Examining the Relationship Between Two Variables - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Examining the Relationship Between Two Variables


Examining the Relationship Between Two Variables (Bivariate Analyses) What type of analysis? We have two variables X and Y and we are interested in describing how a ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Examining the Relationship Between Two Variables

Examining the Relationship Between Two Variables
  • (Bivariate Analyses)

What type of analysis?
  • We have two variables X and Y and we are
    interested in describing how a response (Y) is
    related to an explanatory variable (X).
  • What graphical displays do we use to show the
    relationship between X and Y ?
  • What statistical analyses do we use to summarize,
    describe, and make inferences about the

Type of Displays
Y is Continuous Scatterplot Comparative Boxplot
Y is Ordinal or Nominal Logistic Plot 2-D Mosaic Plot
X is Continuous X is Ordinal or Nominal
Fit Y by X in JMP
In the lower left corner of the Fit Y by X dialog
box you will see this graphic which is the same
as the more stylized version on the previous
Y Variable/Response Data Type
X Variable/Predictor Data Type
Type of Displays
Y is Continuous Scatterplot Comparative Boxplot
Y is Ordinal or Nominal Logistic Plot 2-D Mosaic Plot
X is Continuous X is Ordinal or Nominal
Type of Analyses
Y is Continuous Correlation and Regression - Parametric or Nonparametric If X has k 2 levels then Two-Sample t-Test or Wilcoxon Rank Sum Test. If X has k gt 2 levels then Oneway ANOVA or Kruskal Wallis Test
Y is Ordinal or Nominal If Y has 2 levels then use Logistic Regression If Y has more than 2 levels then use Polytomous Logistic Regression If both X and Y have two levels then use Fishers Exact Test, RR/OR, and Risk Difference/AR If either X or Y has more than two levels use a Chi-square Test. McNemars Test (dependent)
X is Continuous X is Ordinal or Nominal
Fit Y by X in JMP
Y nominal/ordinal Y continuous
X continuous X nominal/ordinal
Example Low Birthweight Study(Note This is
not NC one)
  • List of Variables
  • id ID for infant mother
  • headcir head circumference (in.)
  • leng length of infant (in.)
  • weight birthweight (lbs.)
  • gest gestational age (weeks)
  • mage mothers age
  • mnocig mothers cigarettes/day
  • mheight mothers height (in.)
  • mppwt mothers pre-pregnancy
  • weight (lbs.)
  • fage fathers age
  • fedyrs fathers education (yrs.)
  • fnocig fathers cigarettes/day
  • fheight fathers height
  • lowbwt low birth weight indicator
  • (1 yes, 0 no)
  • mage35 mothers age over 35 ?
  • (1 yes, 0 no)
  • smoker mother smoked during preg.
  • (1 yes, 0 no)
  • Smoker mothers smoking status
  • (Smoker or Non-smoker)
  • Low Birth Weight birth weight
  • (Low, Normal)

Continuous Nominal
Example Low Birthweight Study(Birthweight vs.
Gestational Age)
Y birthweight (lbs.) Continuous X
gestational age (weeks)Continuous
Regression and Correlation Analysis from Fit Y by
Example Low Birthweight Study(Birthweight vs.
Mothers Smoking Status)
Y birthweight (lbs.) Continuous X mothers
smoking status (Smoker vs. Non-smoker) Nominal
Independent Samples t-Test from Fit Y by X
Example Low Birthweight Study(Birthweight
Status vs. Mothers Cigs/Day)
Y birthweight status(Low, Normal)Nominal X
mothers cigs./day Continuous
Logistic Regression from Fit Y by X
Example Low Birthweight Study(Birthweight
Status vs. Mothers Smoking Status)
Y birthweight status(Low, Normal)Nominal X
mothers smoking status (Smoker,
Independent Samples p1 vs. p2 - Fishers Exact,
Chi-square, Risk Difference, RR, OR
Skipped the arrows this time, everything should
self-explanatory. Notice the OR is upside-down
and needs reciprocation. OR 1/.342 2.92
  • In summary have seen how bivariate relationships
    work in JMP and in statistics in general.
  • We know that the type of analysis that is
    appropriate depends entirely on the data type of
    the response (Y) and the explanatory variable or
    predictor (X).
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