Robyn Korn, MBA, RHIA, CPHQ - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Robyn Korn, MBA, RHIA, CPHQ


Medical Coding I Week 5 Respiratory, Cardiovascular and Heme/Lymphatic Systems ROBYN KORN, MBA, RHIA, CPHQ * Case 3 Cardiovascular Pre- and postperative diagnosis ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Robyn Korn, MBA, RHIA, CPHQ

Medical Coding I Week 5Respiratory,
Cardiovascular and Heme/Lymphatic Systems
  • Robyn Korn, MBA, RHIA, CPHQ

Respiratory - Nose
  • Incision
  • Excision
  • Introduction only 3 codes
  • Removal of foreign body
  • Repair mainly cosmetic noncosmetic procedures
    need operative report to support procedure
  • Destruction
  • Other procedures

Respiratory Accessory Sinuses
  • Frontal
  • Ethmoid
  • Sphenoid
  • Maxillary

Respiratory Accessory Sinuses
  • Incision- identify sinus and procedure
  • Excision ethmoid and maxillary only
  • Endoscopy unilateral modifier 50 used is
  • Other procedures

Respiratory - endoscopy
  • Diagnostic inspection of the entire nasal
  • Is included with surgical endoscopy
  • Surgical nasal endoscopy used to complete
    surgical procedure
  • Also includes sinusotomy if preformed

Respiratory - Larynx
  • Excision
  • Introduction
  • Endoscopy direct and indirect type of scope
    and reason
  • Repair reference repair, or larynx or
  • Destruction only one code 31595
  • Other procedures

Respiratory Trachea and Bronchi
  • Incision planned, or emergency or fenestration
  • Endoscopy no difference between rigid or
    flexible scopes fluoroscopic guidance is
  • Introduction catheterization and contrast
  • Repair site, type, reason, revision of
    tracheostomy scar
  • Excision
  • Other procedures

Respiratory - Bronchoscopy
  • Codes are differentiated by
  • With or without cell washing
  • Brushing or protected brushings
  • Bronchial alveolar lavage
  • With biopsy
  • Dilation
  • Placement of stents
  • Excision or destruction of tumors
  • Placement of catheters
  • Therapeutic aspiration
  • Injection of contrast material

Respiratory Lungs and Pleura
  • Incision
  • Excision
  • Endoscopy
  • Repair 4 codes
  • Lung transplantation
  • Surgical collapse therapy thoracoplasty
  • Other procedures

Respiratory - Endoscopy
  • Diagnostic differentiated by
  • Site
  • Biopsy or no biopsy
  • Surgical differentiated by
  • Type of procedure performed via the scope
  • Reference thoracoscopy, surgical, then type of

Respiratory - Transplant
  • Three distinct components
  • Removal of lung or lungs from cadaver
  • Backbench work
  • Transplant of lung into the recipient

Case 1 - Respiratory
  • Preoperative Diagnosis Mass on larynx
  • Postoperative Diagnosis Pending pathology report
  • Procedure Laryngoscopy
  • The patient was prepped and draped in the usual
    fashion and placed in the supine position. The
    operating table was turned to 90 degrees, and a
    donut headrest was used for stabilization.
    Mirrors were placed for indirect visualization. A
    laryngoscope was inserted and suspended for
    visualization. The larynx and the surrounding
    area were inspected, and a biopsy of the larynx
    was taken. Hemostasis was verifi ed, and the
    scope was extracted. The patient tolerated the
  • procedure and was sent to the recovery room.
  • CPT code(s) _____________________________

Respiratory Case 1 Answer
  • Case 131510
  • Rationale The laryngoscope was used to visualize
    the larynx. In addition, a biopsy of the larynx
    was taken. Reference the main term Larynx in the
    Index with the subterm biopsy.

Case 2 - Respiratory
  • Preoperative Diagnosis Foreign body in bronchus
  • Postoperative Diagnosis Foreign body in bronchus
  • Procedure Removal of foreign body in the
    bronchus of the left lung via scope
  • The patient was consciously sedated, and a
    bronchoscope was introduced into the left nasal
    passage. There were no abnormal structures noted
    as the scope was placed into the left bronchial
    tree. In the left bronchial tree, there was a
    foreign body, and the bronchial tree appeared
    slightly inflamed. The foreign body was removed
    and sent to pathology for inspection. The scope
    was removed, and the patient tolerated the
    procedure and was sent to recovery in stable
  • CPT code(s) _________________________________

Respiratory Case 2 Answer
  • Case 231635
  • Rationale Reference the main term Bronchi with
    the subterm endoscopy. Foreign body removal is
    located under Endoscopy.

Case 3 - Respiratory
  • This 32-year-old female was brought to the
    emergency department by her sister with right
    side chest pain. Patient states pain is between 9
    and 10 on the pain scale. She is having shortness
    of breath for the last four hours. She was fine
    yesterday except for a little fatigue. The pain
    started when she woke up this morning. A chest
    x-ray showed some pleural effusion at the left
    base. At this time it was determined that a
    pneumocentesis is necessary to aspirate the fluid
    and make the patient more comfortable. This
    procedure was performed, and the patient is
    resting and much more comfortable. The patient
    states that the pain is now at a 4 out of 10.
  • CPT code(s) ____________________________

Respiratory Case 3 Answer
  • Case 332420
  • Rationale Reference Pneumocentesis in the Index.

Case 4 - Respiratory
  • This 24-year-old patient was brought to the
    emergency room with difficulty breathing after
    being stung by a bee. The patient is experiencing
    a severe reaction to the bee sting. She was able
    to administer the EpiPen but she is still in need
    of breathing assistance. An emergency
    tracheostomy was performed, after which the
    patient was resting comfortably.
  • CPT code(s) _________________________

Respiratory Case 4 Answer
  • Case 431603
  • Rationale Reference Tracheostomy in the Index,
    then the subterm emergency, which gives you a
    code range to reference.

Case 5 - Respiratory
  • Preoperative Diagnosis Small unidentified mass
    in the right lung
  • Postoperative Diagnosis Same
  • Procedure Bronchoscopy with biopsy with washings
  • Conscious sedation of Fentanyl, 20 mcg, and 2 mg
    of Versed was administered to this patient.
    Bronchoscope was introduced through the left
    nostril and moved down past normal vocal cord
    structure and into the bronchial tree on the
    right side. There were no ulcerations of the
    mucosa. Fluoroscopic guidance allowed for the
    bronchoscope to move into the upper lobe of the
    right lung. Endobronchial biopsy of a small mass
    was noted, and washings and brushings were taken.
    The sample was sent for histology. The patient
    tolerated the procedure well.
  • CPT code(s) ________________________________

Respiratory Case 5 Answer
  • Case 531625, 31623
  • Rationale In the Index, reference Bronchoscopy,
    then biopsy. Code 31625 is used for biopsy of
    single or multiple sites with or without cell
    washing. Also add code 31623 for brushing.

Cardiovascular Procedures
  • Notation at beginning of section important to
  • Special rules for assigning pacemaker procedures
  • Note procedures completed with or without bypass

Cardiovascular Coronary Artery Bypass Grafts
  • Venous grafting only number of grafts
  • Combined arterial-venous correct number and who
    harvested the graft (modifier 80) and who
    performs the bypass (add-on codes)
  • Arterial grafting
  • Anomaly repair aorta, pulmonary artery, and or
    septal and ventricular defects
  • Reference name of procedure and then anomaly

Cardiovascular Heart/Lung Transplant
  • Cadaver donor cardiectomy with or without
  • Backbench work
  • Transplantation of heart with or without lung

Cardiovascular Arteries and Veins
  • Embolectomy/Thrombectomy select code by vessel
    and approach/method
  • Venous reconstruction type of reconstruction
    dictates codes
  • Transposition
  • Grafts
  • Anastomosis
  • Sutures

Cardiovascular - Aneurysm
  • READ notations detailed information is in code
    book regarding code assignments
  • Site of surgery is essential
  • Codes are differentiated by
  • Aneurysm and associated occlusive disease
  • Ruptured aneurysm
  • An aneurysm, pseudoaneurysm and associated
    occlusive disease

  • Fistula differentiated by site
  • Direct repair of blood vessel site
  • Repair of vessel with vein graft site
  • Repair of vessel with graft other than vein
  • Thromboendarterectomy artery on which procedure
    is completed
  • Angioscopy add on code with therapeutic
  • Transluminal angioplasty location and approach
  • Transluminal artherectomy location and approach
  • Bypass graft differentiated by vein used

Cardiovascular Vascular Injections
  • Selective catheter moves into one of the great
    vessels off the aorta
  • Movement from one vascular family is reported
  • Radiology services performed in conjunction with
    catheter movement is coded separately
  • Nonselective catheter is functioning and does
    not go into another vessel

Cardiovascular Arterial and Arteriovenous
  • Arterial punctures and catheterization
  • Hemodialysis access, cannulation, shunt
  • Numerous notations read carefully
  • Many are separate procedures and coded if no
    other procedure is completed
  • Transcatheter - Read notations
  • Endoscopy 2 codes
  • Ligation type of procedure and type

Case 1 Cardiovascular
  • Procedure Replacement of pacemaker generator
  • The patient was brought to the operating room and
    was prepped and draped in the usual fashion. The
    patient was consciously sedated. The previous
    subcutaneous right infraclavicular skin pocket
    was identified, and an incision was made in this
    area to remove the previously inserted generator.
    The atrial and ventricular leads were checked.
    Since the pocket was clean, it was determined
    that the same pocket could be used for the
    reinsertion of a new generator. A pulse
    generator was placed and tested. Noting no
    complications, the physician sutured the site.
    The patient was found to be in stable condition
    and was returned to the recovery room in
    satisfactory condition.
  • CPT code(s) _____________________________

Cardiovascular Case 1 Answer
  • Case 133213, 33233
  • Rationale Replacement of the pulse generator.
    The atrial and ventricular leads identify this as
    a dual chamber. Both the removal and replacement
    are coded.

Case 2 - Cardiovascular
  • Preoperative Diagnosis Leukemia, in remission
  • Postoperative Diagnosis Same
  • Procedure Tunneled venous access port removal
  • Reason for Procedure This eight-year-old male
    completed chemotherapy.
  • The patient was prepped and draped in the normal
    sterile fashion. His right side was anesthetized,
    and an incision was made above the port area. The
    port was a tunneled device with a subcutaneous
    port that was peripherally inserted. The incision
    was taken down to the device, which was freed.
    The retention sutures were identified and cut.
    After confirmation that the device was free, it
    was removed. Hemostasis was obtained, and the
    wound was closed in layers using 3-0 nylon. A
    sterile dressing was applied to the area. Patient
    vitals were taken, and the patient was noted to
    be stable. He was sent to the recovery room in
    stable condition.
  • CPT code(s) __________________________________

Cardiovascular Case 2 Answer
  • Case 236590
  • Rationale In this case, the use of the venous
    access device is the starting point for finding
    this code. The coder should reference Removal and
    subterm infusion pump, intravenous in the Index

Case 3 Cardiovascular
  • Pre- and postperative diagnosis Excessive fluid
    in pericardial sac
  • Procedure Initial removal of fluid from
    pericardial sac . After the patient was prepped
    and draped in the usual fashion, general
    anesthesia was administered. Using the sternum as
    an anatomical landmark, a long needle was placed
    below the sternum. The needle was advanced into
    the pericardial sac. Five cc of fluid were
    removed and sent to pathology for review. The
    patient was stable, and the wound was dressed.
    Patient was sent to the recovery area in
    satisfactory condition.
  • CPT code(s)

Case 3 Cardiovascular Answer
  • Case 333010
  • Rationale In the Index, reference the main term
    Pericardiocentesis. Code range 3301033011 is
    listed. Reference the code range in the main
    section of the CPT manual.

Case 4 Cardiovascular
  • Preoperative diagnosis Malignant carcinoma of
  • Postoperative diagnosis Same
  • This 39-year-old female presents today for
    insertion of catheter for central venous access
    for chemotherapy. The patient was placed in the
    supine position and sterile prep occurred.
    Lidocaine was injected into the right clavicular
    area. A needle was inserted into the right
    subclavain vein, and a J-wire was then passed
    into place. A tunnel was created from the area
    over the clavicle to the venotomy site, and a
    dilator was placed over the wire and then
    dilated. The catheter was then placed into the
    subclavian vein and secured. The area was
    flushed, and incisions were sutured. There was
    minimal blood loss, and the patient was stable
    and sent to the recovery area.
  • CPT code(s)

Case 4 Cardiovascular Answer
  • Case 436558
  • Rationale In the Index, reference the main term
    Insertion, then catheter, then venous. Review the
    range listed in the main section of the CPT

Case 5 Cardiovascular
  • Preoperative diagnosis Possible hemorrhage
  • Postoperative diagnosis Abdominal hemorrhage of
    previous operative area
  • This patient underwent abdominal surgery 36 hours
    ago. An exploration of the abdominal incision
    site is planned. After being placed under
    general anesthesia, the original abdominal
    incision site was reopened. A small bleeding site
    was noted, and electrocautery was used. The wound
    was closed. The patient tolerated the procedure
    and was sent to the recovery area.
  • CPT code(s)

Case 5 Cardiovascular Answer
  • Case 535840
  • Rationale In the Index, reference the main term
    Exploration, then blood vessel, then abdomen.

Hemic Lymphatic Systems
  • The hemic and lymphatic systems often are viewed
    as subsystems of the circulatory system.
  • The repair of a ruptured spleen is also known as
    a splenorrhaphy.
  • The spleen is located in the left upper quadrant
    of the abdomen, behind the stomach and just below
    the diaphragm.
  • The lymphatic channels, or vessels, transport
    fluid away from the tissues of the body and
    toward the thoracic cavity.

Hemic Lymphatic Systems
  • Lymph nodes, also known as lymph glands, are
    located at various areas along the lymphatic
  • In an autologous bone marrow transplant, cells
    are cultivated from the patient's own marrow.
  • In an allogenic bone marrow transplant, cells are
    taken from a donor and then transplanted.
  • There are four major concentrations of lymph
    nodes cervical lymph nodes, submandibular lymph
    nodes, axillary lymph nodes, and inguinal lymph

Lymphatic Case 1
  • Preoperative diagnosis Enlarged lymph node in
    left axillary area
  • Postoperative diagnosis Left axillary
  • Procedure Excision of one axillary lymph node
  • The patient was prepped and draped in the usual
    fashion and sedated via IV. The left axillary
    area was cleansed with Betadine, and 1 Xylocaine
    was injected. An incision was made through the
    skin, and the enlarged node was identified deep
    in the fascia. The surrounding vessels in the
    area were clamped, and the deep node was excised.
    The node, measuring 2.3 by 2.5 cm, was sent to
    pathology for further analysis. The subcutaneous
    tissue and skin were closed. There was minimal
    blood loss, and the patient tolerated the
    procedure in good condition and was sent to the
    recovery room.
  • CPT code(s)

Lymphatic Case 1 Answer
  • Case 138525-LT
  • Rationale In the Index, reference the main term
    Excision, then lymph nodes. Review the codes
    listed in the main section of the CPT manual, and
    select code 38525 because the documentation
    states that the excision occurred in the

Lymphatic Case 2
  • Preoperative diagnosis Pain over spleen after
    falling down stairs
  • Postoperative diagnosis Ruptured spleen
  • Indications for surgery This 78-year-old male
    fell while completing yard work. It is felt that
    his spleen was ruptured due to this injury.
  • Procedure This 78-year-old male was prepped and
    draped in the usual fashion. General
  • anesthesia was administered, and he was placed in
    the supine position. An incision was made
  • in the upper midline area. Retractors were then
    placed. The splenic ligaments and the gastric
  • veins were located and divided so that the left
    upper quadrant of the abdomen could be viewed.
  • The spleen was ruptured. The splenic hilum was
    dissected, and the splenic artery and vein were
  • identified and double ligated. They were then
    suture ligated and divided. Removal of the spleen
  • occurred, and hemostasis was achieved. A drain
    was placed, and the area was closed in layers.
  • There was minimal blood loss. The patients
    vitals were taken, and then he was sent to the
  • postop recovery room in stable condition.
  • CPT code(s)

Lymphatic Case 2 Answer
  • Case 238100
  • Rationale In the Index, reference the main term
    Spleen, then the subterm excision. Review the
    codes listed in the main section of the CPT

Lymphatic Case 3
  • Preoperative diagnosis Non-Hodgkins lymphoma
  • Postoperative diagnosis Non-Hodgkins lymphoma
  • Procedure Bone marrow biopsy and bone marrow
  • Indications for surgery Non-Hodgkins lymphoma
  • Procedure This 25-year-old male was placed in
    the prone position on the operating table.
    Posterior superior iliac spines were prepped and
    draped in the usual sterile fashion. 1 Lidocaine
    was administered to anesthetize the area. The
    needle was inserted into the left iliac spinal
    region, rotated to the right, then left, and
    removed. The needle was then inserted into the
    left iliac spinal region at a 45 degree angle,
    and the procedure was repeated. Bone marrow
    aspiration and biopsy were performed and sent for
    contingent flow and contingent cytogenetics. The
    patient tolerated the procedure well and will
    return for follow-up and results.
  • CPT code(s)

Lymphatic Case 3 Answer
  • Case 338221
  • Rationale In this case, the aspiration is part
    of obtaining the biopsy, so one code is used to
    reflect the biopsy. As the guidelines at the
    start of this section state, Each code may be
    reported only once per day regardless of the
    quantity of bone marrow/stem cells manipulated.
    In the Index, reference the main term Biopsy,
    then bone marrow.

Lymphatic Case 4
  • This 42-year-old female presents today with an
    abscess in the right inguinal area. The patient
    is not suffering from fever or chills but is in
    pain in this area from the abscess. The options
    were explained to the patient, and she decided to
    proceed with an incision and drainage of the
    lymph node. All risks and benefits were
    explained, after which the patient did sign the
    consent form for the procedure.
  • Procedure After the patient was made comfortable
    on the procedure table, the right inguinal area
    was prepped and draped in the usual sterile
    fashion. An incision was made over the abscess
    and carried down through until the lymph node was
    visualized. The lymph node was identified, and
    the syringe was inserted. At this time 6 cc of
    fluid was removed from the node and sent to
    pathology. Pressure was applied to the area until
    the bleeding stopped, and the area was closed
    with Steri-Strips. The patient tolerated the
    procedure well and will return in 10 days for
  • CPT code(s)

Lymphatic Case 4 Answer
  • Case 438300
  • Rationale In the case fluid was removed but the
    node itself was not. In the Index, reference the
    main term Lymph Node, then abscess, then incision
    and drainage.

Lymphatic Case 5
  • This 54-year-old male presents with an enlarged
    cervical lymph node that is deep within the fat
    pad. The node has been enlarged for the last 6
    months and has been painful. Various treatments
    occurred with no success.
  • Procedure The cervical area was anesthetized,
    and an incision was made to identify the node.
    The node was deep within the fat layer and
    enlarged. The node was excised with additional
    excision of the scalene fat pad. After bleeding
    was controlled, the area was sutured. The patient
    was sent to the recovery area in stable
  • CPT code(s)

Lymphatic Case 5 Answer
  • Case 538520
  • Rationale In the Index, reference the main term
    Excision, then lymph node. Review the codes
    listed in the main section of the CPT manual.

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