?????F?????? S?S?????? ??????S?S ( M.I.S.) - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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?????F?????? S?S?????? ??????S?S ( M.I.S.)


Title: MIS Author: Last modified by: BILL DAMAS Created Date: 11/28/2006 9:37:05 PM Document presentation format – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: ?????F?????? S?S?????? ??????S?S ( M.I.S.)

?????F?????? S?S?????? ??????S?S ( M.I.S.)
??sa???? - ????????
  • ? e??as?a p?? a??????e? ?a? ap?te?e? e??as?a t??
    Sp??dast? ?aµas??t? ?as??e??? (A.M. 31932 )
    e??a? t? ap?t??esµa µ?a? p??sp??e?a? a????s?? t??
    ?????a? t?? ?????f???a??? S?st?µ?t?? ??????s??
    (?.S.?.), t?? s??s?? t?? ?.S.?. µe t??
    ?p??e???s?, t?? a????e? p?? ?a?e?ta? ?a ?a??????
    ?a? ? ???s?µ?t?t? t??.
  • ?????, ?a ???e? a?af??? st? E.R.P. ?a? t? C.R.M.

Management Information Systems
  • ? ???? ?????f???a?? S?st?µata ??????s??
    (M.I.S.) p??sd?????e? µ?a s???e???µ??? ?at?????a
    p????f???a??? s?st?µ?t?? p?? e??p??et???
    ?e?t?????e? se d?????t??? ep?ped?.

?????F?????? S?S?????? ??????S?S
  • ?a ?????f???a?? S?st?µata ??????s?? (M.I.S.)
    ?p?st??????? ?????? t?? ?e?t?????e?
  • p????aµµat?sµ??,
  • e?????? ?a?
  • ????? ap?f?se?? se d?????t??? ep?ped?.

?????F?????? S?S?????? ??????S?S
  • ? ?????a ?a? ? s??p?? e??? S?st?µat?? ?????f?????
    ??????s?? e??a? a?t???pt? µe t?? ?ata???s? t??
    ?at?t??? s?stat???? ????
  • ??????S? ? ???? d?????s? pe???aµß??e? t??
    d?ast????t?te? t?? ?p??e? a?a?aµß????? ta
    d?e????t??? ste???? st?? ep??e???se??. ?e ???a
    ????a p????aµµat?????, ???a??????, ?ate???????,
    s??t???????, e??????? t?? ?e?t?????e? t??
    ep??e???s?? ?a? ?aµß????? ?at?????e? ap?f?se??.
  • ?????F???? ? p????f???a s???stata? ap? ded?µ??a
    p?? ????? s???e?e?, epe?e??aste? ?a?
    ???s?µ?p????e? ?at? d?af????? t??p??? p???e?µ????
    ?a ??f???? ap?f?se??.
  • S?S???? ??a s?st?µa apa?t??eta? ap? s?????
    st???e??? s??dedeµ???? µeta?? t??? ?ts? ?ste ?a
    p?????? ??a s??p?. ??a ep??e???s? e??a? ??a
    s?st?µa ? ?d?a p?? pe????e?e? sta ???? t??
    tµ?µata, µ???de?, ?e?t?????e? pa?a?????,
    µ???et???? ??p st?? ??s?a ? ?????a t?? s?st?µat??
    a?af??eta? st? d?as??des? t?? ?p?s?st?µ?t?? a?t??
    µ?s? t?? a?ta??a??? t?? p????f???a? ?ts? ?ste ?a
    ep?t?????eta? ße?t?st?p???s? t??
    ap?te?esµat???t?ta? t?? ep??e???s??.

?????F?????? S?S?????? ??????S?S
  • ???a? s??p?µ? ?a a?afe????? ?? pa?a??t? ???sµ??
  • ????? d??e? ?at? ?a?????
  • ?? p????f???a?? s?st?µa e??a? ??a s?????
    ???a??µ???? d?ad??as??? p?? ?ta? efa?µ?ste?,
    pa???e? p????f???e? ??a ?p?st????? t?? ?????
    ap?f?se?? ?a? t?? e?????? t?? ???a??sµ??.
  • ???a? µ?a ???a??µ??? µ???d?? pa????? p????f?????
    ??a t? pa?e????, pa??? ?a? µ????? p?? s?et????ta?
    µe t?? es?te????? ?e?t?????e? ?a? t? e??te????
    pe??ß?????. ?p?st????e? t?? p????aµµat?sµ?, t??
    ??e??? ?a? t?? ?a??µe????? ?e?t?????e? e???
    ???a??sµ??, pa?????ta? e??a?a ?a? s??e??
    p????f???s? se ?at?????a ??????? d?ast?µata ??a
    ?a ß????se? t?? ???? ap?f?se??.

?????F?????? S?S?????? ??????S?S
  • ???? t?? t?p?? ?? ?p??e???se?? ? ???a??sµ??
    a???a?e? e??a? ?a? ????? st? s??????? ep??? µa?
    µ?a µ??f? p????f???a??? s?st?µat?? d?????s??.
  • ?p??e? ?a d???eta? ? ?a d?a??t??? a?t? t? ?.S.?.
    µe ? ????? ??e?t???????? ?p?????st??.
  • ???? ?a???a? ???a??sµ?? de? e??a? d??at?? ?a
    ?e?t?????se? ????? p????f???e?.
  • ?e t? p??asµa t?? ?????? a?apt?????a? ??
    ??????µ?e?, ?? ???a??sµ?? ?a? ?? ?p??e???se??
    ?a??? ?a? ta ?????f???a?? S?st?µata.
  • ? e?s?d?? t?? ??e?t??????? ?p?????st?? sta
    s?st?µata p????f????? t?? ??????s?? ??a?e ef??t?
    t?? ???p???s? a?t?µ?t?? s?st?µ?t?? epe?e??as?a?
    µe????? ????? ded?µ???? pa?????ta? p????f???e?
    st? ????? ??a ???e e?d??? p????? ?a? ??a ?p??a

?????F?????? S?S?????? ??????S?S
  • ?? ???a??sµ?? ?a? ?? ?p??e???se?? ?e?t??????? µe
    t?? a??? t?? ?ss???? ??s?a? ?a? µe ?????
    ??????µ?te??????? ????? p?? ep?ß?????ta? ap? t??
    pa???sµ??p???µ??? p???? a????.
  • ? ??e??a t?? a????? ap?te?e? ??a µe???? ?a?
    s?µa?t??? ??µµ?t? ???e ep??e???s??.
  • ?a ?????f???a?? S?st?µata ??????s?? e??a? p????
    t? ?s????te?? e??a?e?? t?? µe????? ep??e???se??
    ??at? ß????e? p??? µe t?? a????s? t?? ded?µ????
    st?? ?p?st????? ????? t?? p??sf???te??? ap?fas??
    ap? t? ??????s? ?a? st?? p??ß?e?? µe????t????
    ????se?? µe t? µ????te?? ??s??.

?? µp??e? ?a ???e? ?a ??t?se? µ?a ep??e???s?
10 e??t?se????a pe??te? ?a? p???se??
  1. ???e? promotions (??????se??) ?a? campaigns
    (??st?ate?e?) ep?f????? ta µe?a??te?a ?s?da ?a?
    p?? ep?d???? st? RoI (Return of Investment
    ?p?d?s? ?p??d?s??)
  2. ???a p?????ta ?a p??pe? ?a p????s? ?a? se p?????
  3. ?? ?a p??pe? ?a p????s? st??? pe??te? ?ta? e??a?
    st? t???f??? ? st?? p???t? ? st? web site
  4. ?? p?????ta ????? ?? pe??te?, µe t? configuration
    (d?aµ??f?s?) ?a? p?? µp??? ?a p????s? ta ??a
    p?????ta µ?? ? a?t? p?? a?t?? ??????
  5. ???e? e??a? ?? t?se?? ??a??p???s?? t?? pe?at??
  6. What-if revenue analysis (?????s? e?s?d?µat?? µe
    t?-a?) ??a ??a t?µ?????a?? p???t???
  7. ???a p?????ta e??a? ta p???? ?e?d?f??a a?? ?a????
    p?????s??, ?at?????a pe??t?, ?e???af?a ?a?
    ?a?a?t???st??? ?p?d?µ?? ?a? ?e?t?????a? µ??
  8. ??se? e?e???p???se?? ?p??es??? e??a a?? pe???d?,
    e????st?, µ???st? ?a? µ?s? ??? ap????s?? ?a?
    p?se? de? µp??esa? ?a e?e???p???????
  9. ??? ap?d?de? µ?a ?aµp???a
  10. ???a e??a? ? a??a t?? pe?at?? µ??

M.I.S. ??e? ?????e? ?a? ????? a?t?????
?? e??a? MIS (ap? µ?a p??t? ?p???) A
collection of data designed to support management
decision making ??a s?????? ded?µ????
s?ed?asµ??? ?a ?p?st????e? t?? ??????s? ?a
pa???e? ?p?f?se??. ?e???aµß??e? p?????
ded?µ???? µe t?t??a s????? ?ste ?a ap?te???? t??
ep??e???s?a?? e????a se s??s? µe t?
?????. Ge????, a?af??eta? st?? s??d?asµ? p?????
d?af??et???? DBs p?? a?af????ta? st? s????? t??
?? a?a??se?? µp??e? ?a ???e? µ?a ep??e???s?
  • Product, customer sales analysis
  • ?????s? ??????t?? ?a? ????se?? se pe??te?
  • Orders and shipments analysis
  • ?????s? ??ata??? ?a? Ap?st????
  • Financial analysis
  • ??????µ??? ?????s?
  • Promotion planning analysis
  • ??????s? ?????aµµat?sµ?? ?a? ?????s?
  • Purchasing analysis
  • ?????s? ??????
  • Market segmentation analysis
  • ?????s? ?at?tµ?s?? ??????
  • Project analysis
  • ?????s? ??????µµat??

M.I.S. ??e? ?????e? ?a? ????? a?t?????
  • ?? e??a? M.I.S. (ap? µ?a ???? ?p???)
  • M.I.S. is a repository of integrated
    information, available for queries and analysis.
  • M.I.S. e??a? µ?a ap????? e?s?µat?µ????
    p????f?????, d?a??s?µ? ??a e??t?se?? ?a?

M.I.S. ??e? ?????e? ?a? ????? a?t?????
??astat??? ? p???d??stata st???e?a
Te???s? ?e??f??e?a? ap? ???at?e?
Te???s? ??????t?? ap? ???at?e?
?O??S??S Data
??????µ??? ?e???s? ap? ???at?e?
Ad Hoc Te???s?
M.I.S. ??e? ?????e? ?a? ????? a?t?????
?????s? ?a? ??af??? µe????? ep??e???µat????
??????µ???? p??t?ß??????.
  • ?p?d?t??? ap????e?s? ?????? p????f????? se µ?a
    ?e?t???? ß?s? ded?µ????
  • S???pe?a ???? ?e?t???? - ?a????sµ???? d?µ?? p??
    d?a??µ??ta? se ????? t??? ???ste?
  • ?e????? a???µ?? ???st??
  • ??a?µat??? ap?te??sµata ??af???? ??a?t? t??
    p???p?????sµ?? ?/?a? p??ß???e?? µa?? µe t??
    ?at?????e? d?af???? - ???s?µ?p????ta? t??
    t?p?p???µ??e? ??af???? ? µe t? d?µ??????a e?d????
    (Ad hoc)
  • ??a?e???s? d?af??et???? se?a????.

M.I.S. ??e? ?????e? ?a? ????? a?t?????
S?ed?asµ?? ?a? ???pt???
  • S?s??t?s?
  • ???e?a Flat
  • ?fa?µ????
  • E.R.P./C.R.M.

M.I.S. ???e?a ??a OLAP (On Line Analytical
??a?t??? efa?µ??? M.I.S. se ep??e???s? (de??µa
S?stat??? ?????f???a?
??a ?p??? t?? p???d??stat?? ??ß?? p?? e??a? ?
??????µ??? ß?s? ded?µ???? s?s?e??? a????s?? t??
Oracle. ?????ta? µa?? µ?a a??a ??a ???e d??stas?
µa? d??e? ??a s???e???µ??? s?µe?? st?? ??ß? ?p??
µp????µe ?a d??µe µ?a e??a?a s??a??a??
500 ??d? ??????t??
  • 4500 e?d?
  • 1500 PL (6 ep?peda)
  • 2500 ?s?????sµ??
  • 500 Stat?st???

12 µ??e?/?t?? 4 ?t? (2000 2003)
???a????? ????de?
????s?, ?????? ?t??, ????p?????sµ??
700 µ???de?
???a??asµ?? ???. ????da ?????? ?????? ??p?? ??s? 0413 0108 F??-03 ?????? ?t?? 15.550
?a?????e? ?s?da ????t?? Ge?. ?/?s? ??????µ???? ?p??es??? ?a?????e? ????t? ???ef???a
?????F?????? S?S?????? ??????S?Sst?? ?.?.?.
  • ? ???a??sµ?? ???ep?????????? t?? ????d??
    ???s?µ?p??e? t? E.R.P. (Enterprise Resource
    Planning System) (S?st?µa p????aµµat?sµ?? t??
    ep??e???µat???? p????) ?a? s??e???,
    pa?a????????ta? t?? te???????a ?a? t?? e?e???e??
    st?? ???? t?? t??ep?????????? st?? ????da ?a?
    pa???sµ???, a?a?e??e? t? s?st?µa µe st??? t??
    ße?t?st?p???s? t?? d?e??as??? t?? ?a? t??
    ep???µ?t?? ??????µ???? ap?te?esµ?t?? t??

  • E.R.P. - Enterprise Resource Planning System
  • (S?st?µa p????aµµat?sµ?? t?? ep??e???µat????

?? e??a? t? E.R.P.
  • ????????µ???
  • ?????f???a?? S?st?µa
  • ??a?e???s?? ?p??e???µat???? ?????
  • ??a µe???e? ep??e???se??.

?? pe???aµß??e?
  1. Accounting
    (Ge???? ????st???, ????a,
    ?s?????sµ??/Reporting, Consolidation, ??a??t???
    ????st???, ??st?t??-???µ??e?t??)
  2. Financials
    (Budget), ??????afa, ?aµe?a??? ?????aµµat?sµ??
    (Cash Flow), Profit Loss)
  3. Sales/Distribution
    (?e??te?, ?a?a??e???????a/??µ?????
    s?, Retail Sales, Stat?st??? ????se??, ?p????e?,
    ??????-?a?a??e??e? p??? ???µ??e?t??, ??st?????s?
    ??sa????? (CI), Open Items)

  • Manufacturing
    (?ed?µ??a ?a?a?????, ??e???? ?a?a?????,
    ?????aµµat?sµ?? ?a?a????? ?a? ?pa?t?se?? ??????,
    ??st?????s? ?a?a?????, Capacity Planning)
  • Business Strategy
    (What-if scenarios, Map manager, Query
    manager, Statistics manager, Report manager)
  • Add Ons
    (HRM-Human Resources
    Management, PAYROLL/??ST???S??, SCM-Supply Chain
    Management, WHM-Warehouse Management,
    CRM-Customer Relationship Management, BI-Business
    Intelligence, BPM-Business Performance
  • Plus-??e?d??e?µ??e? ?fa?µ????
    (?a?a?ata??te?, Service management,
    Promotions-??st?t???, S??t???s? e??p??sµ??,
    ??st?????s? ?????, ?????? a???t???? p?????t??,
    ??at??f?d?t?s?, ?at????? ep?s??pte?, ?????µa

???a ta ßas??? t?? a?ta????st???
p?e??e?t?µata/st???e?a d?af???p???s??
  1. ??asfa???e? t?? a?t?µat?p???s? ?a? t? s??t???sµ?
    ???? t?? ?e?t??????? t?? p????aµµat?sµ??, t??
    e?µet???e?s?? ?a? t?? e?????? ???? t??
    ep??e???s?a??? p????.
  2. ?p?t?????e? t?? p??s?µ???s? ???e e??as?a? ??a ??a
    ta st?d?a pa?a????? p??st???µe??? a??a? se ??a
    e??a?? pe??ß????? ??????µ???? ?µp??????
    ??a?e???s??, ?????aµµat?sµ?? ?a?a????? ?a?
    ??a?e???s?? ?????p???? ?????.

  1. ??asfa???e? t?? ep?pte?a t?? ep??e???s?? se ??a
    ta ?p??atast?µat? t?? ?a? ??a ??e? t?? s??se?? µe
  2. S?µß??e? st?? ?at????s? t?? ??afe????at?a? µe t??
    e?sa???? ap?d?t???? ??e?t??????? d?ad??as???
    epe?e??as?a? ???? t?? s??a??a??? ?a?
    p?a?µat?p???s?? p???a????sµ???? e?????? ?a?
    pa????? e????se?? (Workflow Management).
  3. ??asfa???e? t?? p??t?p?p???s? ?a? s?st?µat?p???s?
    t?? d?ad??as??? t?? ?e?t?????a? t?? ß??µ??a?????
    pa?a????? µe t?? p????µ??e? d??at?t?te? t??
    ?p?s?st?µat?? M.R.P.II (Manufacturing Resources
  4. ?p?t?????e? t?? e???????µ?s? d??aµ???t?ta? µe t?
    µe??s? t?? ?????? pa?a????? ????? se ??a ta
    tµ?µata ?a? t?? ?a??te?? a???p???s? t??
    a????p???? p???? (Human Resource Management).

?a S?st?µata E.R.P.(Enterprise Resource
Planning) e??a?
  • ?t??µa ?a? ????????µ??a p????f???a?? s?st?µata
  • S????? ?p?s?st?µ?t?? (application modules) p??
    e? ???sµ?? ep?????????? µeta?? t??? µe
    ??a??p???t??? ßa?µ? p??sa?µ????
  • ??????p???µ??a, s?µßat? µe t? ???O, t?? ?.?.S.
    (??d??a ??ß???? ?a? St???e???) ?a? t?? ????????
  • ?????t?? a???te?t??????, pe??ß????? web

??ad??as?e? p?? ?p??e????ta?
  • ???µat???????µ???
  • Ge???? ????st???          
  • ??a??t??? ????st???          
  • ???a??asµ?? ?????t???      
  • ???a??asµ?? ??sp?a?t???    
  • ??a?e???s? ?a????              
  • ??a?e???s? ??a?es?µ??        
  • ????p?????sµ??                   

??ad??as?e? p?? ?p??e????ta?
  • ?f?d?ast??? ???s?da
  • ??a?e???s? ???µ??e??? ??????t?? ?p??es???  
  • ??a?e???s? ?p?????? ?????? 
  • ??st?????s? ????? 
  • ??a?e???s? ???s?p???? ?a? ??pa?de?s??  
  • ?????t? ?e????s?a

?p?peda t?? ?p??e???s?? p?? ep??e????ta? ?µesa
  • ?e?t????? ?p??es?e?
  • ???. ??sp?a?t???-?????t???
  • ??a?. ????st???
  • ??a??s?µa
  • ????p?????sµ??
  • ???µ??e?e?, ?????
  • ???a
  • ????a

S?????S??S ???S????S?S ??S ???????G??S ??? E.R.P.
  1. PCs
  2. ?????O??S
  3. ?????? I.S.D.N.
  4. ??????????PLORER (ver. 5 ?e?te??)

  1. ???e???d?a ???s?? e?pa?de?s?? a?? ?p?s?st?µa
  2. St???e??? µe??? ?µ?da? ????? E.R.P.
  3. St???e?a ?pe?????? ?µ?d?? ?p?st?????? a?? ?e?????
    ? ?p??at?st?µa
  4. ??s? ?p????????a?

???G??S ??????OS?
  1. ?????????? ???S?S ???????G??S ??????? S?S??????S
    ??? ??????
  2. ????F??? ???????O? ??? ??????? S?S??????S S??
  3. ?????????? ??????S ???????G??S ?.R.P.
  4. ??????????S ?????G??F?S ?????O??S??S
  5. ?????S ???????O??S?S ????S?O? S?? ??S????S????
  6. ?????? ???????O??S?S ?????????O? ?????????O?

????????????OS? - S????G?S??
  1. ???????G? e-mail ??O ???S ????????????S
  2. F??????? ???S?S ??????S?S e-mail G?? ???S ??
  3. ??????? ???????O???, ???????S??? S?? ??????
    S????? G?? G??G??? ??????OS? ?????S? ?O?
    ?????????O? ??? T? ?????S????????
  4. ????G?????S? , ?G??G??S? ??? ???G?????S? ?O?
    ?????O? ??? ??????? ???????S????

Pocket E.R.P.
  • ??a "µ??? E.R.P."
  • p??? se Pocket PC ?
  • se laptop ?
  • se ????t? t???f??? (WAP),
  • p?? e??a? s??deµ??? online µe ta ?e?t????,
  • µ?s? Internet
  • ???e? online ?a?a??e???????a, F???t? ??µ?????s?,
    ??sp???e??, ?e??µat?sµ?, ?.?.,
  • ? d??e? t?? p????f???e? ?a?t??a pe??t?, ????se??
    ap?????? ?a? ???a.
  • G?a t?? ???a?????f?s?, ??a ta Software House
    s??d?eta? e????a µe t?? ?p?????sa ?µp?????
    efa?µ??? p?? ?p???e? st?? eta??e?a.

??e??e?t?µata Pocket E.R.P.
  • 1. St?? pe??pt?s? t?? ?a?a??e???????a?, ?p???e?
    ?µes? e??µ???s? ?a? ??e???? ap??eµ?t?? ap? t??
    ?e?t???? ap????? t?? eta??e?a?
  • 2. ?a ?e?t???? e??µe?????ta? aµ?s?? (on line) ??a
    t?? pa?a??e??e? p?? ????? p??e? ?? p???t??.
  • 3. ?ata??e?ta? ? ?????ß??a d?ad??as?a f??t?µat??
    t?? f???t?? µe ded?µ??a, p??? ?e????s??? ??
    p???t?? ??a ta??d?, ?a? ? d?ad??as?a
    ?ateß?sµat??, ?ta? ep?st??????.
  • 4. ?e ß?s? t? p????, ? p???t?? µp??e? ?a
    ??µ?????se?, e?te??se? ??sp???e??, ?ata????se?
    s?µe??se?? C.R.M.
  • 5. ?a?t?????a, sta ?e?t????, ? Administrator,
    e????e? t? feedback ap? t? C.R.M., ?a??? ?a? t??
    e?????? t?? p????? (??e???? pa?a??????t?ta?

?? e??a? t? C.R.M.
  • Customer Relationship Management (CRM)

?? C.R.M. (Customer Relationship Management)
e??a? ??a? s??d?asµ?? ep??e???µat???? p?a?t????,
s?st?µ?t?? ?a? te????????? p????f?????? p??
est?????ta? st?? a?t?µat?p???s? ?a? ße?t??s? t??
ep??e???µat???? d?ad??as??? p?? s?et????ta? µe t?
d?a?e???s? t?? s??se?? t?? ep??e???s?? µe t???
pe??te?. T? C.R.M. de? e??a? ap?? ??a pa??t?
efa?µ???? ? ??a ????sµ??? a??? ? f???s?f?a, ?
t??p?? p?? ?e?t????e? µ?a ep??e???s? ?ste ?a
?t??e? µa????????e? s??se?? µe t??? pe??te? µ?sa
ap? ???e e??a???a epaf?? ?a? ep????????a? µa??
t???. ? ep??e???s? p??pe? ?a p??sa?µ??e? ?a? ?a
ße?t???e? ??p??e? ?e?t?????e? t??, p???e?µ???? ?a
a???p???se? ?at? t? ?a??te?? d??at? t??p? t??
te????????? ??s?.
C.R.M. - ????? ?a? p?a?µat???t?te?
  • ? ???? C.R.M. eµfa???eta? ??? ?a? p?? s???? st??
    e??????? p?a?µat???t?ta. ?? e??a? ?µ?? ? ??a a?t?
    p??s????s? st? s??s? t?? eta??e??? µe t???
    pe??te? t???, ?a? t? µp??e? ?a p??sf??e? ?a? st??
    d?? p?e????
  • ???a? t? C.R.M. µ?a a??µa p??? es?d?? ??a t??
    eta??e?e? pa????? ????sµ???? ? ??a p?a?µat???
    e??a?e?? t? ?p??? µp??e? ?a p??sf??e?
    ß?a??p???esµa ?a??? ?a? µa???p???esµa ?f??? se
    ?se? eta??e?e? epe?d?s??? st?? ap??t?s? ?a?
    efa?µ??? t??

Customer Relationship Management
  • ?????ta? ??a C.R.M. e??a? ???s?µ? ?a
    p??sd????s??µe t? de? e??a?
  • ?e? e??a? ap?? ??a ????sµ??? ? ??a p????aµµa p??
    µ?a eta??e?a e??a??st? µe st??? t? ße?t??s? t??
    p???se?? t??.
  • ?? C.R.M. p???p???te? t?? a??a?? f???s?f?a? µ?sa
    st?? eta??e?a ?a? t?? ??a??p???s? t?? a?a???? t??
    pe??t? ?? a???????a?? ???? t?? ?pa???? t??.

Customer Relationship Management
  • ?a p?????ta a?t????f??ta? p???? e????a ap? t???
    a?ta????st?? ?a? ep?µ???? e?e??? p?? apa?te?ta?
    e??a? ? est?as? se customer relationships.
  • ?? C.R.M. de? e??a? ??a p????? ? ?p??es?a a???
    µ?a st?at????? p?? st????eta? st?? a??pt???
    s??se?? µe t??? pe??te?. ?a te?e?ta?a ?????a t?
    C.R.M. ??e? ?????se? ????s? ?a? p???? µp??e? ?a
    ?e????e? apa?a?t?t? ??a ???e ep??e???s? p?? ???e?
    ?a pet??e? st? e-future. ?? C.R.M. ep??e?t???eta?
    st? d?at???s? pe?at?? s???e?t?????ta? st???e?a
    ap? ???e epaf? µe a?t??? µ?s? t??ef????, mail,
    web. ? ep??e???s? µp??e? ?a ???s?µ?p???se? a?t?
    ta st???e?a ??a s???e???µ????? s??p??? ?p??
    marketing, p???se?? ? after sale service. ?as???
    p???p??es? e??a? ?t? ???? st?? eta??e?a ?a p??pe?
    ?a est?????ta? st?? pe??t?.

Customer Relationship Management
  • G?a ?a ?ata???se? ??p???? ap???ta t? s?µa??e?
    C.R.M. de? ??e? pa?? ?a de? p?? e??????ta? ed?
    ?a? a??et? ?a??? ?? s??????e? eta??e?e? Mail
  • O? s?ßa??? eta??e?e? Mail Order ???p??,
    efa?µ????? p?a?µat??? ?a? ??s?ast??? Customer
    Relationship Management, ????????ta? ???µast???
    t??? pe??te? t???, t? ?st????? a?????, epaf??,
    a?tap????s?? ?a? d?a?e?????µe??? d?a??????? t?
    s??s? µa?? t???. ??? p?sa st??µ? ????????? t?
    d?a??????? a??a t?? pe?at?? t??? ?a? pa??????a
    ????? ??a a?t?µat?p???µ??? pe?at??e?t???? s?st?µa
    ap?st????, t?µ?????s?? , ap????e?s?? ,
    e??p???t?s??, e??µ???s?? ?a? ??st?????s??.
  • ?e t?? ?d?a pe?at??e?t???? ?pt??? p??pe? ?a
    p??se???s??? t? Customer Relationship Management
    ??e? ?? eta??e?e? p?? ?????? ?a ap??t?s??? ??a
    s?µa?t??? a?ta????st??? p?e????t?µa , e?d??? ??
    eta??e?e? st?? ???µat???????µ??? ???d?, t??
    p????f????? , t?? ep????????e? ?a? t?? µetaf????
    p?? s?µe?a efa?µ??eta? µe????? ? ?a????? t?

?a p?e??e?t?µata t?? C.R.M.
  • S?µf??a µe µ?a ??e??a t?? Harvard Business
    Review µe????? eta??e?e? µp????? ?a a???s??? t?
    t???? t?? eta??e?a? ?at? 100 µe t? ?a d?at???se?
    ??a 5 ep?p???? t?? pe?ate?a? t??.
  • ??a ???? p??? a?af??e? ?t? e??a? ept? f???? p??
    a???ß? ?a ap??t?se?? ??a ??? pe??t? ap? t? ?a
    d?at???se?? ??a? ?d? ?p?????ta. ?ts?, ?a?a?t? t??
    t??p? t? C.R.M. µp??e? ?a a???se? t?? ?e?d?f???a
    t?? ep??e???s?? µ?s? t?? a?a?????s??, p??s????s??
    ?a? d?at???s?? t?? ?a??te??? pe?at??.
    ??apt?ss??ta? ste??te?e? s??se?? µe t??? pe??te?
    µ?a eta??e?a µp??e? ?a ße?t??se? t?? ep?d?se??
    t?? st?? de??t? t??, ??a??p???s? pe??t?
    (customer satisfaction) ?a? e??a? ???st? ?t? ??a?
    ??a??p???µ???? pe??t?? µp??e? ?a ???e? ??a?
    p?st?? pe??t??.

? st?at?????? ????? t?? C.R.M.
  1. ? ?ata???s? t?? s?µpe??f???? a??? ?a? t??
    ????t??? t?? a?tap????s?? ?a? t?? a??a? t??
  2. ? ???s? t?? ???s?? ??a t? d?µ??????a d?a????? µe
    t??? pe??te? est?asµ???? se p?s?t???? ?a?
    p???t???? e??a???e?, s?et???? µe ta e?d?af????ta
  3. ? ep????? e?a??a?t???? st?at?????? ep????????a?
    ?a? ? a???????s? t?? ap?te?esµ?t?? p???e?µ???? ?a
    ep?te???e? t? ß??t?st? ap?t??esµa ?a? ? µ???st?
    ap?d?t???t?ta t?? ep??d?s?? ?a? ??????
  4. ?? ?t?s?µ? ?a? ? d?at???s? ep??e?d?? s??se?? µe
    t??? pe??te?.

? ?p?s?es? t?? C.R.M.
  • ? µe???? ?p?s?es? t?? C.R.M. e??a? ? ??a??t?ta
    a?tap????s?? st?? e?at?µ??e?µ??e? a????e? t??
    pe?at?? / ?ata?a??t?? µe a?t?µat? ?a?
    s?st?µat?p???µ??? t??p?. ? ??a te???????a ?a? ?
    e?????? st? ????sµ??? t?? ??e?t???????
    ?p?????st?? µa? ep?t??p??? ?a p????aµµat????µe
    ?a? ?a e?e???p????µe epaf?? µe d???t????? pe??te?
    ßas?sµ???? st? p??f?? ?a? t?? a???ast???
    s?µpe??f??? t???.  ??a s?st? p???? C.R.M. s?ed??
    p??ta d?ape??? s?µßat???? ep??e???µat???? µ???de?
    ?a? ?a????a ??t? p?? apa?te? ??e? d?ad??as?e?,
    d?µ?? ?a? ???t???a ep?t???a? ?a?

? e??????? p?a?µat???t?ta
  • St?? ????da, t? Customer Relationship Management
    e??a? a??µ? st? ?e????µa t?? ?a? p????? p?ste????
    ?t? t? µ??? p?? ??e???eta? e??a? ?a µ????? t??
    ?ata?a??t???? s????e?e? t?? pe?at?? t???, ?a t??
    ?ata??????? se ??p??a ß?s? ded?µ????, ?a
    s?ed??s??? µ?a st?at????? epaf?? µe t??? pe??te?
    ?a? ?a t?? ???p???s??? ???s?µ?p????ta? ??p???
    ?t??µ? pa??t? C.R.M. ?a? a?t?µata ?a a???????
    ?? p???se?? t???.
  • ?a p???µata ?µ?? de? e??a? t?s? ep?fa?e?a??. ??
    Customer Relationship Marketing e??a? ??s?ast???
    ? efa?µ??? t?? f???s?f?a? Direct Marketing p??
    ?e????se t? de?aet?a t???70 µe t?? eta??e?e? Mail
    Order, t? ?p??? e?e??????e se Data Base Marketing
    ? One to One Marketing ?a? st? s????e?a se
    Customer Relationship Marketing.
  • ????e?ta? te???? ??a µ?a d?af??et??? f???s?f?a,
    p??s????s? ?a? d?ad??as?a ep??easµ?? t?? s??s??
    µe t??? pe??te? se ??? t? f?sµa t?? Relationship

?et? ap? 30 ?????a
  • ?e???st??e? ???a????af???? S?st?µat??
    pa?a???????? t?p???? e?d?µas?e? µe Laptop

S??t?µ???af?e? p?? ???s?µ?p??????a? st??
  • Ad Hoc ?at????? F??s? p?? e?µ??e?eta? ??a a?t?
    t? s??p?.
  • ?????e? ?e???? µ?a ??s? p?? ??e? s?ed?aste? ??a
    ??a s???e???µ??? p??ß??µa, e??a? µ?-?e???e?s?µ?
    ?a? de? µp??e? ?a p??sa?µ?ste? se ?????? s??p???.
  • Cash Flow ?aµe?a??? ?????aµµat?sµ??
  • Data ?ed?µ??a
  • DBs Data Bases (??se?? ?ed?µ????)
  • Drill Down F??s? p?? s?µa??e? ? ?/? ?a pe??se?
    ap? ?e?a???a t?? fa????? ??a ?a ß?e? ??a
    s???e???µ??? a??e?? ? ??a ?a ?t?p?se? ?ate??e?a?
    e?e??ss?µe?e? ep??????.
  • E.R.P. Enterprise Resource System (S?st?µa
    p????aµµat?sµ?? t?? ep??e???µat???? p????)
  • Feedback ??at??f?d?t?s? - ?pa???e????
  • ISDN T? a?????µ?? ISDN p?????eta? ap? ta a?????
    Integrated Services Digital Network
  • ?a? sta e??????? µetaf???eta? ?? ??f?a?? ???t??
    ???p???µ???? ?p??es???. ?p?te?e? t?? e?????? t??
    ??µ?s??? ???ef?????? ???t??? (PSTN - Public
    Switched Telephone Network) ?a? pa???e? t?
    d??at?t?ta ?p?st??????, µe t? ???s? µ?a? µ???
    t??ef?????? s??des??,
  • tess???? µ??f?? ep????????a? f????, e????a?,
    ded?µ????, ?e?µ????.
  • M.I.S. Management Information System
  • OLAP On Line Analytical Processing
  • OFA Oracle Financial Analyzer (??????µ????
    ??a??t?? t?? ?RACLE)
  • OLTP On Line Transaction Processing
    (S??dedeµ??? epe?e??as?a s??a??a???)
  • P L Profit and Loss (???d? ?a? ??µ?e?)
  • ?.S. ?????f???a?? S?st?µa
  • ?.S.?. ?????f???a?? S?st?µa ??????s??
  • ?.?.?. ???ep????????a?? ?µp????? ?at?st?µa

??ß?????af?a - ????e?a
  1. ????a ap? t? ??te???t (µe t?? µ??a??? a?a??t?s??
    Google ?a? Copernic).
  2. www.prenhall.com/laudon
  3. ?????f???e? ap? t?? ?.?.?. (?/?)
  4. www.wikipedia.org

?aµas??t?? ?as??e??? ??31932
?????F?????? S?S?????? ??????S?S
????? ???as?a?
There is no point in having the worlds best
performing system if it goes down every hour or
two. There is no point in having the worlds
best performing system if it cannot be managed
Kimball (guru of DataWarehousing)
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