Title: Preliminary Tatiana data
1The new information about UV radiation of the
Earth's atmosphere according to the
Universitetskij-Tatiana-2 data
D.V.Skobeltsyn Institute of Nuclear Physics,
Moscow State University, Vorobjevy Gory 1,
Moscow 119992, Russia.
- Simulataneous research of the transient events by
means of optic and charged particles detectors. - The studies of the connections between the
transient events and the processes in the
near-Earth space and atmospheric processes in the
electrically-active zones of the Earth.
- Detectors onboard Tatiana-2
satellite - Charged particles detector with total area of 400
cm2 (FZK) - UV (300-400 nm) and red (600-700 nm) radiation
detector (DUFIK)
3Carrier rocket Soyuz-2
Upper-stage rocket Fregat Operating orbit
Polar Sun synchronous Altitude
800 850km Inclination 98.80
Mass 100kg Power 100W
Contribution from
- EWHA Woman's University, Seoul, Korea
- University of Puebla (BUAP), Puebla, Mexico.
4Tatiana-2 launching 17.09.2009
5Tatiana-2 satellite's orbit
6DUFIK and FZK detectors' block diagram
- Digital oscilloscope
- Oscillogram width 128 ??
- Integral action time for trigger output 1 ms
- Fixation of the most powerful event during the
minute - Automatic arrangement of photomultiplier
amplification - High voltage changes depending on UV background
7Research of the Transient Luminous Events (TLE)
blue jets, sprites, gigantic jets, elves.
8UV flashes registration examples
9Geographical distribution of the flashes measured
by Tatiana-2 detector in October-November 2009
10One day transient flashes distribution on the
Global clouds map 16 of November 2009
11Typical distribution of the lightnings above the
clouds during the hours of the maximum
thunderstorm activitey (by http//wwlln.net)
12Oscillogram example. Simultaneous measurements of
ultraviolet, infrared and charged particles
13Town UV light at night measured by Tatyana-2
14Global charged particles distribution measured by
Tatyana-2 November 2009
15UV flashes global distribution on the map of
total column water vapor
16- Conclusion
- The global distribution of the transient flashes
(over 1000 events) is obtained - Portion of flashes is observed in the cloudless
regions - It is proved that the transient discharges are
produced not only by lightnings as it was
considered by now but also by other reasons which
are still unknown - The flashes are not detected by the Global
network of lightning registration by means of
radio signals within the range of ultra-long
waves. It indicates that the flashes are located
higher than the lower boundary of the ionosphere. - The flashes are not observed above Sahara desert.
Probably, it indicates the important role of the
water vapor in the production of the Earth's
electric field not only in the troposphere, but
also in the ionosphere. - Data processing is in progress.