRIMARY SECTOR. The higher the figure, the less
developed the country.
9Development Indicator 6
Life Expectancy This is the average age to which
everyone in a country is supposed to live. It is
measured in 'years'. The higher the figure, the
more developed a country is supposed to be.
10Development Indicator 7
Health This is measured in number of people per
doctor. The higher the number is, the less
doctors there are and therefore the less
developed the country is.
11Development Indicator 8
Education The percentage of people who can read
and write (LITERACY RATE). The less the numbers
are, the less developed the country is likely to
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13Development Indicator 9
Gross National / Domestic Product (GNP /
GDP) This is a measure of the average amount of
income of a person in a country and the amount
the country itself earns. It is measured in US .
The higher these figures, the more developed a
country is.
14Development Indicator 10
Economic Development Rate (EDR) This measures
the rate of economic growth of a country. The
higher the figure, the more a country is
15Development Indicator 11
Average Calorie Intake A measure of how
malnourished a country is
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17- 17 of children die before reaching 5yrs old
due to - Lack of food
- Disease
- Poor healthcare and vaccinations
- Not many hospitals and doctors
- 30 of children are malnourished (UK 2)
- Average family size is 7! (UK is 2.4)
- Adult literacy is 18 (UK is 99)
- Doubling rate of population is 23 years!
- Clean water is available to only 56 of people
(UK 98) - Life expectancy 48 (UK 78 yrs)
18- Problems facing Burkina Faso
- Overpopulation less food available leading to
higher rates of malnourishment, lower average
calorie intake, lower life expectancy, higher
rates of Infant Mortality, wars, disease, lack of
water, continued illiteracy levels, lower quality
of life, lower G.D.P., higher rates of
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