Web-application - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Web-application s performance testing Ilkka Myllyl Reaaliprosessi Ltd Agenda Research results about web-application scalability Performance requirements ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Web-application

Web-applications performance testing
  • Ilkka Myllylä
  • Reaaliprosessi Ltd

  • Research results about web-application
  • Performance requirements specification
  • Load testing tools
  • Load test preparation
  • Load test execution
  • Analysis
  • What is bottleneck and how to find it ?
  • Optimization and tuning
  • What is root cause and how to fix it ?

Research results about web-application
Is scalability problem ?
  • Research results (Newport Group Inc.)
  • Scalability in production
  • as required 48
  • worse than requirements 52 (average 30)
  • Late from timetable and costs overrun
  • as required 1 month and 70 000 euros
  • worse 2 months and 140 000 euros
  • What explains bad results ?
  • performance testing timing is most important

Performance testing timing
Early start of testing is profitable
  • Efficiency
  • one and 2-5 user tests show average 80 of
  • Costs
  • late fixing costs many times more -gt wrong
    architecture risk for example

When to test performance ?
  • Architecture validation
  • Component performance
  • New application system performance test
  • Major changes to application made

Realistic performance testing is not easy
  • Too optimistic results are common problem
  • It worked in tests ! says 32 (Gartner Group)
  • Bad environment
  • Testing environment not equal to production
  • Bad design implementation
  • Load testing tool not used right way
  • Wrong tool for a job
  • Load test tool used not functional / does not
    include features needed

Performance requirementsspecification
Performance requirements testability
  • Requirements should be exact enough in order know
    how to test them
  • Usage information
  • Different users and their profiles ?
  • Transaction amounts ?
  • Response times
  • Detailed response times requirements ?
  • Technical constraints
  • User terminals, software, connection speed ?
  • Technical architecture
  • Database size
  • Security and reliability constraints

Completeness of requirements
  • Sensibility check Are customers requirements /
    calculations right and sensible ?
  • Completeness What information is missing ?
  • Checklist

System usage information
  • Goal Real usage simulation that is close enough
    to reality
  • Business / use case scenarios are good starting
  • Close enough ?
  • Not all functions are tested but most important
    and most used are tested
  • 3-5 scenarios is usually enough for one
  • Usage information History info available ?
  • Yes Future scenarios ?
  • No Estimation and calculation with known facts

Transaction profile
User profiles
Does customers requirements / calculations make
sense ?
  • Expectations can be too high
  • Response time for all functions should be below
    2 sec
  • In old system everything was very fast
  • Different functions are not equal
  • requirements should be set individually for
    important use cases
  • and their functions
  • Costs should be involved
  • less response time, more costs
  • technically chalenging requirements ?

How long user is willing to wait ?
  • Not simple thing
  • different users have different requirements for
    same functions
  • Research results (Netforecast Inc)
  • two important factors frequency and amount
  • strong variation between applications and
  • satisfactory average 10 s

Frequency of use
  • Frequency How often user needs to use function
  • more often user needs, less he/she is willing to
  • Example 1 Frequency
  • Use case Search customer info
  • A. Once a hour requirement for response time 5
  • B. Once a month requirement for response time
    30 s

Amount of information
  • Amount How much valuable information we get as
    result ?
  • more information one get, more he/she is willing
    to wait
  • Example 2 Amount
  • A. Saving function for few input fields
    requirement for response time 3 s
  • B. Search function for product information (100
    fields) requirement for response time 10 s

Response time requirements
Performance requirements in contracts
  • Requirements for performance testing
  • Appendix about performance requirements
  • Test engineer validate testability
  • Both customer and supplier benefit
  • Good for customer
  • No extra costs late in development cycle
  • Good form supplier
  • No new surprise requirements late in
    development cycle
  • What about performance testing tools ?
  • expensive investment

Load testing tools
Types of performance testing
  • Concurrency
  • one to several users concurrently in risk
  • manual testing normally
  • Performance
  • requirements for scalability ?
  • load testing tool needed
  • Load
  • max number of users ?
  • Reliability
  • long usage possible without degrading performance

Load testing tools - markets
  • Mercury Interactive market leader (gt 50)
  • Big six have 90 of markets
  • 100s of small companies
  • Prices for major tools quite high
  • Growing market

Load testing tools options to get one
  • Buy licence ( consulting)
  • usually virtual user count pricing
  • Buy service
  • load generation externally
  • Rent licence ( consulting)
  • need for only limited time and maybe for just
    this one project

Load testing tools main functions
  • Recording and editing scripts
  • Scenario design and running
  • Analysis and reporting

Load testing tools - features
  • Lots of obligatory features
  • script recording
  • parametrizing
  • scenario design
  • ramp up and weighting
  • different scripts running concurrently
  • online results / feedback
  • error detection
  • transaction level response times
  • http protocol support

Load testing tools - features
  • Lots of usually needed features
  • Distributed clients
  • Unix/Linux clients
  • Multi protocol support
  • Multi speed support
  • Multi browser support
  • Server monitoring
  • Content validation
  • Dynamic urls supported

Features - Make or buy
  • Some features are possible to be done manually
  • server monitoring
  • analysis and reporting
  • Usability
  • best tools are really easy to use
  • others need lots of work and programming
  • Workarounds
  • more features than promised with clever trics

Good tool combination
  • Separate load and monitoring tool
  • even from different vendor ?
  • how about profiling ?
  • Script reusability
  • same scripts for functional and load testing

Load test preparation
Testing environment
  • Same as production environment
  • Other applications dividing same resources
    (firewall etc) ?
  • Controllable
  • No outside disturbance

Basic optimization made
  • What is basic optimization ?
  • Server parameters are validated by responsible
    persons and list of values given to load testers
  • Database sql performance checked and necessary
    indexes exists
  • Without basic optimization load test is waste of
  • just first obvious bottleneck is found and no
    real information exists

Load test cases
  • First each script separately with ramp-up usage
  • easier to see what is problem straight away
  • Real usage scenario with weighted scripts
  • usually many test runs before goals are achieved
  • time for repeated tests
  • usual usage first then special occasions
  • What-if scenarios
  • one change at time to see influence of changing
  • Risk based testing
  • different location and speed testing
  • hacker testing -gt Dos attack etc

Script selection
  • User or process scripts ?
  • both are possible
  • Example Petshop application user oriented
  • Create order - returning customer
  • Create order - new customer
  • Searching customer
  • Example Petshop application process oriented
  • Registeration
  • Create order
  • Search order

Script recording and editing
  • Script Program code (C, Perl etc) to execute
    test automatically
  • Basic recording
  • execute test case with recording on
  • check and set recording options before start
  • generates script
  • Editing
  • parametrizing
  • transactions
  • think time changes
  • checkpoints
  • comments

  • Recorded script includes hard coded input values
  • If we execute load test with hard coded values
    results are not realiastic (too good or bad)
  • Parametrizing Different input values for
    different virtual users
  • all users of system have different user
  • more realistic load

Test data generation
  • Parameter data with right distribution
  • Generation of test data to text files which load
    tools can use
  • Real amount of data in databases
  • Backup and restore procedures

  • Detailed response time information inside script
  • Exact execution times and problem transactions
    could be seen
  • script with 10 transactions -gt when response time
    increase, are all the tranasactions equally slow
    or just some ?

  • Functions in script that check correctness of
    results during execution
  • In some tools could be set automatically
  • Others need manual implementation
  • Find errors otherwise not seen

Think time
  • Think time Time user uses for looking and input
    before making next request to server
  • Important parameter when estimating usage
  • Less think time means more frequent request and
    more load to servers
  • Example
  • 100 users logged to system with 10 s average
    think time 1 user 6 transactions/ minute and
    100 users 600 t/min 10 tps
  • If think time is 30 s load is 3 tps

  • Making and testing scripts software development
  • comments for meintenance
  • tools own naming is not always good -gt changes
    needed to get readability

Script testing
  • Executing single script succesfully
  • at least twice
  • with checkpoints and parameters

Scenario creation and testing
  • Usage information and ramp-up of different
    scripts in same scenario
  • Designed counters available and working for
  • Test run with couple of users

  • Ramp-up
  • User amount increase little by little
  • In real life usually amounts does not change
  • When user amount increase little by little, it is
    easy to see how response time and utilization
  • Stabilizing before next level of load
  • Example 1000 users use system at same time
  • first 50 users then 50 more every 10 minutes
    until response time is bad or errors start to

Collection of performance counters
  • Responsiblity of getting performance counters is
    usually divided between
  • administrators
  • developers
  • testers -gt Load Tool monitors
  • Load tool monitors should tested
  • not always so easy to get information from
    servers as vendor says

Load test execution
Reset and warm-up
  • Reset situation
  • Old tests should not influence
  • Warm-up
  • Before actual test, some usage need to done

Synchronizing people involved
  • Test manager gets ready from all people involved
  • When test ends syncronization again to stop
  • Collection of results

Active online following
  • Counters
  • following online monitors
  • response time and throughput
  • client and server system counters (cpu, memory,
  • Error messages
  • if lot of errors occured test should be stopped
  • errors occur often before application run out of
    system resourches

Response time
  • Most important counter for performance
  • Response time time user needs to wait before
    able to continue
  • Industry standard for response time 8 seconds
  • With response time usage information is needed
  • simultaneous user amount and what most of they
    are doing
  • Example
  • 100 simultaneous sessions, 50 update and 50
  • Response time requirement 4 s to 95 of insert
    and update of bill insert. To other functions
    requirement is 8 s.

  • Another important counter for validating
  • Amount of transactions, events, bytes or hits per
  • usual counter tps (transaction per second)
  • Requirements could be told as throughput value
  • Bottleneck could be seen easily with saturation
    point of throughput

Throughput and response time
Performance knee
What is bottleneck and how to find it ?
What is bottleneck and why it is important ?
  • Any resource (software, hardware, network) which
    limits speed of application
  • under requirements
  • from good to even better (changing requirements)
  • Bootleneck is result
  • reason should be analysed and fixed
  • for example disk i/o is bootleneck and fix is to
    distribute log file and database files to
    different disks
  • Chain is as strong as its weakest link
  • application is as fast as worse bottleneck

How can we identify bottleneck ?
  • Using application and measuring
  • response time and throughput
  • resourche usage measuring
  • One user
  • ralative slowness and resourche utilization (
    not yet bottleneck but possible to see that
    bigger amounts of users will couse one)
  • Several users
  • trends possible to see already (1 user 1s, 5
    users 3 s, 1000 users ? s)
  • Required amount of users
  • Actual max usage scenatio

Not so nice features of bottleneck
  • Real bottleneck influence load of other resources
  • everything influences everything
  • when disk is bottleneck, processor looks like one
    too (but is not)
  • when real bottleneck is fixed other problem will
    be solved too
  • if we increase processor power, it does not help
  • Real bottleneck create other problems but hide
    them too
  • first bottleneck should be solved in order to see
    next real bottleneck

Amount and finding of bottlenecks
  • One application has usually many bottlenecks
  • many changes are needed in order to
  • One test finds only one bottleneck
  • many iterations are needed in order to fix all

Most common bottlenecks in web-applications
Server counters and profiling
  • What counters and log/profile information do we
    need in order see bottleneck and root cause ?
  • Two levels of counters
  • system counters cpu utilization
  • application software counters Oracle cache hit
  • Log/profile information
  • detail level resource usage information

Collecting system counters
  • Memory, CPU, network and disk counters could be
  • with operating system dependent programs like
    Windows Performance monitor or Unixin sar,top etc
  • with load testing programs like LoadRunner or
  • Collecting with load testing programs is easier
    and information is in easy to analyze/report form
  • Counters for all four are needed

Interpreting system counters
  • Most important counters
  • CPU queue length tells if it is too busy
  • Disk queue length tells if it is too busy
  • Network - queue length tells if it is too busy
  • Memory hard page faults (disk) tells if it is
    too small
  • However one counter is not enough
  • to be sure more counters are needed
  • to see root couse more counters are needed

Application counters
  • Collecting with load testing programs is easy and
    information is in easy to analyze/report form
  • However all counters are not available to load
    testing tools
  • online monitors (Websphere, WebLogic) could be
    used to complement information
  • Different products have different counters
  • need for understanding that particular product

Profiling tools
  • Collecting exact information in call level
  • memory usage
  • disk i/o usage
  • response time
  • Collecting information may influence quite much
    to results
  • one solution is to make two test runs one
    without logging/profiling and other with them

Example 1 One clear bottleneck
  • One of four system resources is busy
  • easy to see bottleneck

Example 2 More than one system resources looks
  • However only one resource is real bottleneck
  • others are side effects of real bottleneck

Example 3 None of system resources looks bad
  • Where is the bottleneck then ?
  • usually some software application uses works
    inefficiently internally or interface queue to
    external systems does not work efficiently

What is root cause and how to fix it ?
How to see root cause ?
  • Application level information is usually needed
    and always good to have
  • Software code problems could be solved when we
    see which is slow function
  • Some root causes are easy to see while others
    needs sophisticated monitoring and profiling

Software implementation
  • Database server
  • Bad sql from performance point of view (works but
    not efficiently)
  • No or not good enough indexes used
  • Application server
  • Object references not freed -gt too much objects
    in heap
  • Bad methods used from performance point of view
  • Idea is to decrease load to hardware resouches

  • Not efficient use of existing hardware resources
  • Parametrizing and configuring help

  • Resource too slow for handling events fast enough
  • More resourches or reconfiguring existing
  • Cpu from web-server to db server

Hard constraints and requirements
  • Clients complicated business logic requirements
  • too much bytes needed in user interface (slow
    network speed)
  • too many different sources of information needed
  • long transactions single function needs many
    chained updates
  • Security requirements
  • too much request to web server -gt encrypted
    network traffic
  • Online data needed
  • many big updates needed immediately

Bad design
  • Application tiers
  • distribution of tiers possible (EJB vs pure
  • Technology
  • too much information in session object
  • Infrastructure
  • not compatible versions of different vendors from
    performance point of view
  • needed functionality not available ( distibution
    not supported)

  • Tuning
  • application
  • server software
  • operating system
  • network
  • Usually good choice
  • fast to do
  • risks to regression small
  • Usually tuning is not enough
  • changes are needed

  • Application code
  • Application software
  • Hardware
  • Network infrastructure

Tuning vs change
  • Tuning is not so risky
  • Change is not always possible
  • In practise both are valid and equally considered

Example Tuning vs change
  • Sales system has application server processor
  • Could be removed
  • More processing power
  • Less processing needed -gt application code change
  • If application logic need to be changed a lot
  • More processing power choosed
  • If application logic need to be changed a little
  • application code change choosed
  • If both are fast, easy and costs are low
  • both are choosed

Removing bottlenecks
  • Idea Removing root cause of bottleneck one by
  • Rerun same test to see influence

Testing part of system
  • Sometimes it is difficult to see bottleneck and
    root cause
  • More information is needed in order to understand
    system better
  • Testing just one suspect at time is usually
    possible but could need much effort
  • Testing only one extent at time is ultimate way

Top down optimizing
  • When there is plenty of time
  • not very fast, but efective
  • Idea Optimize one level at time
  • -gt Level by level readyness
  • No jumping between levels

Application code
Application software
Operating system
Memorycache-pool-area usage
  • Idea Data or service that application needs is
    already in memory as much as possible
  • System level
  • big enough memory -gt not much swapping needed
  • proxy server caches content
  • Application level
  • big enough database connection pool -gt new
    objects not needed
  • big enough database sort area -gt not much
    swapping needed

Connection and thread pools
  • Creating many objects at startup
  • new user gets object from pool
  • when used object returns to pool

Synchronous and asynchronous traffic
  • If possible actions could happen asyncronously (
    no need to wait that action is ready)
  • Interfaces to other systems

Distributing load
  • Between servers
  • load balancing
  • Inside server
  • cpus
  • disks
  • Between networks
  • segments

Cut down features
  • Sometimes only possibility is to cut down
    features and requirements
  • deadline too neat to make other optimizing
  • costs or risks too big when doing anything else

Making recomendations for correcting actions
  • Need usually interpretion of results from
    different persons
  • however understanding and criticality is needed
  • Results should be clear
  • usual It is not our software but yours
    conversations could be avoided if nobody can
    question results and recomendations
  • need to show where problem is not !

Example Internet portal
  • Application Many background systems develop
    data to this portal
  • Response time in USAssa 5 s, when connections
    are fast
  • In Asia every connection takes 2 sec and moving
    elements between server and client is slow too
  • Logic 12 frames inside each other
  • Result Opening first page takes 2 s12 30 s
    54 sec
  • Requirement 8 sec

Corrective actions and ideas
  • Idea 1 Faster connection
  • not possible -gt thousands of internet customers
  • Idea 2 Content nearer to customer
  • pictures partly to client workstations -gt
    security regulations prevent partly
  • content to servers near customers (Content
    Delivery Network)
  • helps some but not enough
  • Idea 3 Packaging of data
  • helps some but not enough
  • Idea 4 Application logic change -gt less frames
  • lot of costs
  • requirements achieved

Error and lessons learned
  • Internet users with slow connections and
    different geagraphical areas
  • can be important user group
  • Technical design failed to this group
  • Perfotmance testing late in development cycle
  • too late
  • not simulated real usage good enough
  • Pilot users saved much
  • not widely used when problems we seen
  • Solution was found (as usual)
  • but fixing took much time and money
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