Title: Inactive License Status Effective March 2004
1Inactive License StatusEffective March 2004
- Texas Board of Professional Engineers
- Updated March 2006
2Inactive Status
- The 78th Texas Legislature in SB 277 allows the
creation of an Inactive Status.
3Who May Apply?Any license holder in good
standing may apply for inactive status prior to
expiration date of license(Note no refund of
fees already paid to the Board for current year)
4FeesAnnual fee set by the Board Same as
standard renewal, no 200 professional fee
5Inactive Status1. Not required to maintain
continuing education while inactive.2. Not
required to take an examination to reactivate
6Inactive Engineer Title The license holder may
use any term authorized for an active license
followed by the term (Inactive)or
(Retired)Examples Bob Smith, PE
(Inactive)John Jones, PE (Retired)
7Inactive Engineer Activities1. May not offer
any engineering services while inactive 2. May
be a reference for an applicant
8How to Become Inactive1. Submit a request form
in writing (available on website) 2. Check
Inactive box on renewal form 3. Pay the
inactive renewal fee
9How to Return to Active Status1. Submit a
request form in writing 2. Pay the annual
renewal and any fee increase required by the
Board3. Obtain all delinquent Continuing
Education hours (not to exceed 30 hours)4.
Submit fingerprints for criminal history record
check if you have not already done so. See
http//engineers.texas.gov/recordcheck.html for
further information.
10Limitations on Status Changes1. An inactive
license holder may return to active status only
once during a calendar year.2. If made active
within the same annual renewal period, all
continuing education requirements for that year
must be met.
- 1917 S. Interstate 35
- Austin, TX 78741
- Phone 512-440-7723
- FAX 512-442-1414
- Web http//engineers.texas.gov
- email info_at_engineers.texas.gov