Game Physics - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Game Physics


Title: Sound and Music for Video Games Author: Roger Crawfis Last modified by: Roger Crawfis Created Date: 4/10/2006 8:09:16 PM Document presentation format – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Tags: game | life | music | physics


Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Game Physics

Game Physics
  • What is meant by Physics in games (old)?
  • Collision Detection (testing)
  • But want the physical effect of hitting an
    immovable object.
  • Also needed to provide the input (forces) for
    physical simulations (equations) of moveable or
    deformable objects.
  • More intelligent (automated) interpolation
  • Particle systems Artistically defined
    generation with Newtonian-based controls.

Game Physics
  • What is meant by Physics in games (new)?
  • Fluid dynamics
  • Deformable models
  • Ragdoll (non-scripted) articulation
  • (More) Accurate simulation

Issues in Game Physics
  • Do I need to buy a separate processor?
  • What if the calculation takes too long?
  • How can I cheat? What can I cheat on?
  • How often do I need to update?

Discussion items
  • Dead-reckoning
  • Emergent Behavior
  • Collision Detection
  • Newtonian Physics and gravity
  • Forward Kinematics
  • Inverse Kinematics
  • Free-form deformation
  • Fluid Flow

Collision Detection
  • Complicated for two reasons
  • 1. Geometry is typically very complex,
    potentially requiring expensive testing
  • 2. Naïve solution is O(n2) time complexity, since
    every object can potentially collide with every
    other object

Collision Detection
  • Two basic techniques
  • 1. Overlap testing
  • Detects whether a collision has already occurred
  • 2. Intersection testing
  • Predicts whether a collision will occur in the

Overlap Testing
  • Facts
  • Most common technique used in games
  • Exhibits more error than intersection testing
  • Concept
  • For every simulation step, test every pair of
    objects to see if they overlap
  • Easy for simple volumes like spheres, harder for
    polygonal models

Overlap TestingUseful Results
  • Useful results of detected collision
  • Time collision took place
  • Collision normal vector

Overlap TestingCollision Time
  • Collision time calculated by moving object back
    in time until right before collision
  • Bisection is an effective technique

Overlap TestingLimitations
  • Fails with objects that move too fast
  • Unlikely to catch time slice during overlap
  • Possible solutions
  • Design constraint on speed of objects
  • Reduce simulation step size

Intersection Testing
  • Predict future collisions
  • When predicted
  • Move simulation to time of collision
  • Resolve collision
  • Simulate remaining time step

Intersection TestingSwept Geometry
  • Extrude geometry in direction of movement
  • Swept sphere turns into a capsule shape

Intersection TestingSphere-Sphere Collision
Intersection TestingSphere-Sphere Collision
  • Smallest distance ever separating two spheres
  • If
  • there is a collision

Intersection TestingLimitations
  • Issue with networked games
  • Future predictions rely on exact state of world
    at present time
  • Due to packet latency, current state not always
  • Assumes constant velocity and zero acceleration
    over simulation step
  • Has implications for physics model and choice of

Dealing with Complexity
  • Two issues
  • 1. Complex geometry must be simplified
  • 2. Reduce number of object pair tests

Collision ResolutionExamples
  • Two billiard balls strike
  • Calculate ball positions at time of impact
  • Impart new velocities on balls
  • Play clinking sound effect
  • Rocket slams into wall
  • Rocket disappears
  • Explosion spawned and explosion sound effect
  • Wall charred and area damage inflicted on nearby
  • Character walks through wall
  • Magical sound effect triggered
  • No trajectories or velocities affected

  • Real-time Graphics Methods
  • Real-time graphics is all about hackery
  • Its impossible to get a realtime, high-fidelity
    global illumination rendering
  • The questions you should ask
  • What effects do I want in my game?
  • What corners am I willing to cut?

  • Billboards
  • A billboard is a flat object that faces
  • There are lots of different billboarding methods,
    but well stick with the easiest, most used one
  • Take a quad and slap a texture on it. Now we want
    it to face the camera. How do we do that?
  • Bread and butter of older 3d games and still used
    extensively today
  • Monsters (think Doom)
  • Items
  • Impostors (LOD)
  • Text
  • Faked smoke, fire, explosions, particle effects,
    halos, etc.
  • ing lens flares
  • Bad news Little to no shading

  • Light Mapping
  • Wed like soft lighting and soft shadows but the
    fixed function pipeline wont let us have our
    way. Plus, real lighting is slow once we involve
    multiple lights.
  • Hmm
  • Most of our world geometry is static
  • We can blend multiple textures together in
    multiple passes (multitexturing)
  • Radiosity is good at diffuse
  • Radiosity is view independent

Light Mapping
  • Lets precompute the global illumination (sans
    specular) using radiosity, store it in a light
    map, and blend that with the detail texture
  • Thats the gist of it. Implementing it can be
  • Dont need to use radiosity either
  • Fun Fact id software used tohave a SGI Origin
    2000 (16 x 180mhz, 1.2GB RAM) to crunch maps.
    They sold it on ebay in 2000.
  • Note probably should be called dark mapping

  • No Light Mapping
  • Quake 3 Arena

  • Light Mapping!
  • Quake 3 Arena

  • Low-Poly Modeling
  • Trying to make effective, complex models that a
    game engine can handle is extremely difficult
  • For the longest time games were just forced to
    have blocky looking models
  • Thanks to normal mapping, now we can make really
    low poly models look incredibly complex

Low-Poly Modeling
  • This requires that the artist make a normal map
  • She can draw the normal map manually
  • Or create two versions of the model, one complex
    and one simplified, and use an automated tool to
    generate the normal map that represents the
    differences of the two models

  • Keyframed Animation
  • Same idea as keyframes in traditional animation
  • A keyframe represents position and orientation at
    a point in time
  • Break the model into chunks (head, torso, etc.)
    and each chunk has vectors/matrices associated
    with it
  • Keyframes specify the values of those matrices at
    specific points in time and their geometry
  • Interpolate position and rotation (quaternions
    again) between those time periods.
  • Quake 3 is keyframed and uses 15 keyframes/sec
  • Uses a lot of memory because you need to store
    the geometry at each keyframe, but keyframing is

  • Skeletal Animation
  • The model has a skeleton and the skeleton is
    animated, not the model
  • Every vertex on the skin is connected to a bone
    so when the bone moves so does the skin. This is
    done with hierarchy and matrix transforms (sound
  • This involves transforming vertices so we can do
    this in a vertex shader (blend registers)
  • Skeleton allows for realistic physics simulation
    on the model
  • Keyframing is almost dead. Doom III, Half-Life 2,
    and other new games all use skeletal animation.
  • The memory cost of keyframing was so high that
    Quake 3 was almost changed to skeletal animation
    at the last minute
  • Related facial animation

  • Motion Capture
  • Elegant hack
  • If youve seen decent human animation in a game,
    its mocap. Video games are the biggest market
    for motion capture and now the movie industry is
    getting into it.
  • Motion capture actor is actually a legitimate
    profession now
  • Tom Hanks, that guy who did Gollum in LOTR
  • Note Former MLB pitcher
  • John Rocker

  • Material Libraries
  • Technical Directors and Artists at a game company
    now have the luxury of creating material
    libraries whole sets of shaders and associated
    texture maps that can be used to enrich in-game
  • 3D movie production, especially at places like
    Pixar, always work with material libraries,
    allowing people to focus solely on shader
  • This frees the 3D and 2D artists to focus on art,
    not technology

  • Doom III

  • Halo 2

  • Black and White 2
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