Circular Motion - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Circular Motion


Title: Circular Motion Author: Peter Blood Last modified by: Deb Created Date: 10/29/2000 8:57:28 PM Document presentation format: On-screen Show (4:3) – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Circular Motion

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Uniform Circular Motion
  • Motion in a circular path at constant speed
  • Speed constant, velocity changing continually
  • Velocity changing direction, so there is
  • Called centripetal acceleration, since it is
    toward the center of the circle, along the radius
  • Value can be calculated by many formulas, first

ac v2/r
  • A bicycle racer rides with constant speed around
    a circular track 25 m in diameter. What is the
    acceleration of the bicycle toward the center of
    the track if its speed is 6.0 m/s?

ac v2 __(6.0 m/s)2 36 (m/s)2 2.9
m/s2 r 12.5 m
12.5 m
Rotation and Revolution
  • Rotation-Around an Internal Axis-Earth rotates 24
    hours for a complete turn
  • Linear (tangential) versus rotational speed
  • Linear is greater on outside of disk or
    merry-go-round, more distance per rotation
  • Linear is smaller in middle of disk, less
    distance per rotation.
  • Rotational speed is equal for both
  • Rotations per minute (RPM)
  • Linear speed is proportional to both rotational
    speed and distance from the center

Rotation and Revolution
  • Revolution-Around an External Axis-Earth revolves
    365.25 days per trip around sun
  • Same relationship between linear and revolutional
    speeds as with rotational
  • Planets do not revolve at the same revolutional
    speeds around the sun

  • Another important measure in UCM is period, the
    time for 1 rotation or revolution
  • Since xv0t , this implies that vT 2?r and
    thus T 2pr/ v
  • Rearranging differently, v 2pr/ T and then
    inserting it into the acceleration equation
  • ac v2/r 4p2r/T2

  • Determine the centripetal acceleration of the
    moon as it circles the earth, and compare that
    acceleration with the acceleration of bodies
    falling on the earth. The period of the moon's
    orbit is 27.3 days.
  • According to Newton's first law, the moon would
    move with constant velocity in a straight line
    unless it were acted on by a force. We can infer
    the presence of a force from the fact that the
    moon moves with approximately uniform circular
    motion about the earth. The mean center-to-center
    earth-moon distance is 3.84 x 108 m.

  • ac 4p2r 4p2(3.84 x 108) T 27.3 da (24
    hr/da)(3600 s/hr) 2.36 x 106 s
  • T2 (2.36 x 106)2
  • ac 2.72 x 10-3 m/s2
  • The ratio of the moon's acceleration to that of
    an object falling near the earth is
    ac 2.72 x l0-3 m/s2 1
  • g 9.8 m/s2 3600

  • The number of revolutions per time unit
  • Value is the inverse of the period, 1/T
  • Units are sec-1 or Hertz (Hz)
  • Inserting frequency into the ac equation
  • ac4p2f 2r

  • An industrial grinding wheel with a 25.4-cm
    diameter spins at a rate of 1910 rotations per
    minute. What is the linear speed of a point on
    the rim?
  • The speed of a point on the rim is the distance
    traveled, 2pr, divided by T, the time for one
    revolution. However, the period is the reciprocal
    of the frequency, so the speed of a point on the
    rim, a distance r from the axis of rotation, is
  • v 2prf
  • v (2?)(25.4cm/2)(1910/1 min)(1min/60s)
  • v 2540cm/s 25.4 m/s.

Angular Velocity
  • Velocity can be defined in terms of multiples of
    the radius, called radians
  • There are 2p radians in a circle, and so the
    angular velocity w v/r
  • In terms of period w 2p/T
  • In terms of frequency w2pf

  • At the Six Flags amusement park near Atlanta. The
    Wheelie carries passengers in a circular path
    with a radius of 7.7 m. The ride makes a complete
    rotation every 4.0 s. (a) What is a passenger's
    angular velocity due to the circular motion? (b)
    What acceleration does a passenger experience?
  • a) The ride has a period T 4.0 s. We can use
    it to compute the angular velocity as
  • 2? 2? rad ? rad/s 1.6 rad/s
  • T 4.0 s 2.0
  • (b) Because the riders travel in a circle, they
    undergo a centripetal acceleration given by
  • ac ?2r (?/2 rad/s)2(7.7m) 19m/s2.
  • Notice that this is almost twice the acceleration
    of a body in free fall.

Angular Velocity and Acceleration
  • Any real object that has a definite shape can be
    made to rotate solid, unchanging shape
  • Angular displacement -- q -- Radians around
    circular path
  • Angular velocity -- w --radians per second, angle
    between fixed axis and point on wheel changes
    with time
  • Angular acceleration -- a -- increase of w , when
    angular velocity of the rigid body changes,
    radians per seconds squared

Rotational Kinematics
  • Rotational velocity, displacement, and
    acceleration all follow the linear forms, just
    substituting the rotational values into the
  • q wot 1/2 at2 wf2 wo2 2aq
  • wfw0 at q(w0 wf) t/ 2
  • q x/r a a/r w v/r

The wheel on a moving car slows uniformly from 70
rads/s to 42 rads/s in 4.2 s. If its radius is
0.32 m a. Find a b. Find q c. How
far does the car go? a. a Dw (42-70) rads/s
-6.7 rads/s2 Dt 4.2 s b. q wot 1/2 at2
(70)(4.2) 1/2(-6.7)(4.2)2 235 rads c. q x
/ r in rads so x q r (0.32)(235) 75 m
A bicycle wheel turning at 0.21 rads/s is brought
to rest by the brakes in exactly 2 revolutions.
What is its angular acceleration? q 2 revs
2(2p) radians 4p rads wf0 rads/s wo
0.21 rads/s Use angular equivalent of vf2 vo2
2ax which is wf2 wo2 2aq (0)2 (0.21)2
2a(4p) a -(0.21)2 -1.8 x10-3 rad/s2
Homework Read pp.898-903 Practice Problems 7A,
Forces in Circular Motion
  • Centripetal Force
  • Force toward the center from an object, holding
    it in circular motion
  • At right angle to the path of motion, not along
    its distance, therefore does NO work on object
  • Examples
  • Gravitation between earth and moon
  • Electromagnetic force between protons and
    electrons in an atom
  • Friction on the tires of a car rounding a curve
  • Equation is Fcmac mv2/r

  • Approximately how much force does the earth exert
    on the moon? Moons period is 27.3 days
  • Assume the moon's orbit to be circular about a
    stationary earth. The force can be found from F
    ma. The mass of the moon is 7.35 x 1022 kg.
  • Fc mac m 4?2r
  • T2
  • Fc (7.35 x 1022 kg)4?2(3.84 x 108m)
  • ((27.3 days)(24 hr/day)(3600 s/hr))2
  • Fc2.005 x 1020 N.

Forces in Circular Motion
  • Centrifugal Force
  • Not a true force, but really the result of
  • Centrifugal force effect makes a rotating
    object fly off in straight line if centripetal
    force fails

  • Imagine a giant donut-shaped space station
    located so far from all heavenly bodies that the
    force of gravity may be neglected. To enable the
    occupants to live a normal life, the donut
    rotates and the inhabitants live on the part of
    the donut farthest from the center. If the
    outside diameter of the space station is 1.5km,
    what must be its period of rotation so that the
    passengers at the periphery will perceive an
    artificial gravity equal to the normal ravity at
    the earth's surface?
  • The weight of a person of mass m on the earth is
    a force F mg.
  • The centripetal force required to carry the
    person around a circle of radius r is F mac
    m 4?2r
  • T2
  • We may equate these two force expressions and
    solve for the period T
  • mg m4?2r
  • T2 T2? 2p 55s 0.92 min.

Banked Curves
  • Banking road curves makes turns without
    skidding possible
  • For angle q, there is a component of the normal
    force toward the center of the curve, thus
    supplying the centripetal force. The other
    component balances the weight force.
  • FN sin q mv2/r FN cos q mg
    tan q v2/gr
  • thusly q tan-1 (v2/gr)
  • This equation can give the proper angle for
    banking a curve of any radius at any linear speed

Banked Curve Example
  • A race track designed for average speeds of 240
    km/h (66.7 m/s) is to have a turn with a radius
    of 975 m. To what angle must the track be banked
    so that cars traveling 240km/h have no tendency
    to slip sideways?
  • Determine q from
  • q tan-1 (v2/ g r)
  • tan-1 (66.72/9.81(975)) 24.9o

Law of Universal Gravitation
  • Newtons first initiative for the Principia was
    investigating gravity
  • From his 3rd law, he proposed that each object
    would pull on any other object
  • He likewise noted differences due to distance
  • His final relationship was that Force was
    proportional to masses and inversely proportional
    to distance squared
  • Using a constant Fg Gm1m2
  • r2

Center of Gravity
  • Newton found that his law would only work when
    measuring from the center of both objects
  • This idea is called the center of gravity
  • Sometimes it is at the exact center of the
  • Sometimes it may not be in the object at all
  • All forces must be from the CG of one object to
    the CG of the other object

Universal Gravitation Constant
  • G was elusive to find since gravity is a weak
    force if masses are small
  • Cavendish developed a device which made
    measurement of G possible
  • The value of G is 6.67 x 10-11 N m2
  • This puts Fg in Newtons kg2
  • G can be used then to find values of many
    astronomical properties

  • Consider a mass m falling near the earth's
    surface. Find its acceleration in terms of the
    universal gravitational constant G. The
    gravitational force on the body is F
  • r2
  • ME mass of the earth r the distance
    of the mass from the center of the earth,
    essentially the earth's radius.
  • The gravitational force on a body at the earth's
    surface is F mg. mg GmME or g GME
  • r2 r2
  • Both G and ME are constant, and r does not
    change significantly for small variations in
    height near the surface of the earth. The
    right-hand side of this equation does not change
    appreciably with position on the earths surface,
    so replace r with the average radius of the earth
  • g GME
  • RE2

  • Show that Keplers third law follows from the law
    of universal gravitation. Keplers third law
    states that for all planets the ratio (period)2/
    (distance from sun)3 is the same.
  • Make the approximation that the orbits of the
    planets are circles and that the orbital speed is
  • The sun's gravitational force on any planet of
    mass m is
  • F GmM
  • r2
  • M the mass of the sun. Because the mass of the
    sun is so much larger than the mass of the
    planet, we can assume, as Kepler did, that the
    sun lies at the center of the planetary orbit.
    The circular orbit implies a centripetal force.
    This net force for circular motion is provided by
    the gravitational force. Equating these two
    forces, we get
  • FcGmM 4p2mr Rearranging gives T2
  • r2 T2 r3 GM

  • Use the law of universal gravitation and the
    measured value of the acceleration of gravity g
    to determine the average density of the earth.
    The density, r of an object is defined as its
    mass per unit volume r m/V where m is the mass
    of the object whose volume is V
  • From a previous example g GME
  • RE2
  • Substitute for M an expression involving r, r
  • If we take the earth to be a sphere of radius
    RE. Then
  • r ME and ME 4/3pRE3 r
  • 4/3pRE3
  • The equation for g can then be rewritten in terms
    of the density as
  • g G(4/3pRE3 r) 4/3GpRE r
  • RE2

Density Example (cont)
  • Upon rearranging, we find the density to be
  • r 3g
  • 4pREG
  • Inserting the numerical values, we get
  • r 3(9.81 m/s2)
  • 4p(6.38 x 106 m)(6.67 x 10-11 N m2/ kg2
  • r 5.50 x 103 kg/m3

Moon Period Example
  • Calculate the period of the moons orbit about
    the earth, assuming a constant distance r
    3.84 x 108 m.
  • The magnitude of the attractive force must equal
    the centripetal force.
  • Fc 4p2mr
  • T2
  • In this case the attractive force is the
    gravitational force between the earth and moon F
    G ME m
  • r2
  • where ME is the mass of the earth (5.98 x 1024
    kg), m is the mass of the moon, and r is the
    earth-moon distance. We can equate these forces,
    solve for T and substitute the numerical values.

Period of Moon Example
  • The centripetal force is provided by the
    gravitational force, so that
  • GME m 4p2mr
  • r2 T2
  • Solving for T gives
  • T
  • T2.37x 106 s, or T 27.4 days.

Period of a Satellite Example
  • T
  • Use the result g RE2 GME, the above expression
    for the period becomes
  • T
  • Notice that the period depends only on the
    radius of the earth and the acceleration of
    gravity. Insert the approximate values of p2 10,
  • g 10 m/s2, and RE 6.4 x 106m,
  • T 5100 s 85 min

  • Estimate the period of an artificial
    earth-orbiting satellite that passes just above
    the earth's surface.Set the force required to
    give a circular orbit--the centripetal
    force--equal to the gravitational force. The mass
    of the satellite m. The mass of the earth ME,
    the radius of the orbit RE, and the satellite's
    period T

Gravitational Field Strength
  • Gravity works at a distance, and distance limits
    its strength
  • At any point in space, the strength of the field
    would be GF/m0 , where m0 is the test mass
  • Substituting, we get G GMm0 GM
  • r2m0 r2

This picture illustrates that far from a body,
the field lines are far apart and thus its
strength is reduced.
Gravitation Considerations
  • Orbital Speed--if an object is projected
    horizontally with enough speed, it remains in
    orbit around any celestial object
  • For Earth, this is 8000 m/s
  • This causes satellites to orbit every 90 min.
  • Greater radius causes greater period
  • Stationary orbiting satellite with period 24hrs
    has radius approx. 23,000 miles

Escape Velocity
  • Earth spacecraft must get entirely away from the
    earth to go on to other planets
  • This requires giving a spacecraft enough energy
    to overcome the gravitational potential energy of
  • This gives an equation such that
  • Where M and R vary
  • according to the
  • celestial object involved

Black Holes
  • If the escape velocity is equal to the speed of
    light, gravity will keep even light from
    escaping--the idea behind the black hole
  • Conjecture due to observations from space
  • Theory is a supergiant star collapses in on
    itself creating super strong gravity at a small

Black Holes
  • Gravity is great due to small distance with huge
  • Gravity only great near the object, at distance
    gravity is no different

Keplers Laws
  • First Law Each planet travels ina an elliptical
    path around the sun, and the sun is at one of the
    focal points

Keplers Laws
  • Second Law An imaginary line is drawn from the
    sun to any planet sweeps out equal areas in equal
    time intervals.

Keplers Laws
  • Third Law The square of a planets orbital
    period (T2) is proportional to the cube of the
    average distance (r3) between the planet and the
    sun or
  • T2 ? r3

Period and speed of an object in circular orbit
Major Equations!!
T2 4p2 r3 GM
acv2/r ac4p2r/T2 ac4p2rf2 ac
w2r wv/r w2p/T w2pf v2pr/T 2prf
f1/T Fcmac Fcmv2/r FgGMm/r2 T2p
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