Title: neutrino puzzles
1neutrino puzzles
- Ulrich Heintz
- Boston University
- http//physics.bu.edu/quarknet/2002/neutrinos.ppt
- the neutrino
- atmospheric neutrinos
- solar neutrinos
- accelerator neutrinos
- does it make sense?
3the neutrino in the standard model
The Standard Model
e ?e u d
0.511 MeV 0 a few MeV a few MeV
? ?? c s
106 MeV 0 1100 MeV 150 MeV
? ?? t b
1.8 GeV 0 175 GeV 4.2 GeV
spin ½ (fermions)
4neutrino properties
- how do we detect neutrinos?
- no charge, no color
- neutrinos interact only by the weak force
- can penetrate entire earth without interacting
- need lots of neutrinos and big detectors
- limits on the neutrino masses
- mass of ?e lt 3 eV (? decay of 3H)
- mass of ?? lt 0.19 MeV (?!???)
- mass of ?? lt 18 MeV (?- ! ?- ?- ? ??)
5origin of atmospheric neutrinos
- cosmic rays
- interact in upper atmosphere
- ??? decay
- ??e decay
- expect two ?? per ?e
- energy ¼ 1 GeV
6neutrino detection
- neutrino interaction with matter
- electron neutrinos (?e) produce electrons (e)
- muon neutrinos (??) produce muons (?)
- tau neutrinos (??) produce taus (?)
7water Cerenkov detector
8Super Kamiokande
50 ktons H2O
inner detector 11146 20 tubes
41 m
outer detector 1867 8 tubes
1 km
39 m
3 km
2 km
9Super Kamiokande
10?e in SuperK
11?? in SuperK
12whats this?
13?e and ?? flux versus zenith angle
14neutrino oscillations
mass difference
strength of mixing
distance travelled
15neutrino oscillations
- p 400 MeV
- range of momenta centered on 400 MeV
p(?? ! ?e)
distance traveled (m)
16atmospheric neutrinos
- what does this mean?
- ?? disappear
- ????e
- would see e
- ?????
- ? is hard to see
- ?? from top
- no oscillations
- ?? from bottom
- oscillations
- limit parameters
17?e and ?? flux versus zenith angle
18neutrino mixing parameters
- maximal mixing
- sin22? ¼ 1
- small ?m2
- ?m2 ¼ 10-3 eV2
- to check Super-K results
- shoot ?? beam from KEK to Kamiokande (K2K)
- ?? energy ¼ 1.3 GeV
- count ?? events at Super-K
- if there are oscillations expect a deficit of
??s (disappearance) - not enough energy to make ?s (appearance)
20how to make a neutrino beam?
22do they oscillate?
- ? beam events at Super-K
- observe 56
- expect 80
- probability for this without oscillations ¼ 1
23Super-K accident
- on November 12, 2001
- 6779 of 11146 inner tubes collapsed
- rebuild with 47 of tubes by fall 2002
- complete rebuild after that
24solar neutrinos
25reactions in the sun
26standard solar model
27solar neutrino experiments
- ?e 71Ga?71Gee ? flux 0.558 SSM
- Homestake
- ?e37Cl?37Are- ? flux 0.33 SSM
- Super-K
- ?x e- ??x e- ? flux 0.46 SSM
28solar neutrino in Super-K
29the solar neutrino puzzle
30Sudbury Neutrino Observatory
- Creighton Mine, Sudbury, Ontario
- 1000 tonnes D2O in 12 m diameter acrylic vessel
- 9500 PMTs in 17 m diameter support
- 7000 tonnes H2O
- Surrounded by norite rock
31Sudbury Neutrino Observatory
32neutrino reactions in SNO
- charged current
- neutral current
- elastic scattering
electron neutrinos only
all neutrinos
mostly electron neutrinos
33observed neutrino flux
34observed neutrino flux
35neutrino oscillation parameters
- maximal mixing
- sin22? ¼ 1
- small ?m2
- ?m2 lt 10-4 eV2
36accelerator neutrinos
- LSND (Los Alamos)
- ? ?? ??
- ? ?e ?e ??
- observe ?e
- oscillations from ??
- Karmen (Rutherford Lab)
- no oscillation signal
- Miniboone (Fermilab)
- starts 2002
- will resolve issue
37does it make sense?
- three oscillation signals
- atmospheric neutrinos ? ? m2 ¼ 10-3 eV2
- solar neutrinos ? ? m2 ¼ 10-4 eV2
- accelerator neutrinos ? ? m2 ¼ 0.1 eV2
- incompatible with three neutrinos
- one of the experiments is wrong
- there is a 4th neutrino
- strong evidence for neutrino oscillations
- from atmospheric neutrinos (????? ?)
- from solar neutrinos (?e??? or ?? ?)
- at least one neutrino must have mass
- accelerator neutrino oscillation signal
- mildly inconsistent experiments
- not compatible with these and three neutrinos
- is there a 4th (sterile) neutrino?