Analysis of Flow Boiling in Vertical Tubes - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Analysis of Flow Boiling in Vertical Tubes


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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Analysis of Flow Boiling in Vertical Tubes

Analysis of Flow Boiling in Vertical Tubes
  • P M V Subbarao
  • Professor
  • Mechanical Engineering Department

Selection of Optimal Parameters for Healthy and
Safe Furnace Walls with Frictional Flow..
Flow Boiling
  • Flow boiling occurs when all the phases are in
    bulk flow together in a channel
  • e.g., vapor and liquid flow in a pipe.
  • The multiphase flow may be classified as
    adiabatic or diabatic, i.e., without or with heat
    addition at the channel wall.
  • Void fraction and Pressure drop are two important
    parameters in real flow boiling.

Adiabatic Flow Through A Pipe
Diabatic Flow Through A Pipe
Selection of Flow rate in Flow Boiling
  • This process may either be forced convection or
    gravity driven.
  • At relatively low flow rates at sufficient wall
    superheats, bubble nucleation at the wall occurs
    such that nucleate boiling is present within the
    liquid film.
  • At high qualities and mass flow rates, the flow
    regime is normally annular.
  • As the flow velocity increases, convection in the
    liquid film is augmented.
  • The wall is cooled below the minimum wall
    superheat necessary to sustain nucleation.
  • Nucleate boiling may thus be suppressed, in which
    case heat transfer is only by convection through
    the liquid film and evaporation occurs only at
    its interface.

Pressure drop Religious to Secular Attitude
Dphydro Dpfriction
Dphydro Dpfriction
Pressure Drop in Tubes
  • The pressure drop through a tube comprise several
    components friciton, entrance loss, exit loss,
    fitting loss and hydrostatic.

Exact prediction of wall temperature, it is
important to know the pressure Variation along
the flow
Circulation Vs Once Through
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Auto Control Mechanism in Natural Circulation
Selection of Steam Mass Flow rate
  • A once-through forced circulation furnace with
    high mass flow
  • If any tube receives more heat than the average,
    then it will accept receives less flow.
  • This can result in further increasing
    temperatures, potentially leading to failures.
  • Thus the mass flow per tube must start very high
    to ensure adequate remaining flow after the heat
  • Designs with medium mass flow
  • These were attempted in once through forced
    circulation boilers with moderate success.
  • These exhibit worse consequences than the high
    mass flow designs.
  • When the mass flow is degraded during load
    reduction in a tube receiving more heat than the
    average, the remaining flow will have less margin
    to provide acceptable cooling.
  • Medium mass flow designs can experience heat
    upsets and/or flow excursions that result in
    flows in individual tubes that are lower than the
    low mass flow design.

Destructive Mechanisms in Forced Circulation/Onec
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  • Both the multi-pass and the spiral designs use
    high fluid mass flows.
  • High fluid mass flow rates result in high
    pressure losses as well as a once-through .
  • Means that strongly heated tubes have a reduction
    in fluid mass flow and a correspondingly high
    increase in fluid and therefore metal temperature
    which can result in excessive tube-to-tube
    temperature differentials.
  • This type of behavior is sometimes referred to as
    a "negative flow characteristic.
  • In the Vertical design, the furnace enclosure is
    formed from a single, upflow pass of vertical

  • The tube size and spacing is selected to provide
    a low fluid mass flow rate of approximately 1000
    kg/m2-s or less.
  • With low mass flow rates, the frictional pressure
    loss is low compared to the gravitational head,
    and as a result, a tube that is heated strongly,
    i.e., absorbs more heat, draws more flow.
  • With an increase in flow to the strongly heated
    tube, the temperature rise at the outlet of the
    tube is reduced which limits the differential
    temperature between adjacent tubes.
  • This is known as the "natural circulation or
    "positive flow" characteristic.
  • Minimize peak tube metal temperatures.
  • To minimize peak tube metal temperatures,
    multiple pass and spiral types designs use high
    fluid mass flow rates to achieve good tube
  • This results in the "once-through characteristic
    noted above.
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