RSA - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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RSA The algorithm was publicly described in 1977 ... RSA Problem The RSA problem is the task of finding eth roots modulo a composite number N whose factors are ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: RSA

  • The algorithm was publicly described in 1977 by
    Ron Rivest, Adi Shamir, and Leonard Adleman at
  • Partly used for PGP (Pretty Good Privacy) to
    encrypt session keys

RSA Step 1
  • Choose two distinct large random prime numbers p
    and q,
  • e.g. p 17 and q 11
  • Let n pq, e.g. n1711187
  • Choose e such that
  • and e and are coprime
  • is Eulers totient

Eulers Totient
  • the totient f(n) of a positive integer n is
    defined to be the number of positive integers
    less than or equal to n that are coprime to n.
  • f(9)6 because the six numbers 1, 2, 4, 5, 7 and
    8 are coprime to 9

RSA Step 2
  • e.g. e 7 thus 7 and (17-1)(11-1) 160 are
  • e can be published as the public-key exponent
  • n is the modulus
  • This is all that is needed to encrypt

RSA - Encryption
  • A cyphertext C can be created from a message M
    using the formulaC Me(mod n)
  • Example Message M is X in ASCII 1011000 or 88
    in decimal
  • C 887(mod 187) 11

  • 887(mod 187) 884(mod 187) 882(mod
    187)881(mod 187)
  • 881 88 88(mod 187)
  • 882 7,744 77(mod 187)
  • 884 59,969,536 132(mod 187)
  • 887 881 882 884 8877132 894,432
    11(mod 187)

RSA - Decryption
  • Modulus operation is a one way function
  • Given only the public-key (7,187) the only way to
    decrypt is through brute-force i.e. try all
    possible keys
  • This problem is simplified because you know how
    the private-key is created.

RSA- Private-key
  • The decryption key d is created with the
    following formulaed 1(mod(p-1)(q-1))
  • e.g 7d1(mod(1610))7d 1 (mod 160)d 23
    using Euclids algorithm

Extended Euclids Algorithm
  • e d (mod f(n) ) 1 In other words, there is
    another number also relatively prime to f(n) that
    is its reciprocal.
  • ax by gcd(a,b)The extended Euclidean
    algorithm is particularly useful when a and b are
    coprime, since x is the modular multiplicative
    inverse of a modulo b

Extended Euclids Algorithm
  • function extended_gcd(a, b)
  • if a mod b 0 return 0, 1
  • else x, y extended_gcd(b, a mod b) return
    y, x-y(a div b)
  • Example
  • extended_gcd(160, 7 ) (-1,1122)
  • extended_gcd(7, 160(mod 7) ) (1,0-11)
  • extended_gcd(6, 7(mod 6) ) (0,1)
  • X -1 Y23
  • 23 is the multiplicative inverse of e

RSA - Decryption
  • Now we have our private-key (d,n) e.g. (23,187)
  • M Cd (mod n)M 1123 (mod 187)M 111 (mod
    187)112 (mod 187)114 (mod 187)1116 (mod
    187)(mod 187)M 1112155154 (mod 187)M 88

RSA - Cryptanalysis
  • The security of RSA is based on two problems
  • The problem of factoring large numbers
  • The RSA problem

Factoring Large Numbers
  • RSA-200 is largest number factored so far. It has
    200 decimal digits which corresponds to 663 bits
  • The sieving effort is estimated to have taken the
    equivalent of 55 years on a single 2.2 GHz
    Opteron CPU.
  • The matrix step reportedly took about 3 months on
    a cluster of 80 2.2 GHz Opterons. The sieving
    began in late 2003 and the matrix step was
    completed in May 2005.

RSA Problem
  • The RSA problem is the task of finding eth roots
    modulo a composite number N whose factors are not
  • In other words to find integer P such that Pe C
    (mod N), given integers N, e and C such that N is
    the product of two large primes, 2 lt e lt N is
    coprime to f(N), and 0 lt C lt N. C is chosen
    randomly within that range
  • the most efficient means known to solve the RSA
    problem is to factor the modulus N and thus
    discover the private key
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