Hoodia Case Study - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Hoodia Case Study


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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Hoodia Case Study

Hoodia Case Study
  • Rachel Wynberg
  • Environmental Evaluation Unit,
  • University of Cape Town

Photo Rachel Wynberg
  • Appetite suppressant based on TK of indigenous
    peoples of southern Africa
  • Active constituents patented by CSIR
  • Patents and commercial development without
    knowledge or PIC of San
  • Agreement between CSIR-San

The late Vetman Piet eating Hoodia in the
Kalahari. Photo Rachel Wynberg
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The Negotiating Process
Photo Rachel Wynberg
Two forms of commercial development
  • CSIR license agreement with Phytopharm - in
    turn have agreement with consumer giant Unilever.
  • - Product will be incorporated into functional
    food for mass consumer market. Unilever sole
  • - Based on patent
  • - Clinical trials, stringent safety tests (Euro
    4 million), FDA and EU compliant
  • - Working on Hoodia extract and product will be
    clinically active
  • - All supply from cultivated source
  • - Entire value chain

Two forms of commercial development
  • Wide (and wild!) trade as a commodity dried,
    ground, exported
  • - Manufactured as extracts, pills, juice, diet
    bars, diet drinks
  • - Wild harvested but will move towards
  • - Negative impacts on the resource 500-600T
    traded 2006 alone! Unsustainable!
  • - Cowboy industry 100s of dealers,
    unsubstantiated claims, some is legally acquired
    but much isnt, a lot of material is not Hoodia
  • - Quality issue here is to ensure it is Hoodia
    not sawdust but not looking for actives
  • - Value chain highly fragmented

(No Transcript)
Photo Rachel Wynberg
Also two forms of benefit-sharing agreement 1.
  • Parties are the South African San Council and
    the CSIR (CSIR would only negotiate with a
    legally constituted SA entity)
  • San are to receive 6 of all royalties received
    by CSIR and 8 of milestone income
  • Monies payable into Trust set up by CSIR and SA
    San Council but including regional
    representatives. No individual benefits.US80,000
    to date. Much more expected!
  • IPR remains exclusively with CSIR. San has no
    right to claim co-ownership.
  • San prohibited from entering agreement with any
    third party to commercialise Hoodia

Photo Rachel Wynberg
2. Southern African Hoodia Growers Association
  • SAHGA a voluntary group of Hoodia growers
    wanting to promote best practice in the local
    industry quality, traceability, fair trade,
    benefit sharing, conservation.
  • WIMSA represents San Councils in SA, Namibia,
    Botswana (not yet established)
  • MOU with provincial permitting authorities
  • Acting in anticipation of the coming into
    effect of Ch 6 of the Biodiversity Act through
    promulgation of ABS regulations
  • Developing a label for traceability. Want to
    promote recognition of its legitimacy. For food
    market and dietary supplements.
  • San levy of R24/ dry kg

Photo Rachel Wynberg
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Photo Rachel Wynberg
Legal Context
  • Biodiversity Act (2004) but needs regulations to
    be effected
  • IKS policy (2005)
  • Patent Amendment Act requiring disclosure of
    origin (2006)
  • Draft ABS regulations gazetted for comment 16
    March 07. Three types of permits research
    involving IK (province), bioprospecting (DEAT),
    export (provinces, DEAT)
  • Threatened and protected species regulations will
    come into effect 1 June 07 Hoodia listed as a
    protected species and will come under national
    control. Is also CITES Appendix II. Three permits
    required to grow Hoodia registration, nursery,

ABS Regulations
  • Regulate
  • - bioprospecting of indigenous biological
    resources and
  • - the export of indigenous biological resources
    for bioprospecting or any other kind of
  • Recognise two phases to a bioprospecting project
  • - the discovery phase (commercial application
    unknown or unclear) and
  • - the commercialisation phase.
  • Govern
  • - the commercialisation phase
  • - the discovery phase of bioprospecting projects
    where the project makes use of an indigenous
    communitys traditional use or knowledge of the
  • - export
  • Three types of permits
  • - research permits, where TK is used (require
  • bioprospecting permits (require MTA and BSA)
  • export permits.

The distribution of Hoodia spp. and occurrence of
the San in southern Africa (Wynberg, 2006).
Hoodia distribution is compiled from data
provided by PRECIS. San data is obtained from
Suzman (2001) http//www.san.org.za and R.
Chennells, SASI, pers. comm.
Key Issues
  • Regional collaboration and benefit sharing (SA is
    currently primary beneficiary and Namibia is
    developing alternative strategies different
    capacities and interests CITES requires coherent
    approach illegal trade through SA Devils Claw
    Regional Working Group expanded to include
  • Other knowledge holders?
  • Streamlining permitting systems CITES, ABS,
  • Distinguishing between quality / traceability
    issues and those of labelling for fair trade and
    benefit sharing. Safety and efficacy are central.
    Traceability critical when products change form.

Key Issues
  • Can biotrade and GR trade be differentiated? Case
    demonstrates grey area. Unregulated biotrade may
    however jeopardise Unilever initiative.
  • What happens when resource is not what is
    claimed? (50 Hoodia products tested in States
    none with Hoodia. Most traders dealing with many
  • Growing concern of Hoodia outside region was
    material legally acquired?
  • Ensuring industry collaboration on the Hoodia
    trade local industry plus support from buying
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