Title: Data analysis of April'2002 SVD-2 run. Pentaquark searches
1- Data analysis of April'2002 SVD-2 run.
Pentaquark searches - Detection capabilities
- Charmed mesons
- Pentaquark searches
- A.Kubarovsky, V.Popov, V.Volkov
- SINP MSU Moscow
Talk at VHMP 2004, Dubna, Russia 16-17 April 2005
2- 53,000,000 events collected
- 7 are beam only/non-useable
- Basic way of pre-analysis
- Finding a primary vertex
- Search for a secondary one(s) within different
regions and with different detectors/methods to
use/CPU time to be consumed ? - Average CPU time per event up to 7 PIII-1000
seconds - Facilities SINP and SRCC MSU old clusters.
Region II (5-60 cm)
Region I(1-35 mm)
4Primary vertex Z-coordinate in SVD-2 active target
Si 300?m Pb 220 ?m ? 500 ?m
SVD-2 data analysis
sz 70130µm, sx,y 710µm
5K0s and ?0 effective masses
- K0s M 497.61 0.09 (stat.), s4.4 MeV/c2
- ?0 M 1115.32 0.05 (stat.), s1.6 MeV/c2
6- Reconstruction of V0s with the spectrometer
(distant ones) - K0 s5.8 MeV/c2
- ?0 s3.0 MeV/c2
7- The well-known resonances of the same topology as
? - Arrows correspond exactly to the PDG data
8(No Transcript)
9Near-threshold D0 production
- Search for the D0? Kp- decays
- Different reconstruction methods used (not
cross-checked yet) - 24 events over background of 12
10A start of pentaquark history
- An idea of five-quark states was discussed since
late 60s (Jaffe, Lipkin, Strotteman, ) - First estimates in the Skyrme model (Chemtob,
Praszalowicz, Walliser) 1985... - There were no conclusive results from
experimental searches - The general prejudice against baryons not
made of three quarks and the lack of any
experimental activity in this area make it likely
that it will be another 15 years before the issue
is decided. (PDG, 1986)
11PDG in Particle listings under revision
12In the 2003 fall...
- uudds quark content
- Predicted by Diakonov,Petrov and Polyakov Z.Phys
A 359, 305(1997) - Supposed to be of 1530 MeV/c2 mass, width lt15
MeV/c2 and to decay into nK or pK0 - Observed by several experiments
(LEPS,DIANA,CLAS,) in both decay modes - The pK0 mode can be searched for by SVD-2good
resolution for K0s and proton identification
13Experiments zoo
14PENTA-I Data sample
- 35,000 events sample for D-meson searches was
used - Primary selection mainly based on the presence of
well-defined secondary vertices in the
close-to-target region - Secondary tracks are measured by vertex detector
- Allowed decay length is 135 mm (av. 20 mm),
means that only 10 of K0s to be reconstructed
15Penta-IEvents selection
- 5 charged tracks from primary vertex to reduce
combinatorial background - K0s selection
- 2 oppositely charged tracks from secondary vertex
- 490 Mpp 505 MeV/c2
- Mpp 1120 MeV/c2 (? not ?0)
- Proton selection
- Positive track from primary vertex
- Momentum of 421 GeV/c
- Absence of a Cerenkov detector hit
16Penta I pK0s spectrum analysis
- Cut applied pK0s system goes forward in
center-of-mass system - Narrow peak at 1526 MeV/c2 is observed
- FRITIOF simulated background fails to reproduce
the real shape - Peaks in higher mass region can be attribu-ted to
S bumps
17Penta I Cut applied PpgtPK0 to eliminate bumps
(cf. B.Levchenko, arXivhep-ph/0401122)
- Background can be described in different ways
- FRITIOF simulations
- Plain polynom fitting
- Random-star (not shown)
- All three give the shape compatible to the
experimental one
18Penta I Pentaquark parameters at SVD-2
- Number of events within a peak 50 over
background of 78, gives a significance of 5.6 s - Mass 1526 3(stat.) 3(syst.) MeV/c2
- Width G lt 24 MeV/c2 (below experimental
resolution) - Strangeness could not be defined directly, but
there are no reported S -1 states in this mass
We interpret this state as T pentaquark
19Penta I Cross section and A-dependence
- We estimate the total cross-section of pA?T X
as30120 µb/nucleon - We fail to find the difference in A-dependence
of T events from that of total for inelastic
events (A0.7)
The ratio of T peak events to the total of K0
events for different target materials
20Theta masses from different experiments
- Certain mass shift can be observed between the
Kn and K0p modes
21Penta I second analysis
- To be checked
- Possibly could result in a much more narrow peak
22Penta II event selection
- Distant K0 used
- Cuts applied
- Number of primary charged tracks 4 to 6
- Proton candidate momentum 9 Pp 15 GeV/c
- No Cerenkov detector hit for a proton
- A total of 9,000 events selected
23Penta II results
- Peak is well pronounced (6 s)
- No significant change in the effective mass
- Cross-section and systematic errors are yet to be
24Hadron nicknames
Meson quark-antiquark
Baryon three quarks
Pentaquark 4 quarks 1 antiquark Exotic if
antiquark is of the different flavour
25Anti-decuplet of q4q-bar states
- DPP model modified
- (DP hep-ph/0310212)
(1530) G lt 15 MeV
M1862 G 5 GQ
26H1 charmed pentaquark?
- M 3099 3 5 MeV
- Minimal quark content uuddc
- To be confirmed!
27Exclusive reaction searches
LEPS ?n ? KK-n
CLAS ?d ? KK-pn
28Pentaquark observations
A table from E.Klempt, hep-ph/0404270
29Current status
- New analysis software is able to process
distant V0s - K0 - 10 times more statistics (for T analysis
and charm searches) - ? up to 100 times more statistics, allowing ?
- decays reconstruction to search for ? 3/2
pentaquark claimed by NA49 - Better kinematical fitting for secondaries to
improve effective mass resolution
The end
30Theta mass with another set of cuts applied
18 MeV/c2
31Pentaquark II (distant K0)
- M1524 2.3 MeV/c2
- s 12.0 2.3 MeV/c2
- Nevents 187
- Significance 5.9 s
- No significant mass difference from the previous