Title: Slide sem t
1Sahaja Meditation
"What you seek is often closer than you think.
Campus UNIV 103 every Wednesday _at_
700pm. purduemeditation_at_gmail.com
2The Pressure Cooker
Key Findings APA Survey 2 007 STRESS
Portrait of a National Pressure Cooker Stress
is a fact of life (agreed 79 percent of people),
but according to survey responses, Americans
routinely experience what they believe are higher
than healthy levels of stress. One-third of
people in the U.S. regularly report experiencing
extreme levels of stress (32 percent), and nearly
one in five (17 percent) report that they
experienced their highest level of stress 15 or
more days per month. Even more alarming, nearly
half of Americans (48 percent) believe that their
stress has increased over the past five
years. Google keyword stress in
America http//www.apa.org/releases/stressproble
3 Anatomy of Stress
The actions of the parasympathetic nervous system
can be summarized as "rest and digest" (as
opposed to the "fight-or-flight" effects of the
sympathetic nervous system). It is also quite the
opposite for the sympathetic nervous system.
Autonomic nervous system innervation, showing the
sympathetic and parasympathetic (craniosacral)
systems, in red and blue, respectively
4 Why Meditation?
- Releases Stress
- Improves memory,attention.
- Healthy life style
- Physical Benefits
- Self Realization Whats that ?
5The Channels (Human Subtle System)
6The Centers (centers of energy)
7Effects of Self-realization
- Thoughtless awareness Go beyond your thoughts
- Awareness of centers and channels in your subtle
system - Immense Joy!
- Cool breeze on the palms of your hands and on the
top of your head (fontanel bone area)
8Regular Meditation
- Gradual improvement of centers
- Inner peace
- Disappearance of physical, psychological and
psychosomatic problems, as well as incurable
diseases - Improvement of family, professional and spiritual
9Video(Research on SM)http//www.freemeditation.c