Title: RHIC Detector Upgrades
1RHIC Detector Upgrades Science, Scope, Strategy
T. Ludlam New Frontiers at RHIC Oct. 30, 2005
2The RHIC Detectors
3RHIC polarized proton accelerator complex
RHIC pC Polarimeters
Absolute Polarimeter (H? jet)
Siberian Snakes
Siberian Snakes
Spin Rotators (longitudinal polarization)
Spin flipper
Spin Rotators (longitudinal polarization)
Solenoid Partial Siberian Snake
Pol. H- Source
Helical Partial Siberian Snake
200 MeV Polarimeter
AGS Internal Polarimeter
Rf Dipole
AGS pC Polarimeters
Strong Helical AGS Snake
4Summary of RHIC Runs 1-5
Note delivered Lum. is summed over all expts.
Delivered Luminosity Physics Weeks
5Major Achievements with RHIC 2001 - present
- Four experiments BRAHMS, PHENIX, PHOBOS, STAR
- Complementarity and concordance among their
results is a hallmark of the program - Tremendous scientific impact
- Hundreds of publications thousands of
citations - 3- year retrospective white papers published
by each of the 4 experiments - Major discoveries have changed the view of high
energy nuclear physics - Jet Quenching
- Gluon saturation/Color Glass Indications
- Near-Perfect-Liquid behavior
- Significant experimental advances
- Hard Scattering
Auto-generated probes - Fully calibrated comparison data
- p-p, d-Au, Au-Au under identical conditions
- First high energy polarized proton collider
6The Big Questions
QCD at High Temperature and Density What are the
properties of quark-gluon matter above TC? Is
chiral symmetry restored? Viscosity?
Conductivity? What is the physics of superdense,
strongly-interacting matter? QCD at High Energy
and low x Is the initial state a Color Glass
Condensate? What is the physics of strong color
fields? QCD and the structure of hadrons What
is the origin of nucleon spin?
RHIC II Science Working Groups www.bnl.gov/physic
s/rhicIIscience RHIC II Science Workshop Nov.
7Where do We Go from Here
Key Measurements Hard Probes created early in
the collision and propagate through the medium.
Their interactions with the medium help
characterize its properties High Pt particles and
jet fragmentation Heavy quarkonia (J/?, ?, ?c
and Upsilon (1s, 2s, 3s) Open charm and
bottom Electromagnetic Probes direct
information from the medium Low-mass ee- pairs
and Thermal radiation Polarized proton
collisions W-production at s1/2 500 GeV for
sea quark flavor selection
Facility Operation Systematic species and energy
scans This has proved crucial! Balance of
Running RHIC and investing in upgrades
8Where Do We Stand Now?
Four Detectors Two Large
- Machine Goals for Next Few Years
- Enhanced Ion luminosity (112 bunches, b 1m)
2x achieved - Au Au 8 ? 1026 cm-2 s-1 (100 GeV/nucleon)
- For protons 2 ? 1011 protons/bunch (no IBS)
6x achieved 150 ? 1030 cm-2 s-1 70
polarization (250 GeV)
EBIS Construction funded in FY 2006. Operational
in 2010
Significant funding from NASA
Short-term detector upgrades underway
Spin Program poised for definitive measurements
9RHIC II Luminosity Upgrade with Electron Cooling
- Gold collisions (100 GeV/n x 100 GeV/n) w/o
e-cooling with e-cooling - Ave. store luminosity 1026 cm-2 s-1 8
70 - Pol. Proton Collision (250 GeV x 250 GeV)
- Ave. store luminosity 1032 cm-2 s-1 1.5
RD in Progress proof-of-principle expected in
10A Long Term Strategic View
RHIC II Construction
Luminosity upgrade
Short term upgrades
eRHIC Constr.
Midterm Upgrades
E beam new detector
LHC Heavy Ion
11The Mid-Term Challenge
Extend the reach of the RHIC facility to address
key questions in the coming 5-6 years
Requires improved machine performance and
significant running time
Requires enhanced capability for PHENIX and STAR
Complement the early results from LHC Heavy Ion
Set the stage for RHIC II
12Major Physics Measurements Required Upgrades
Heavy Ion e-pair mass spectrum Hadron
Blind Dalitz pair rejection Open charm
measurements in AA High Resolution vertex
detection Charmonium Spectroscopy High
luminosity precision vertex, particle ID
Jet Tomography High luminosity High-rate DAQ
particle ID Monojet in d-Au particle
detection at forward rapidity
PM 2010
PM 2010
PM 2012
Spin Complete initial ?G/G measurement
No upgrades needed Transversity
measurement Forward particle measurement
W measurements at 500 GeV Forward
tracking/triggering in PHENIX and STAR
PM 2008
PM 2013
DOE performance milestones set by NSAC
13??? e e - po ?? ? e e -
combinatorial pairs
total background
S/B 1/500
1 m
Irreducible charm background
all signal
charm signal
- Low-Mass ee- Pairs
- A Hadron-Blind detector for PHENIX
Engineering run FY 06 Operational FY 07
14Flavor tagging at large PT MRPC Time of Flight
Barrel in STAR
23,000 channels covering TPC Barrel Calorimeter
Construction FY 06 FY 08
Significant contribution from China
15Precision Vertex Detectors Direct Observation of
Charm and Beauty
STAR Heavy Flavor Tracker 2 layers CMOS Active
Pixel sensors
PHENIX VTX Barrel 4 layers, Si pixels and strips
End Caps 4 layers Si mini-strips
Significant funding from Japan
16Low-x Physics Color Glass gluon density Forward
Upgrades .001 lt x lt 0.1 in Au-Au,
PHENIX Nose Cone Calorimeter
STAR Forward Meson Spectrometer
17W Physics Upgrades
STAR Forward Tracking Upgrade
PHENIX Muon Trigger
GEM layer on endcap
Resistive Plate Chambers
Funded by NSF
18A timeline for physics operation, detector
upgrades, machine evolution
FY 2006 FY 2007 FY 2008 FY 2009 FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2012
High statistics Au Au 500 GeV Spin Runs
pp 200 Ion Run?
Ion scan pp 200
d-Au 200 pp 200/500
Short-term upgrades HBD, TOF, DAQ, FMS,
Muon Trigger
Mid-Term Upgrades Vtx detectors, NCC, forward
RHIC II Construction
Machine and detector RD continued luminosity
LHC Heavy Ion Program
19RHIC Mid-Term Strategic Plan
FY 2006 FY 2007 FY 2008 FY 2009 FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2013
Nose Cone Calorimeter
Mu Trigger
STAR forward tracking
Hi Rate
DAQ 1000
e-pair spectrum
Jet Tomography
Open Charm
Heavy Ion Luminosity
Transversity and P-V W prod.
CD-1 CD-2 CD-3
20Will there be a major New Detector for RHIC II?
This is not part of the mid-term plan
- Plans are afoot for a dedicated new detector for
eRHIC - It is very possible, even likely, that the QCD
Lab will require a new detector to exploit HI
collisions in the eRHIC era.
21The Long Term Vision RHIC as a QCD Laboratory
eRHIC DIS at collider energies e-A at 63
GeV/u Polarized e-p at 100 GeV L 1033 cm-2
sec-1 RHIC Spin Strongly interacting
probes A-A QGP physics at RHIC II luminosities
22Realizing the Vision Mid Term View
Phased implementation of key upgrades for PHENIX
and STAR, plus EBIS, over the next 5-6 years.
Annual data runs during this period will exploit
these upgrades for critical advances in the Heavy
Ion and Spin physics programs Along with
continued improvements in machine performance.
With the help of funding and collaborative
resources outside of DOE, this strategy appears
possible within a constant effort budget
scenario based on FY 05 levels.
Two large detectors well equipped for RHIC II
Fast-track RHIC II luminosity upgrade (e-cooling)
along technically-driven schedule
Success will require a concerted effort to define
and focus the science objectives