Part IV: CAPITAL BUDGETING - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Title: Techniques of Capital Budgeting Subject: Financial Management Author: S.B.Khatri Last modified by: sohan Created Date: 3/25/1995 9:49:46 AM Document ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes


  • 4.2. Estimation of Project Cash Flows

4.2.1 Project Cash Flows
  • The effect of taking a project is to change the
    firms overall cash flows today and in the
  • To evaluate a proposed investment, we must
    consider these changes in the firms cash flows
    and then decide whether or not, they add value to
    the firm.
  • The first and most important step, therefore is
    to decide

Relevant Cash Flows
  • The relevant cash flow for a project is a change
    in the firms overall future cash flow that comes
    about as a direct consequence of the decision to
    take that project.
  • Hence, the relevant cash flow is INCREMENTAL CASH
  • The incremental cash flows for project
    evaluation consists of any and all changes in the
    firms future cash flows that are a direct
    consequence of taking the project.
  • Any cash flow that exists regardless of whether
    or not a project is undertaken is not relevant.

4.2.2 Basic Principles of the Cash Flow
  1. Stand Alone Principle
  2. Separation Principle
  3. Incremental Principle
  4. Post-Tax Principle
  5. Consistency Principle.

1. Stand Alone Principle
  • Once we identify the effect of undertaking the
    proposed project on the firms cash flows, we
    need only focus on the projects resulting
    incremental cash flows.
  • Once we have determined the incremental cash
    flows from undertaking a project, we can view
    that project as a kind of minifirm with its own
    future revenues and costs, its own assets, and,
    of course, its own cash flows.
  • Then compare the cash flows from this minifirm to
    the cost of acquiring it.
  • We will be evaluating the proposed project purely
    on its own merits, in isolation from any other
    activities and projects.

2. Separation Principle
  • There are two sides of a project, viz, the
    investment (or assets) side and the financing
  • Cash flows associated with these sides should be
  • Suppose a firm is considering a one-year project
    that requires an investment of Rs 1,000 in fixed
    assets and working capital at time 0. The project
    is expected to generate a cash inflow of Rs 1,200
    at the end of year 1 and this is the only cash
    inflow expected from the project. The project
    will be financed entirely by debt carrying an
    interest rate of 15 and maturing after a year.
    Assume there are no taxes.

Separation Principle (contd)
Financing Side
Investment Side
Time Cash Flow 0 - 1,000 1
1,200 Rate of Return 20
Time Cash Flow 0 1,000 1
- 1,150 Cost of Capital15
Separation Principle (contd)
  • The cost of capital is used as the hurdle rate
    against which the rate of return on the
    investment side (which is 20 in our case) is
  • While defining the cash flows on the investment
    side, financing costs should not be considered
    because, they will be reflected in the cost of
    capital figure against which the rate of return
    figure will be evaluated.
  • Operationally, this means that interest on debt
    is ignored while computing profits and taxes

Separation Principle (contd)
  • If interest is deducted in the process of
    arriving at profit after tax, an amount equal to
    Interest (1-tax rate) should be added to PAT.
  • PBIT (1- T) (PBT I) (1-T) PBT (1-T) I
    (1-T) PAT I (1-T)
  • Whether the tax rate is applied directly to the
    PBIT figure or whether the tax-adjusted interest
    is added to the PAT figure, we get the same

Tax-Adjusted Interest
3. Incremental Principle (4.2.3)
  • The cash flow of the project must be measured in
    incremental terms.

  • -

Project Cash flow for the year t
Cash flow for the firm with the project for
year t
Cash flow for the firm without the project for
the year t
Guidelines to estimate incremental cash flow
  • Consider all Incidental Effects
  • Take into account the effect on profitability of
    the existing activities of the firm because of
    the complementary or competitive relationship
    between the project and the existing activities
    of the firm.
  • For example Issue of Product Cannibalization.
  • The loss of profit resulting from the product
    cannibalization may be treated as a negative
    incremental effect of the new product.
  • This may however lead to the possibility of
    rejecting the new project.
  • What if competitor march on the firm by
    introducing that product ?
  • How the loss of sales on account of product
    cannibalization is treated will depend on whether
    or not a competitor is likely to introduce a
    close substitute to the new product that is being
    considered by the firm.

Guidelines (contd.)
  • If the firm is operating in an extremely
    competitive business and is not protected by
    entry barriers, product cannibalization will
    occur anyway.
  • Hence the cost associated with it are not
    relevant in incremental analysis.
  • If the firm is sheltered by entry barriers like
    patent protection or proprietary technology or
    brand loyalty, the costs of product
    cannibalization should be incorporated in
    investment analysis.

Guidelines (contd.)
  • Ignore Sunk Costs
  • Sunk cost refers to an outlay already incurred in
    the past or already committed irrevocably.
  • So it is not affected by the acceptance or
    rejection of the project under consideration, and
    hence is irrelevant.
  • A company is debating whether it should invest
    in a project. The company has already spent Rs 1
    million for preliminary work meant to generate
    information useful for this decision. Is this 1
    million a relevant cost for the proposed project

Guidelines (contd.)
TANSTAFFL There aint no such thing as a free
  • Include Opportunity Cost
  • The value of most valuable alternative that is
    given up if a particular investment is undertaken
    Opportunity Cost
  • This is the cost created for the rest of the firm
    as a consequence of undertaking the project.
  • Example
  • If a project uses resources already available
    with the firm, theres a potential for an
    opportunity cost.
  • Is there any alternative use of the resource is
    the project is not undertaken ?

Guidelines (contd.)
  • If a project uses a vacant factory building owned
    by the firm, the revenue that can be derived from
    renting out this building represents the
    opportunity cost.
  • If a project uses an equipment which is currently
    idle, its opportunity cost is its sales price,
    net of any tax liability.
  • If a project requires the services of some
    experienced engineers from an existing division
    of the firm, the cost that is borne by that
    division to replace those engineers represents
    the opportunity cost.

Guidelines (contd.)
  • What happens when a project uses a resource that
    has no current alternative use, but some
    potential alternative use ?
  • Example Excess Capacity on Some Machine AND
    Using that excess capacity for a new product
  • Case I May exhaust capacity much earlier than
    otherwise and hence may call for creating new
    capacity earlier rather than later
  • Opportunity cost PV of creating capacity
    earlier PV or creating capacity later.
  • Case II May reduce the output of some products
    in future.
  • Opportunity Cost Loss in cash flows that would
    have otherwise been generated by the sales of
    those products.

Guidelines (contd.)
  • Question the allocation of Overhead Costs
  • Overhead Costs Costs which are indirectly
    related to a product (or service)
  • Eg General Admin Expenses, Managerial Salaries,
    Legal Expenses, Rent etc.
  • They are allocated to various products on some
    basis like labor hrs, machine hrs, prime cost
  • They are allocated to the new project too.
  • But for the purpose of investment analysis, what
    matters is the incremental overhead costs
    attributable to the project and not the allocated
    overhead costs.

Guidelines (contd.)
  • Estimate Working Capital Properly
  • Project will require that the firm invest in net
    working capital in addition to long-term assets.
  • Outlays on working capital has to be properly
    considered while forecasting the project cash
  • Its is NWC which is relevant
  • The requirement of WC is likely to change over
  • WC are not subject to depreciation.
  • Thus the WC at the end of the project life is
    assumed to have a salvage value equal to its BV.

4. Post-Tax Principle
  • Cash flows should be measured on an after-tax
  • Issues
  • What tax rate should be used to assess tax
    liability ?
  • How should losses be treated ?
  • What is the effect of non-cash charges ?

Relevant Tax Rate
  • The income from a project typically is marginal.
  • It is additional to the income generated by the
    assets of the firm already in place.
  • Hence,

Treatment of Losses
Scenario Project Firm Action
1 Incurs Losses Incurs Losses Defer tax savings
2 Incurs Losses Makes Profit Take tax savings in the year of loss
3 Makes Profit Incurs Losses Defer taxes until the firm makes profit
4 Makes Profit Makes Profit Consider taxes in the year of profit
Stand Alone Incurs Losses - Defer tax savings until the project makes profit
Effect of Non-cash Charges
  • Non-cash charges can have an impact on cash flows
    if they affect the tax liability.
  • The most important of such non-cash charges is
  • The tax benefit of depreciation is
  • Depreciation x Marginal Tax Rate

5. Consistency Principle
  • Cash flows and the discount rates applied to
    these cash flows must be consistent with respect
    to the investor group and inflation.
  • Investors Group
  • The cash flow of a project may be estimated from
    the point of view of all investors (equity
    shareholders as well as lenders) or from the
    point of view of just equity shareholders.

Consistency Principle (contd)
  • The cash flow of a project from the point of view
    of all investors is the cash flow available to
    all investors after paying taxes and meeting
    investing needs of the project, if any.
  • Cash flows to all investors PBIT (1-T)
  • Depreciation
  • - Capital Expenditure
  • - Change in NWC

Consistency Principle (contd)
  • The cash flow of a project from the point of view
    of equity shareholders is the cash flow available
    to equity shareholders after paying taxes,
    meeting investment needs, and fulfilling
    debt-related commitments.
  • Cash flows to equity shareholders PBIT (1-T)
  • Depreciation
  • - Preference Dividend
  • - Capital Expenditures
  • - Change in NWC
  • - Repayment of Debt
  • Proceeds from debt issues
  • - Redemption of preference capital
  • Proceeds from preference issue

Consistency Principle (contd)
  • The discount rate must also be consistent with
    the definition of cash flow
  • Cash Flow Discount Rate
  • To all investors Weighted Average
    Cost of Capital
  • Cash flow to equity Cost of Equity

Consistency Principle (contd)
  • Inflation
  • Either incorporate expected inflation in the
    estimates of future cash flows and apply a
    nominal discount rate to the same.
  • Or estimate future cash flows in real terms and
    apply a real discount rate to the same
  • Nominal Cash flowt Real Cash flow (1 Expected
    inflation rate)t
  • Nominal Discount rate
  • (1 Real discount rate)(1Expected inflation
    rate) - 1

Elements of the Cash Flow Stream
  • The cash flow stream of a conventional project
    a project which involves cash outflows followed
    by cash inflows comprises of three basic
  • Initial Investment After tax cash outlay
  • Operating Cash Inflows After tax cash inflows
    resulting from the operations of the project
    during its economic life
  • Terminal Cash Flow- After tax cash flow resulting
    from the liquidation of the project at the end of
    its economic life.

4.2.4 Pro-Forma Financial Statements and Project
Cash FlowsIllustration
  • Suppose we think we can sell 50,000 units of a
    new product per year at a price of 4 per can.
  • It costs us about 2.50 per can to make the
    product, and a new product such as this one
    typically has only a 3 year life
  • We require 20 return on new products.
  • Fixed costs for the project, including such
    things as rent on the production facility, will
    run 12,000 per year.
  • We will need to invest a total of 90,000 in
    manufacturing equipment.
  • This 90,000 will be depreciated over the 3 year
    life of the project.
  • The cost of removing the equipment will roughly
    equal its actual value in 3 years, so it will be
    essentially worthless on a market value basis as
  • The project will require an initial 20,000
    investment in net working capital, and the tax
    rate is 34 .

Illustration (contd)
Projected Income Statement Projected Income Statement
Sales (50,000 units at 4/ unit) 200,000
Variable costs ( 2.50/ unit) 125,000
Fixed costs 12,000
Depreciation ( 90,000/ 3) 30,000
EBIT 33,000
Taxes (34 ) 11,220
Net income 21,780
Notice that we have not deducted any interest
Illustration (contd)
Projected Capital Requirements Projected Capital Requirements Projected Capital Requirements Projected Capital Requirements Projected Capital Requirements
Year Year Year Year Year
0 1 2 3
NWC 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000
Net fixed assets 90,000 60,000 30,000 0
Total Investment 110,000 80,000 50,000 20,000
Illustration (contd)
  • Project Cash Flow Project Operating Cash Flow
  • Change in net working capital Project
    capital spending
  • Project Operating Cash flow EBIT Depreciation

EBIT 33,000
Depreciation 30,000
Taxes _at_ 34 - 11,220
Operating Cash Flow 51, 780
Illustration (contd)
Projected Total Cash Flows Projected Total Cash Flows Projected Total Cash Flows Projected Total Cash Flows Projected Total Cash Flows
Year Year Year Year Year
0 1 2 3
Operating Cash Flow 51,780 51,780 51,780
Changes in NWC - 20,000 20,000
Capital Spending - 90,000
Total Project Cash Flow - 110,000 51,780 51,780 71,780
Illustration (contd)
  • NPV of the project is positive, and creates over
    10,000 in value and should be accepted.
  • Return on this investment obviously exceeds 20
    (because NPV is positive at 20 )
  • We can find out that IRR works out to be 25.8 gt
  • Payback period is about 2.1 years ( ? )
  • ARR comes out to be 33.51 ( 21,780 / 65,000)

Cash flows for a replacement project
Cost of the new assets NWC required for the
new assets
After tax Salvage Value realized from the old
assets NWC required for the old assets
Initial Investment

Operating Cash inflows from the new assets
Operating Cash inflows from the old assets
Operating Cash Flow

After tax SV of the old assets Recovery of
NWC Associated with old assets
After tax SV of the new assets Recovery of
NWC Associated with new assets
Terminal Cash Flow

Illustration 1 Cash Enterprises
  • Cash Enterprises is considering a capital project
    about which the following information is
  • The investment outlay on the project will be Rs
    100 million. This consists of Rs 80 million on
    the plant and machinery and Rs 20 million on net
    working capital. The entire outlay will be
    incurred at the beginning of the project.
  • The project will be financed with Rs 45 million
    of equity capital, Rs 5 million of preference
    capital, and Rs 50 million of debt capital.
    Preference capital will carry a dividend rate of
    15 debt capital will carry an interest rate of
    15 .

Cash Enterprises (contd)
  • The life of the project is expected to be 5
    years. At the end of 5 years, fixed assets will
    fetch a net salvage value of Rs 30 million,
    whereas net working capital will be liquidated at
    its book value.
  • The project is expected to increase the revenues
    of the firm by Rs 120 million per year. The
    increase in costs on account of the project is
    expected to be Rs 80 million per year. (This
    includes all items of costs other than
    depreciation, interest and tax). The effective
    tax rate will be 30 .

Cash Enterprises (contd)
  • Plant and machinery will be depreciated at the
    rate of 25 per year as per the written down
    value method. Hence, the depreciation charges
    will be
  • First year Rs 20.00 million
  • Second year Rs 15.00 million
  • Third year Rs 11.25 million
  • Fourth year Rs 8.44 million
  • Fifth year Rs 6.33 million

Illustration 2 Pharma Limited
  • Pharma Ltd is engaged in the manufacture of
    pharmaceuticals. The company was established in
    1991 and has registered a steady growth in sales
    since then. Presently, the company manufactures
    16 products and has an annual turnover of Rs 2200
    million. The company is considering the
    manufacture of a new antibiotic preparation,
    K-cin, for which the following information has
    been gathered.

Pharma Limited (contd)
  • K-cin is expected to have a product life cycle of
    five years and thereafter it would be withdrawn
    from the market. The sales from this preparation
    are expected to be as follows
  • Year Sales (in million Rs)
  • 1 100
  • 2 150
  • 3 200
  • 4 150
  • 5 100

Pharma Limited (contd)
  • The capital equipment required for manufacturing
    K-cin is Rs 100 million and it will be
    depreciated at the rate of 25 per year as per
    the WDV method for tax purposes. The expected net
    salvage value after 5 years is Rs 20 million.
  • The working capital requirement for the project
    is expected to be 20 of sales. At the end of 5
    years, working capital is expected to be
    liquidated at par, barring an estimated loss of
    Rs 5 million on account of bad debt. The bad debt
    loss will be a tax deductible expense.

Pharma Limited (contd)
  • The accountant of the firm has provided the
    following cost estimates for K-cin
  • Raw material cost 30 of sales
  • Variable labor cost 20 of sales
  • Fixed annual operating and maintenance cost Rs
    5 million
  • Overhead allocation (excluding depreciation,
  • Maintenance and interest ) 10 of sales
  • While the project is charged on an overhead
    allocation, it is not likely to have any effect
    on overhead expenses as such

Pharma Limited (contd)
  • The manufacturer of K-cin would also require some
    of the common facilities of the firm. The use of
    these facilities would call for reduction in the
    production of other pharmaceutical preparations
    of the firm. This would entail a reduction of Rs
    15 million of contribution margin.
  • The tax rate applicable to the firm is 40 .

Illustration 3 (Ojus Enterprises)
  • Ojus Enterprises is determining the cash flow for
    a project involving replacement of an old machine
    by a new machine. The old machine, bought a few
    years ago, has a book value of Rs 400,000 and it
    can be sold to realize a post-tax salvage value
    of Rs 500, 000. It has a remaining life of 5
    years after which its net salvage value is
    expected to be Rs 160,000. It is being
    depreciated annually at a rate of 25 under the
    WDV method. The working capital required for the
    old machine is Rs 400,000.

Ojus Enterprises (contd)
  • The new machine costs Rs 1,600,000. It is
    expected to fetch a net salvage of Rs 800,000
    after 5 years when it will no longer be required.
    The depreciation rate applicable to it is 25
    under the written down value method. The net
    working capital required for the new machine is
    Rs 500,000. the new machine is expected to bring
    a saving of Rs 300,000 annually in manufacturing
    costs (other than depreciation). The tax rate
    applicable to the firm is 40 .

Ojus Enterprises (contd)
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