Title: ServSafe 3e Topic 10
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2The five most common risk factors responsible for
foodborne illness
Purchasing food from unsafe sources Failing to
cook food adequately Holding food at improper
temperatures Using contaminated equipment Poor
personal hygiene
3Active Managerial Control
A proactive rather than reactive approach to
addressing the CDCs risks By continuously
monitoring and verifying procedures responsible
for preventing these risks, you will ensure they
are being controlled
4The HACCP Philosophy
If significant biological, chemical, or physical
hazards are identified at specific points within
a products flow through the operation, they can
Prevented Eliminated Reduced to safe levels
5HACCP is based on seven basic principles
Principles 1 2 Help identify and evaluate
hazards Principles 3, 4, 5 Help establish how
these hazards will be controlled Principles
6, 7 Help maintain the HACCP plan and system
and verify their effectiveness
6Principle One Conduct a Hazard Analysis
Identify potential hazards in the food served by
looking at how it is processed Once common
processes have been identified, determine where
hazards are likely to occur for each
7Enricos, an Italian restaurant, conducted a
hazard analysis and discovered that
Several dishes, including Chicken Breast alla
Parmigiana and Pepper Steak, are processed
similarly receiving? storage? preparation?
cooking?same-day service The dishes are at risk
from biological hazards Chicken breast
Salmonella spp. and Campylobacter spp. Beef
shiga toxin-producing E. coli
8Principle Two Determine Critical Control Points
Find the points in the process where the
identified hazard(s) can be prevented,
eliminated, or reduced to safe levels. These are
the CCPs. Depending on the process, there may be
more than one CCP.
9Enricos identified cooking as the CCP for the
process used to prepare Chicken Breast alla
Parmigiana and Pepper Steak
Proper cooking is the only step that will
eliminate or reduce the hazards to safe
levels Since the food was prepared for same-day
service, it was the only CCP identified
10Principle Three Establish Critical Limits
Establish minimum and maximum limits for each
CCP that must be met to either prevent or
eliminate the hazard or reduce it to a safe
11Since cooking was identified as the CCP for the
process, Enricos determined the following
critical limits
Chicken Breast alla Parmigiana Cook the chicken
in a convection oven to a minimum internal
temperature of 165?F (74?C) for fifteen
seconds Pepper Steak Sauté the beef to a minimum
internal temperature of 145?F (63?C) for fifteen
12Principle Four Establish Monitoring Procedures
Determine the best way to check critical limits
to ensure they are consistently met Identify who
will monitor them and how often
13Enricos chose to monitor the critical limits
Inserting a thermometer probe into the thickest
part of each chicken breast (Chicken Breast alla
Parmigiana) Taking sample temperatures of the
beef (Pepper Steak)
14Principle Five Identify Corrective Actions
Identify steps that must be taken when a critical
limit is not met Determine these steps in advance
15At Enricos, if food has not reached its critical
limit during cooking, employees must
Continue to cook it until it does Record this
corrective action in the temperature log
16Principle Six Verify That the System Works
Determine if the plan is working as intended
Evaluate on a regular basis Monitoring
charts Records How the hazard analysis
was performed Determine if the plan adequately
prevents, reduces, or eliminates identified
Photo courtesy of Roger Bonafield and Dingbats
17To verify that the system was working, Enricos
management team
Checked temperature logs weekly and noticed that
chicken breasts occasionally were not meeting the
critical limit Reevaluated the HACCP plan and
found chicken routinely failed to meet the
critical limit Discovered their vendor was
delivering a slightly larger chicken
breast Adjusted their cooking process to account
for the larger breast
18Principle Seven Establish Procedures for Record
Keeping and Documentation
Keep records obtained
While performing monitoring activities Whenever a
corrective action is taken When equipment is
validated When working with suppliers
19Enricos management team requires that
Time and temperature logs be kept for three
months Receiving invoices be kept for sixty days
20A HACCP plan is required if an establishment
Smokes, cures, or uses food additives to preserve
food Packages food using a reduced-oxygen
packaging method Offers live, molluscan shellfish
from a display tank Custom-processes animals for
personal use Packages unpasteurized juice for
sale to the consumer without a warning label
21The time to prepare for a crisis is before one
The basis of a successful crisis management
program is a written plan that Identifies
the resources required Lists and explains the
procedures that must be followed
22When creating a crisis management plan
State the basic objectives Include a level of
detail in the plan consisting of Checklists
with step-by-step procedures Specific tasks,
roles, and resources Prepare specific procedures
for developing, updating and distributing it
23To prepare for a crisis
Develop a crisis management team Identify
potential crises Develop instructions for each
crisis Assemble a contact list Assign/train a
spokesperson to handle the media Develop a crisis
communication plan Assemble a crisis kit for the
establishment Test the plan