Title: MapInfo Professional
1MapInfo Professional
Creating a Map of Customer Data and accessing it
via the Info Tool
2First, open your region object table and table of
customer data into your workspace
3Notice how both tables have a FIPS_Code column
Note You can access any tables BROWSER by going
to the Window menu and selecting New Browser
4Now go to the Query Menu and Choose SQL Select
5Configure the SQL Select box as follows
6Your resulting Query will contain all the records
that had a match between the two tables. Because
we only had two records in our Customer data
table, we were returned a Query of two matching
7Now go to the Window Menu and choose New Map
Window. Select your new Query. Notice on the
resulting map we have the two counties that
matched up to the FIPS Codes in your customer
Now go to the File menu and choose Save Copy As.
Save your Query. Now, go back to the File menu
and choose Close Table. Close the Query. Then go
back to File-gtOpen and re-open your saved Query.
You now have a MapInfo Table that contains your
region objects with associated customer data. In
this example, we only had two customers so we
have a resulting table of two objects. If you
have a customer table with a match for every
object record, you will of course generate a
table with every object from your region table.
8You can now use the info tool to click on the
objects and the information for each object will
appear in the message window.
9Questions? Need further assistance? Please Call
MapInfo Technical Support 1-800-552-2511 8AM