Title: What is the church?
1What is the church?
Five Lessons on the Lords Church
2Origin of the Church
Eph. 311-12 God, eternal purpose
Mi. 41-3 Old Testament prophesy
Dan. 231-45 during Roman reign
Acts 2 established on Pentecost
- Acts 16 after Jesus ascension
- Acts 16-8 power, Holy Spirit
What is the church?
3The Called Out Body
Matt. 1618 Christs church
- My (Christs) church (Matt. 1618)
2 Th. 214 called through gospel
- church of the Lord, God (Acts 2028 1 Cor. 12)
1 Cor. 1212, 14, 27 Christians
- church of Christ (Rom. 1616)
- the body, the church (Col. 118 Eph. 122-23)
- household (house) of God (Eph. 219 1 Tim. 315)
- church of the firstborn (Heb. 1223)
- Gods field, Gods building (1 Cor. 39)
- the flock (1 Pet. 53 Acts 2028)
What is the church?
Acts 2 Lord adds when obey gospel
- vs. 38 baptized, gift of Holy Spirit
- vs. 47 added by Lord to number (saints,
1 Cor. 1213 Jn. 33, 5 baptized into the body
- Eph. 122-23 body is the church
What is the church?
5The Church Is. . . .
Kingdom of God
- Jn. 33 Acts 812 Acts 1422
What is the church?
6The Church Is. . . .
Kingdom of God
Kingdom of Christ
- Col. 212-13 baptized, enter kingdom
What is the church?
7The Church Is. . . .
Kingdom of God
Kingdom of Christ
Body of Christ
- Eph. 524 church subject, everything
- Eph. 523 Jesus Savior, body
What is the church?
8The Church Is. . . .
Kingdom of God
Kingdom of Christ
Body of Christ
Household of God
- Heb. 36 Jesus is over the house
- Heb. 211-12 Jesus is our brother
- 1 Pet. 417 Christians judged first
What is the church?
9The Church Is. . . .
Kingdom of God
Kingdom of Christ
Body of Christ
Household of God
Temple of God
- 1 Cor. 316-17 1 Cor. 615-20 body
What is the church?
10The Church Is. . . .
Kingdom of God
Kingdom of Christ
Body of Christ
Household of God
Temple of God
Bride of Christ
What is the church?
11The Church Is Not. . . .
Physical Building
What is the church?
12The Church Is Not. . . .
Physical Building
Social Club
- 1 Cor. 1122 eat in houses
- Acts 246 not work of church
- 1 Pet. 48-9 hospitality work of individual
What is the church?
13The Church Is Not. . . .
Physical Building
Social Club
- the act of naming or designating a person or
thing (Dictionary.com)
- A large group of religious congregations united
under a common faith and name and organized
under a single administrative and legal
hierarchy (American Heritage Dictionary)
- a group of religious congregations having its
own organization and a distinctive faith
What is the church?
14The Church Is Not. . . .
Physical Building
Social Club
- 1 Cor. 31-4 fleshly, carnal
- Col. 220-23 not submit to human decrees
What is the church?
15(No Transcript)
16The Church Is
The Church Is Not
Kingdom of God
Physical Building
Kingdom of Christ
Social Club
Body of Christ
Household of God
Temple of God
Bride of Christ
What is the church?
17(No Transcript)
18What is the church?
Five Lessons on the Lords Church