The New Testament Church Organization - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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The New Testament Church Organization


The New Testament Church Organization A Mark That Matters Teaching and Edifying Eph 4:11-13 11 And He Himself gave some to be apostles, some prophets, some ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: The New Testament Church Organization

The New Testament ChurchOrganization
  • A Mark That Matters

The New Testament Church Organization
A Mark That Matters!
The New Testament Church Organization
Any organization that is larger than the local
congregation, but smaller than the church in its
universal sense is not in the Bible
denomination, synod, convention, council,
diocese, etc. Matt 1618 Rom 1616
A Mark That Matters!
The Church Universal and the Church Local
  • Matt 1618 18 And I also say to you that you are
    Peter, and on this rock I will build My church,
    and the gates of Hades shall not prevail against
  • Rom 1616 16 Greet one another with a holy kiss.
    The churches of Christ greet you.

The New Testament Church Organization
Any organization that is larger than the local
congregation, but smaller than the church in its
universal sense is not in the Bible
denomination, synod, convention, council,
diocese, etc. Matt 1618 Rom 1616
The Local Church Is
A Mark That Matters!
The New Testament Church Organization
Any organization that is larger than the local
congregation, but smaller than the church in its
universal sense is not in the Bible
denomination, synod, convention, council,
diocese, etc. Matt 1618 Rom 1616
The local church is Pervasive Acts 1423
Tit.15 Rom. 1616 I Cor. 161
A Mark That Matters!
  • Acts 1423 23 So when they had appointed elders
    in every church, and prayed with fasting, they
    commended them to the Lord in whom they had
  • Titus 15 5 For this reason I left you in Crete,
    that you should set in order the things that are
    lacking, and appoint elders in every city as I
    commanded you
  • Rom 1616 16 Greet one another with a holy kiss.
    The churches of Christ greet you.
  • 1 Cor 161 1 Now concerning the collection for
    the saints, as I have given orders to the
    churches of Galatia, so you must do also

The New Testament Church Organization
Any organization that is larger than the local
congregation, but smaller than the church in its
universal sense is not in the Bible
denomination, synod, convention, council,
diocese, etc. Matt 1618 Rom 1616
The local church is Pervasive Acts 1423
Tit.15 Rom. 1616 I Cor. 161 All
Sufficient II Cor. 35-6 II Tim. 315-16
A Mark That Matters!
All Sufficient
  • 2 Cor 35-6 5 not that we are sufficient of
    ourselves, to account anything as from ourselves
    but our sufficiency is from God 6 who also made
    us sufficient as ministers of a new covenant not
    of the letter, but of the spirit for the letter
    kills, but the spirit gives life. ASV
  • 2 Tim 315-17 15 and that from childhood you have
    known the Holy Scriptures, which are able to make
    you wise for salvation through faith which is in
    Christ Jesus. 16 All Scripture is given by
    inspiration of God, and is profitable for
    doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for
    instruction in righteousness, 17 that the man of
    God may be complete, thoroughly equipped for
    every good work.

The New Testament Church Organization
Any organization that is larger than the local
congregation, but smaller than the church in its
universal sense is not in the Bible
denomination, synod, convention, council,
diocese, etc. Matt 1618 Rom 1616
The local church is Pervasive Acts 1423
Tit.15 Rom. 1616 I Cor. 161 All
Sufficient II Cor. 35-6 II Tim.
315-16 Overseen by the Will of God I Pet. 52
A Mark That Matters!
Overseen by the Will of God
  • 1Pet. 52 1 The elders among you I exhort, who am
    a fellow-elder, and a witness of the sufferings
    of Christ, who am also a partaker of the glory
    that shall be revealed
  •  2 Tend the flock of God which is among you,
    exercising the oversight, not of constraint, but
    willingly, according to the will of God
  • ASV

The New Testament Church Organization
Any organization that is larger than the local
congregation, but smaller than the church in its
universal sense is not in the Bible
denomination, synod, convention, council,
diocese, etc. Matt 1618 Rom 1616
The local church is Pervasive Acts 1423
Tit.15 Rom. 1616 I Cor. 161 All
Sufficient II Cor. 35-6 II Tim.
315-16 Overseen by the Will of God I Pet.
52 Autonomous I Pet. 52 Acts 2028-29
A Mark That Matters!
  • 1 Peter 52-3 2 Tend the flock of God which is
    among you, exercising the oversight, not of
    constraint, but willingly, according to the will
    of God nor yet for filthy lucre, but of a ready
    mind 3 neither as lording it over the charge
    allotted to you, but making yourselves examples
    to the flock.
  • Acts 2028-29 28 Therefore take heed to
    yourselves and to all the flock, among which the
    Holy Spirit has made you overseers, to shepherd
    the church of God which He purchased with His own
    blood. 29 For I know this, that after my
    departure savage wolves will come in among you,
    not sparing the flock

The New Testament Church Organization
Any organization that is larger than the local
congregation, but smaller than the church in its
universal sense is not in the Bible
denomination, synod, convention, council,
diocese, etc. Matt 1618 Rom 1616
The local church is Pervasive Acts 1423
Tit.15 Rom. 1616 I Cor. 161 All
Sufficient II Cor. 35-6 II Tim.
315-16 Overseen by the Will of God I Pet.
52 Autonomous I Pet. 52 Acts 2028-29
Organized According to the Bible Eph. 411
Phil. 11
A Mark That Matters!
Organized According to the Bible
  • Eph 411-12 11 And He Himself gave some to be
    apostles, some prophets, some evangelists, and
    some pastors and teachers, 12 for the equipping
    of the saints for the work of ministry, for the
    edifying of the body of Christ
  • Phil 11  1 Paul and Timothy, bondservants of
    Jesus Christ, To all the saints in Christ Jesus
    who are in Philippi, with the bishops and

The New Testament Church Organization
Any organization that is larger than the local
congregation, but smaller than the church in its
universal sense is not in the Bible
denomination, synod, convention, council,
diocese, etc. Matt 1618 Rom 1616
The local church has
The local church is Pervasive Acts 1423
Tit.15 Rom. 1616 I Cor. 161 All
Sufficient II Cor. 35-6 II Tim.
315-16 Overseen by the Will of God I Pet.
52 Autonomous I Pet. 52 Acts 2028-29
Organized According to the Bible Eph. 411
Phil. 11
No Denominations, Preachers As Pastor, Raffles or
Pie Suppers, Legislative Conventions,
Special Event Baptisms or Special Event Lord's
Suppers are in the Bible.
A Mark That Matters!
The New Testament Church Organization
Any organization that is larger than the local
congregation, but smaller than the church in its
universal sense is not in the Bible
denomination, synod, convention, council,
diocese, etc. Matt 1618 Rom 1616
The local church has NT Organization Phil.
The local church is Pervasive Acts 1423
Tit.15 Rom. 1616 I Cor. 161 All
Sufficient II Cor. 35-6 II Tim.
315-16 Overseen by the Will of God I Pet.
52 Autonomous I Pet. 52 Acts 2028-29
Organized According to the Bible Eph. 411
Phil. 11
No Denominations, Preachers As Pastor, Raffles or
Pie Suppers, Legislative Conventions,
Special Event Baptisms or Special Event Lord's
Suppers are in the Bible.
A Mark That Matters!
  • Phil 11  1 Paul and Timothy, bondservants of
    Jesus Christ, To all the saints in Christ Jesus
    who are in Philippi, with the bishops and

The New Testament Church Organization
Any organization that is larger than the local
congregation, but smaller than the church in its
universal sense is not in the Bible
denomination, synod, convention, council,
diocese, etc. Matt 1618 Rom 1616
The local church has NT Organization Phil.
11 NT Worship
The local church is Pervasive Acts 1423
Tit.15 Rom. 1616 I Cor. 161 All
Sufficient II Cor. 35-6 II Tim.
315-16 Overseen by the Will of God I Pet.
52 Autonomous I Pet. 52 Acts 2028-29
Organized According to the Bible Eph. 411
Phil. 11
No Denominations, Preachers As Pastor, Raffles or
Pie Suppers, Legislative Conventions,
Special Event Baptisms or Special Event Lord's
Suppers are in the Bible.
A Mark That Matters!
The New Testament Church Organization
Any organization that is larger than the local
congregation, but smaller than the church in its
universal sense is not in the Bible
denomination, synod, convention, council,
diocese, etc. Matt 1618 Rom 1616
The local church has NT Organization Phil.
11 NT Worship -Singing Col. 316 Eph.519
The local church is Pervasive Acts 1423
Tit.15 Rom. 1616 I Cor. 161 All
Sufficient II Cor. 35-6 II Tim.
315-16 Overseen by the Will of God I Pet.
52 Autonomous I Pet. 52 Acts 2028-29
Organized According to the Bible Eph. 411
Phil. 11
No Denominations, Preachers As Pastor, Raffles or
Pie Suppers, Legislative Conventions,
Special Event Baptisms or Special Event Lord's
Suppers are in the Bible.
A Mark That Matters!
  • Col 316 16 Let the word of Christ dwell in you
    richly in all wisdom, teaching and admonishing
    one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual
    songs, singing with grace in your hearts to the
  • Eph 519-20 19 speaking to one another in psalms
    and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making
    melody in your heart to the Lord, 20 giving
    thanks always for all things to God the Father in
    the name of our Lord Jesus Christ

The New Testament Church Organization
Any organization that is larger than the local
congregation, but smaller than the church in its
universal sense is not in the Bible
denomination, synod, convention, council,
diocese, etc. Matt 1618 Rom 1616
The local church has NT Organization Phil.
11 NT Worship -Singing Col. 316
Eph.519 -Praying Acts 242
The local church is Pervasive Acts 1423
Tit.15 Rom. 1616 I Cor. 161 All
Sufficient II Cor. 35-6 II Tim.
315-16 Overseen by the Will of God I Pet.
52 Autonomous I Pet. 52 Acts 2028-29
Organized According to the Bible Eph. 411
Phil. 11
No Denominations, Preachers As Pastor, Raffles or
Pie Suppers, Legislative Conventions,
Special Event Baptisms or Special Event Lord's
Suppers are in the Bible.
A Mark That Matters!
  • Acts 242 42 And they continued steadfastly in
    the apostles doctrine and fellowship, in the
    breaking of bread, and in prayers.

The New Testament Church Organization
Any organization that is larger than the local
congregation, but smaller than the church in its
universal sense is not in the Bible
denomination, synod, convention, council,
diocese, etc. Matt 1618 Rom 1616
The local church has NT Organization Phil.
11 NT Worship -Singing Col. 316
Eph.519 -Praying Acts 242 -Lords Supper I
The local church is Pervasive Acts 1423
Tit.15 Rom. 1616 I Cor. 161 All
Sufficient II Cor. 35-6 II Tim.
315-16 Overseen by the Will of God I Pet.
52 Autonomous I Pet. 52 Acts 2028-29
Organized According to the Bible Eph. 411
Phil. 11
No Denominations, Preachers As Pastor, Raffles or
Pie Suppers, Legislative Conventions,
Special Event Baptisms or Special Event Lord's
Suppers are in the Bible.
A Mark That Matters!
The Lords Supper
  • 1 Cor 1123-26 23 For I received from the Lord
    that which I also delivered to you that the Lord
    Jesus on the same night in which He was betrayed
    took bread 24 and when He had given thanks, He
    broke it and said, Take, eat this is My body
    which is broken for you do this in remembrance
    of Me. 25 In the same manner He also took the
    cup after supper, saying, This cup is the new
    covenant in My blood. This do, as often as you
    drink it, in remembrance of Me. 26 For as often
    as you eat this bread and drink this cup, you
    proclaim the Lords death till He comes.

The New Testament Church Organization
Any organization that is larger than the local
congregation, but smaller than the church in its
universal sense is not in the Bible
denomination, synod, convention, council,
diocese, etc. Matt 1618 Rom 1616
The local church has NT Organization Phil.
11 NT Worship -Singing Col. 316
Eph.519 -Praying Acts 242 -Lords Supper I
Cor.1123-26 -Teaching Preaching Acts 207
The local church is Pervasive Acts 1423
Tit.15 Rom. 1616 I Cor. 161 All
Sufficient II Cor. 35-6 II Tim.
315-16 Overseen by the Will of God I Pet.
52 Autonomous I Pet. 52 Acts 2028-29
Organized According to the Bible Eph. 411
Phil. 11
No Denominations, Preachers As Pastor, Raffles or
Pie Suppers, Legislative Conventions,
Special Event Baptisms or Special Event Lord's
Suppers are in the Bible.
A Mark That Matters!
Teaching and Preaching
  • Acts 207 7 Now on the first day of the week,
    when the disciples came together to break bread,
    Paul, ready to depart the next day, spoke to them
    and continued his message until midnight.

The New Testament Church Organization
Any organization that is larger than the local
congregation, but smaller than the church in its
universal sense is not in the Bible
denomination, synod, convention, council,
diocese, etc. Matt 1618 Rom 1616
The local church has NT Organization Phil.
11 NT Worship -Singing Col. 316
Eph.519 -Praying Acts 242 -Lords Supper I
Cor.1123-26 -Teaching Preaching Acts
207 -Giving I Cor. 161-2
The local church is Pervasive Acts 1423
Tit.15 Rom. 1616 I Cor. 161 All
Sufficient II Cor. 35-6 II Tim.
315-16 Overseen by the Will of God I Pet.
52 Autonomous I Pet. 52 Acts 2028-29
Organized According to the Bible Eph. 411
Phil. 11
No Denominations, Preachers As Pastor, Raffles or
Pie Suppers, Legislative Conventions,
Special Event Baptisms or Special Event Lord's
Suppers are in the Bible.
A Mark That Matters!
  • 1 Cor 161-2  1 Now concerning the collection for
    the saints, as I have given orders to the
    churches of Galatia, so you must do also 2 On
    the first day of the week let each one of you lay
    something aside, storing up as he may prosper,
    that there be no collections when I come.

The New Testament Church Organization
Any organization that is larger than the local
congregation, but smaller than the church in its
universal sense is not in the Bible
denomination, synod, convention, council,
diocese, etc. Matt 1618 Rom 1616
The local church has NT Organization Phil.
11 NT Worship -Singing Col. 316
Eph.519 -Praying Acts 242 -Lords Supper I
Cor.1123-26 -Teaching Preaching Acts
207 -Giving I Cor. 161-2 NT Work
The local church is Pervasive Acts 1423
Tit.15 Rom. 1616 I Cor. 161 All
Sufficient II Cor. 35-6 II Tim.
315-16 Overseen by the Will of God I Pet.
52 Autonomous I Pet. 52 Acts 2028-29
Organized According to the Bible Eph. 411
Phil. 11
No Denominations, Preachers As Pastor, Raffles or
Pie Suppers, Legislative Conventions,
Special Event Baptisms or Special Event Lord's
Suppers are in the Bible.
A Mark That Matters!
The New Testament Church Organization
Any organization that is larger than the local
congregation, but smaller than the church in its
universal sense is not in the Bible
denomination, synod, convention, council,
diocese, etc. Matt 1618 Rom 1616
The local church has NT Organization Phil.
11 NT Worship -Singing Col. 316
Eph.519 -Praying Acts 242 -Lords Supper I
Cor.1123-26 -Teaching Preaching Acts
207 -Giving I Cor. 161-2 NT
Work -Preaching Eph. 310 I Tim.315
The local church is Pervasive Acts 1423
Tit.15 Rom. 1616 I Cor. 161 All
Sufficient II Cor. 35-6 II Tim.
315-16 Overseen by the Will of God I Pet.
52 Autonomous I Pet. 52 Acts 2028-29
Organized According to the Bible Eph. 411
Phil. 11
No Denominations, Preachers As Pastor, Raffles or
Pie Suppers, Legislative Conventions,
Special Event Baptisms or Special Event Lord's
Suppers are in the Bible.
A Mark That Matters!
  • Eph 310 10 to the intent that now the manifold
    wisdom of God might be made known by the church
    to the principalities and powers in the heavenly
  • 1 Tim 315 15 but if I am delayed, I write so
    that you may know how you ought to conduct
    yourself in the house of God, which is the church
    of the living God, the pillar and ground of the

The New Testament Church Organization
Any organization that is larger than the local
congregation, but smaller than the church in its
universal sense is not in the Bible
denomination, synod, convention, council,
diocese, etc. Matt 1618 Rom 1616
The local church has NT Organization Phil.
11 NT Worship -Singing Col. 316
Eph.519 -Praying Acts 242 -Lords Supper I
Cor.1123-26 -Teaching Preaching Acts
207 -Giving I Cor. 161-2 NT
Work -Preaching Eph. 310 I Tim.315 -Teaching
and Edifying Eph.412
The local church is Pervasive Acts 1423
Tit.15 Rom. 1616 I Cor. 161 All
Sufficient II Cor. 35-6 II Tim.
315-16 Overseen by the Will of God I Pet.
52 Autonomous I Pet. 52 Acts 2028-29
Organized According to the Bible Eph. 411
Phil. 11
No Denominations, Preachers As Pastor, Raffles or
Pie Suppers, Legislative Conventions,
Special Event Baptisms or Special Event Lord's
Suppers are in the Bible.
A Mark That Matters!
Teaching and Edifying
  • Eph 411-13 11 And He Himself gave some to be
    apostles, some prophets, some evangelists, and
    some pastors and teachers, 12 for the equipping
    of the saints for the work of ministry, for the
    edifying of the body of Christ, 13 till we all
    come to the unity of the faith and of the
    knowledge of the Son of God, to a perfect man, to
    the measure of the stature of the fullness of

The New Testament Church Organization
Any organization that is larger than the local
congregation, but smaller than the church in its
universal sense is not in the Bible
denomination, synod, convention, council,
diocese, etc. Matt 1618 Rom 1616
The local church has NT Organization Phil.
11 NT Worship -Singing Col. 316
Eph.519 -Praying Acts 242 -Lords Supper I
Cor.1123-26 -Teaching Preaching Acts
207 -Giving I Cor. 161-2 NT
Work -Preaching Eph. 310 I Tim.315 -Teaching
and Edifying Eph.412 -Benevolence Acts
244-45 611127-30
The local church is Pervasive Acts 1423
Tit.15 Rom. 1616 I Cor. 161 All
Sufficient II Cor. 35-6 II Tim.
315-16 Overseen by the Will of God I Pet.
52 Autonomous I Pet. 52 Acts 2028-29
Organized According to the Bible Eph. 411
Phil. 11
No Denominations, Preachers As Pastor, Raffles or
Pie Suppers, Legislative Conventions,
Special Event Baptisms or Special Event Lord's
Suppers are in the Bible.
A Mark That Matters!
  • Acts 244-45 44 Now all who believed were
    together, and had all things in common, 45 and
    sold their possessions and goods, and divided
    them among all, as anyone had need.
  • Acts 61 1 Now in those days, when the number of
    the disciples was multiplying, there arose a
    complaint against the Hebrews by the Hellenists,
    because their widows were neglected in the daily
  • Acts 1127-30 27 And in these days prophets came
    from Jerusalem to Antioch. 28 Then one of them,
    named Agabus, stood up and showed by the Spirit
    that there was going to be a great famine
    throughout all the world, which also happened in
    the days of Claudius Caesar. 29 Then the
    disciples, each according to his ability,
    determined to send relief to the brethren
    dwelling in Judea. 30 This they also did, and
    sent it to the elders by the hands of Barnabas
    and Saul.

The New Testament Church Organization
Any organization that is larger than the local
congregation, but smaller than the church in its
universal sense is not in the Bible
denomination, synod, convention, council,
diocese, etc. Matt 1618 Rom 1616
The local church has NT Organization Phil.
11 NT Worship -Singing Col. 316
Eph.519 -Praying Acts 242 -Lords Supper I
Cor.1123-26 -Teaching Preaching Acts
207 -Giving I Cor. 161-2 NT
Work -Preaching Eph. 310 I Tim.315 -Teaching
and Edifying Eph.412 -Benevolence Acts
244-45 611127-30
The local church is Pervasive Acts 1423
Tit.15 Rom. 1616 I Cor. 161 All
Sufficient II Cor. 35-6 II Tim.
315-16 Overseen by the Will of God I Pet.
52 Autonomous I Pet. 52 Acts 2028-29
Organized According to the Bible Eph. 411
Phil. 11
No Denominations, Preachers As Pastor, Raffles or
Pie Suppers, Legislative Conventions,
Special Event Baptisms or Special Event Lord's
Suppers are in the Bible.
A Mark That Matters!
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