Title: Oscillators: Analysis and Designs
1Oscillators Analysis and Designs
- Asst. Prof. Dr. Pipat Prommee
- Telecommunications Engineering Department
- Homepage www.telecom.kmitl.ac.th/pipat
- Emailpipat_at_telecom.kmitl.ac.th
2Sinusoidal Oscillator Principle
3Unstable Network Functions
4Unstable Network Functions
5Sinusoidal Oscillator Principle
No Input condition
62nd Order Polynomial-Based Oscillator
73rd Order Polynomial-Based Oscillator
8N - orders Cascaded Approach
For Example n 3
9Oscillators Designs
- Asst. Prof. Dr. Pipat Prommee
10Example 1 Wein-Bridge Oscillator
Suppose k3, the frequency is obtained
11Example 2 Phase-Shift Oscillator
Suppose k-29, the Freq. is obtained
12Voltage-mode Lossy and Lossless Integrators
Lossy Integrators
Lossless Integrators
13Quadrature Oscillator
143rd Order Filter 1
3rd Order filter based on Lossy and Lossless
15Principle of 3rd Order Oscillator 1 2
16OTA-based 3rd filter 1
17OTA-based 3rd Oscillator 1
183rd Order Filter 2
193rd Order Oscillator 2 2
20Voltage Proportional
21OTA-based 3rd Order filter 2
22OTA-based 3rd Order Oscillator 2
23OTA-based 3rd Order Oscillator 2
24CMOS based 3rd Order Oscillator 1
25Quarature Output of 1st order Oscillator
26Frequency against biased current and different C
of 1st Oscillator
27CMOS based 3rd Order Oscillator 2
28Quarature Output Signal of 2nd order Oscillator
29Frequency against biased current and different C
of 2nd Oscillator
30Current-mode Integrator based on OTA
Lossy Integrators
Lossless Integrators
32Current-mode OTA Oscillator 1 4
33Current-mode OTA Oscillator 2 4
34Current-mode OTA Oscillator Output 4
35Current Controlled Current Conveyor (CCCII) 7
36OTA against CCCII
37Current-mode Oscillator based on CCII 3
38Oscillator outputs
39CCCII-based differentiator and Integrator
Lossy Differentator
Lossy Integrator
40N-order (odd) Oscillators 1
41N-order (Even) Oscillators 1
42Oscillation Output
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