Stathmin Overexpression Inhibits Megakaryocyte Maturation and Platelet Production David C Gajzer1, M.D. Camelia Iancu-Rubin2, Ph.D. 1Cardiovascular Research Center, Department of Medicine and 2Division of Hematology and Medical Oncology, - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Stathmin Overexpression Inhibits Megakaryocyte Maturation and Platelet Production David C Gajzer1, M.D. Camelia Iancu-Rubin2, Ph.D. 1Cardiovascular Research Center, Department of Medicine and 2Division of Hematology and Medical Oncology,


Title: Stathmin downregulation is required for megakaryocyte maturation and platelet production Author: David Last modified by: Administrator Created Date – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Stathmin Overexpression Inhibits Megakaryocyte Maturation and Platelet Production David C Gajzer1, M.D. Camelia Iancu-Rubin2, Ph.D. 1Cardiovascular Research Center, Department of Medicine and 2Division of Hematology and Medical Oncology,

Stathmin Overexpression Inhibits Megakaryocyte
Maturation and Platelet ProductionDavid C
Gajzer1, M.D. Camelia Iancu-Rubin2, Ph.D.
1Cardiovascular Research Center, Department of
Medicine and 2Division of Hematology and Medical
Oncology, Department of Medicine and The Tisch
Cancer Institute, Mount Sinai School of Medicine,
New York
  • Original research article was published as
    Stathmin downregulation is required for
    megakaryocyte maturation and platelet production
    - Blood, 117(17)4580-9 (2011)
  • Iancu-Rubin C1, Gajzer D1, Tripodi J1, Najfeld
    V1,2, Gordon RE2, Hoffman R1,3 and Atweh GF4
  • 1 Division of Hematology and Medical Oncology,
    Department of Medicine and The Tisch Cancer
    Institute, Mount Sinai School
  • of Medicine, New York, NY
  • 2 Department of Pathology, Mount Sinai School of
    Medicine, New York, NY
  • 3 Department of Gene and Cell Medicine, Mount
    Sinai School of Medicine, New York, NY
  • 4 Division of Hematology/Oncology, Department of
    Medicine and UC Cancer Institute, University of
    Cincinnati College of
  • Medicine, Cincinnati, OH

Background and Rationale
  • Megakaryocytopoiesis
  • The maturation process of the hematopoietic
    progenitor cells that go on to form blood
  • Microtubules in megakaryocytopoiesis
  • Microtubules help maintain cell structure,
    provide platforms for intracellular transport and
    form the spindle during mitosis. In
    megakaryocytes, they make up the multipolar
    mitotic spindle and thus enable endomitosis (a
    form of abortive mitosis, leading to gt4N DNA
    content) (Nagata et al., 1997, Vitrat et al.
  • Proplatelet extension and platelet formation
  • In megakaryocytes, microtubules provide the
    structural scaffold required for extension of
    proplatelets and ensure the transport of
    cytoplasmic organelles and specific granules into
    nascent platelets (Italiano JE et al., 1999
    Richardson JL et al., 2005)

Promotes microtubule depolymerization
Sequesters tubulin heterodimers and prevents
  • Stathmin is a microtubule-regulatory protein that
    destabilizes microtubules and regulates
    microtubule dynamics. It is important for
    cellular proliferation and cell motility.
    Interfering with its expression results in
    abnormal mitotic spindles and aberrant exit from
  • All cell types express stathmin in their
    proliferative stages but, with the exception of
    neurons, they do not express stathmin in the
    mature stages
  • Stathmin is overexpressed in a wide variety of
    solid tumors and hematological malignancies

Stathmin Expression During Megakaryocyte
  • In murine MK and in human leukemic cell lines
    with MK-like features (K562 and HEL), stathmin is
    downregulated during differentiation and its
    level of expression correlates inversely with
    the level of ploidy (Chang et al. 2001,
    Iancu-Rubin et al. 2003)
  • Alterations of stathmin expression in these cell
    lines are associated with abnormal mitotic
    spindles and changes in their propensity to
    become polyploid (Iancu-Rubin et al. 2003, 2005)
  • Stathmin is expressed at very low levels in
    normal bone marrow megakaryocytes and is not
    found in platelets (Brattsand G. 1993, Rowlands
    DC, 1995, Iancu-Rubin et al. 2003)

Is Stathmin Important For Megakaryocytopoiesis
and Platelet Production?
  • Hypothesis
  • Stathmin may be important in primary
    megakaryocytopoiesis where its expression may be
    necessary for proliferation of megakaryocyte
    progenitors in the early stages while its
    suppression may be required for megakaryocyte
    maturation in the later stages.
  • In our report, we assessed the influence of
    stathmin expression on human primary MK
    development and identified a role for stathmin in
    MK maturation and platelet formation.

  • Primary megakaryocyte culturesTwo-step liquid
    culture systemHuman peripheral blood
    (PB)-derived CD34 hematopoietic stem cells were
    cultured in a two-step liquid culture system for
    14 days. hSCF and hTPO were added to the culture
    medium for the first six days, then cells were
    cultured in the absence of hSCF for an additional
    7-10 days.Semi-solid collagen-based
    culturesPB-derived CD34 cells were cultured in
    semi-solid collagen-based cultures in MegaCult
    medium supplemented with hTPO, hIL-3, hIL-6 for
    16 days until microscopic analysis.
  • FIV-based vectors and lentiviral
    transductionsSTMN-WT or STMN-4A stathmin cDNA
    was excised from pTRE2-STMN plasmids and cloned
    into FIV-based pCDF1-MCS2-EF1-copGFP plasmid
    backbone. STMN-4A cDNA was generated by
    site-directed mutagenesis which replaced serine
    for alanine residues at the four phosphorylation
    sites (4A). An empty control vector expressing
    only copGFP was used as a control. The transfer
    vectors were co-transfected with pCPR-?Env and
    pCI-VSV plasmids into the 293T packaging cell
    line using lipofectamine 2000. Viral supernatants
    were harvested on day 3 and viral titers
    determined by flow cytometric analysis.
    Successful packaging and viral functionality was
    confirmed by transduction of HEK293 cells and
    subsequent gene and protein expression analysis.
  • Gene expression analysisTotal RNA was purified
    using the RNeasy purification kit (Qiagen, MD).
    1 µg total RNA was used for cDNA synthesis with
    the Omniscript kit (Qiagen, MD). One tenth of the
    cDNA was used for quantitative real-time PCR on a
    RealPlex MasterCycler (Eppendorf, NY). Primers
    used were specific for human stathmin, GATA-1 and
    platelet factor 4 (SABiosciences, MD). cDNA
    templates were mixed with 1X IQ SYBR Green
    Supermix (Bio-Rad Laboratories, CA) and 0.2 mM of
    each primer in a total volume of 50 µl in PCR
    plates (Fisher Scientific, PA) in duplicates.

  • Protein expression analysisCells were lysed (50
    mM Tris-Cl, 15 mM NaCl, 1 Triton-X, 40 mg/ml
    protease inhibitor cocktail, Roche Molecular
    Biochemicals, IN), then 50 µg of protein were
    separated on 12.5 SDS-PAGE gels and transferred
    to a polyvinylidene difluoride (PVDF) membrane.
    Polyclonal anti-stathmin antibodies (Calbiochem,
    CA) and goat anti-rabbit IgG-horseradish
    peroxidase conjugated (HRP) secondary antibodies
    (Pierce, IL) were used to detect stathmin.
    Monoclonal anti-actin antibodies (Oncogene
    Research Products, MA) and goat anti-mouse
    IgM-HRP secondary antibodies (Calbiochem, CA)
    were used to detect actin. The proteins were
    visualized by enhanced chemiluminescence
    detection (ECL, Amersham Pharmacia Biotech, NJ).
  • Microscopic analysisCells were placed on slides
    using a Shandon centrifuge (Life Sciences
    International, England), fixed in methanol for 5
    minutes and stained with Wright-Giemsa (Sigma,
    MO) for 20 minutes. MegaCult cultures were fixed
    and stained using the manufacturers staining kit
    (StemCell Technologies, Canada).
    Immunofluorescence labeling of cells fixed in 4
    paraformaldehyde was performed using
    phycoerythrin (PE)-conjugated anti-CD41
    antibodies (Becton-Dickinson, CA) and 1.5 µM
    Hoechst 33342 (Sigma, MO) for nuclear staining.
    The slides were mounted with Vectashield mounting
    solution (Vector Laboratories, CA) and analyzed
    using a Zeiss Axiophot 2 fluorescence microscope
    using a 63X/1.25 oil objective. Image acquisition
    was performed using a Hammamatsu Orca CCD camera
    and OpenLab software.
  • Flow cytometric analysisCultured cells were
    labeled with PE-conjugated anti-CD41 antibodies
    and allophycocyanin (APC)-conjugated anti-CD42b
    antibodies (Becton-Dickinson, CA ) for 45 minutes
    then incubated with 5 µl 7-aminoactinomycin
    (7-AAD) for 15 additional minutes. The data was
    acquired and analyzed using a FACSCanto II flow
    cytometer and FACS Diva software
    (Becton-Dickinson, CA).

  • Analysis of culture-derived plateletsMK cultures
    were harvested and centrifuged at 800 rpm for 5
    minutes and supernatants were collected and
    further centrifuged at 3500 rpm for 10 minutes.
    The pellet containing culture-derived platelets
    was re-suspended in phosphate buffered saline
    (PBS) with 0.1 fetal bovine serum (FBS) and
    labeled with CD41-PE and CD42-APC antibodies for
    30 minutes at room temperature. Reticulated
    platelets were identified following incubation
    with 2 µg/ml thiazole orange (TO) (Sigma, MO) for
    additional 15 minutes at room temperature in the
    dark. The cells were then washed, re-suspended in
    PBS with 0.1 FBS and analyzed by flow cytometry.
    PB-derived human platelets were immunolabeled in
    the same manner and used as control.
  • Fluorescence in situ hybridization
    (FISH)Uninfected and lentivirus-infected MK were
    fixed then labeled with two different DNA probes,
    the alpha satellite sequence of the centromeric
    region of chromosome X (Xp11.1-q11.1), and the
    satellite III sequence of chromosome Y (Yq12).
    These DNA Probes were obtained from Abbott
    Molecular (Des Plaines, IL) and labeled with
    SpectrumOrange and SpectrumGreen, respectively.
    FISH probe hybridization signals were visualized
    using an Axioplan 2 fluorescence microscope
    (Zeiss, Germany) at 100X magnification and imaged
    with CytoVision software (Genetix Corp., CA).
  • Statistical analysisData are expressed as means
    SD and analyzed by using students unpaired
    t-test. P values of lt 0.05 were considered
    statistically significant.

  • Characterization of primary MK culturesBy the
    end of the maturation step (day 14 in liquid
    culture), 80-90 of cells were MK, out of which
    40-50 were mature MK.

Wright-Giemsa Staining
GPIIb/IIIa Staining
Flow Cytometric Analysis of Cultured Cells
  • Stathmin expression is downregulated during ex
    vivo megakaryocytopoiesis

  • Lentiviral-mediated forced stathmin expression
    prevents physiological stathmin downregulation in
    maturing megakaryocytes
  • After confirming physiological downregulation of
    stathmin during megakaryocytopoiesis, cells
    cultured in our two-step liquid culture system
    were transduced with either FIV-GFP (empty
    control), FIV-STMN or FIV-STMN4A. FIV-STMN4A,
    expressing mutant non-phosphorylatable stathmin,
    was used because it was shown previously that
    ectopically-expressed wild-type stathmin activity
    is often lost due to phosphorylation by cellular
    kinases. Use of the mutant form of stathmin
    allowed for analysis of the effects of a
    constitutively active stathmin protein on

  • Sustained stathmin expression inhibits
    megakaryocyte maturation

Uninfected cells were used as negative controls
to set a gate for detection of infected cells
based on GFP fluorescence. Subsequently, the
fraction of CD41/CD42b cells within the GFP
population was quantified.
Expression of wild-type stathmin did not
significantly alter CD41/CD42b express-ion while
expression of the constitutively active form of
stathmin resulted in over 50 reduction in the
fraction of mature MK.
  • Sustained stathmin expression is associated with
    low GATA-1 and PF-4 expression

PF4 expression was barely detectable in CD34
cells whereas it was markedly up-regulated in
mature MK infected with the control lentiviral
vector. A small but not statistically significant
increase in PF4 expression was observed in MK
that were transduced with the wild-type
lentiviral vector. However, up-regulation of PF4
was not observed in MK transduced with the
lentivirus that encodes the constitutively active
form of stathmin.
Increased GATA-1 levels were detected in mature
MK transduced with control lentiviruses compared
to primary CD34 cells. MK transduced with
lentiviruses expressing wild-type stathmin were
also characterized by up-regulation of GATA-1
expression. Up-regulation of GATA- 1 was not
observed in MK transduced with lentiviruses
expressing the constitutively active form of
  • Sustained stathmin expression inhibits

A typical human cell with 2N DNA content (i.e.
diploid) has one copy of each chromosome X and Y
(or two copies of an X-chromosome if the cell
originated from a female), a cell with 4N DNA
content (i.e. tetraploid) has two copies of each
chromosome, a cell with 8N DNA has four copies of
each chromosome and so on. Representative
examples of MK with ploidy levels ranging from 2N
to 32N are presented. An increase in ploidy
levels correlates with the nuclear complexity
detected by DAPI staining (blue fluorescence) and
with nuclear size. In order to assess the effects
of stathmin on the generation of MK with high
ploidy levels, we analyzed by FISH cells with 8N
DNA and categorized them in three ploidy classes
based on the number of X and Y chromosome copies.
Sustained stathmin expression was associated with
a decrease in the fraction of MK with 16N and 32N
DNA in both wild type- and constitutively active
stathmin-expressing cultures. This was
accompanied by an accumulation of MK with lower
ploidy (i.e. 8N DNA content). These results
indicate that sustained expression of stathmin
impaired the ability of MK to achieve high ploidy
  • Sustained stathmin expression interferes with
    platelet production by primary MK

Following transduction with control or
stathmin-expressing lentiviruses, MK cultures
were inspected by microscopy to visualize
proplatelet formation. By day 14, control
cultures contained large MK displaying long
cytoplasmic extensions resembling proplatelets.
The frequency of proplatelet-bearing MK was much
lower in the cultures infected with stathmin
expressing lentiviruses. Because the number of
platelets derived in culture is directly
proportional to the number of proplatelets
formed, we collected and labeled culture-derived
platelets from MK transduced with control or
stathmin-expressing lentiviruses and quantified
them by flow cytometry. Platelets derived from
uninfected MK cultures were used as negative
control for GFP expression. As illustrated above,
platelet-sized particles derived from lentivirus
infected cultures are GFP, indicating that they
were derived from the GFP positive MK. From the
platelet-sized GFP events, we quantified only
those expressing CD41. The results presented in
the bar graph show a two-fold reduction in the
fraction of platelets derived in vitro from MK
expressing wild-type or phosphorylation-deficient
stathmin as compared to those produced by control
MK. This finding indicates that sustained
stathmin expression has a negative effect on in
vitro platelet production, suggesting that
alterations of expression of an MT-regulatory
protein can interfere with platelet production by
primary MK.
  • Downregulation of stathmin is required for normal
  • Sustained levels of active stathmin inhibit
    megakaryocyte maturation, the ability to achieve
    high ploidy and the capacity to generate
    platelets in vitro
  • The results of this study validate the importance
    of microtubules for megakaryocytopoiesis
  • Dysregulation of stathmin might contribute to
    alterations of the megakaryocyte lineage in
    hematological malignancies such as leukemia and
    myelodysplastic syndrome which express very high
    levels of stathmin deficient platelet production
    and bleeding from low platelet counts is one of
    the most common causes of death in these patients
  • This study supports the development of small
    stathmin-like molecules capable of targeting
    megakaryocyte-specific b1-tubulin to limit
    excessive thrombocytosis. As it accounts for more
    than 90 of platelet microtubules and its
    expression is restricted to the MK lineage, the
    ß1-isoform of tubulin may be an excellent
    therapeutic target for disrupting microtubule
    function exclusively in megakaryocytes
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