Title: Open Systems
1Measures of Entanglement at Quantum Phase
M. Roncaglia
Condensed Matter Theory Group in Bologna
- G. Morandi
- F. Ortolani
- E. Ercolessi
- C. Degli Esposti Boschi
- L. Campos Venuti
- S. Pasini
2 - Entanglement is a resource for
teleportation dense coding quantum
cryptography quantum computation
- Strong quantum fluctuations in low-dimensional
quantum systems at T0
- The Entanglement can give another perspective
for understanding Quantum Phase Transitions
3- Entanglement is a property of a state, not of an
Hamiltonian. But the GS of strongly correlated
quantum systems are generally entangled.
- Nonzero correlations at T0 reveal entanglement
Product states
Maximally entangled (Bell states)
4Block entropy
- Reduced density matrix for the subsystem A
- For a 11 D critical system
CFT with central charge c
l block size
See P.Calabrese and J.Cardy, JSTAT P06002
5Renormalization Group (RG)
(Zamolodchikov, 1986)
- Massive theory (off critical)
- Block entropy saturation
Irreversibility of RG trajectories
Loss of entanglement
6- Local Entropy when the subsystem A is a single
- Applied to the extended Hubbard model
- The local entropy depends only on the average
double occupancy
- The entropy is maximal at the phase transition
lines - (equipartition)
S.Gu, S.Deng, Y.Li, H.Lin, PRL 93, 86402
7- Bond-charge Hubbard model
- (half-filling, x1)
- Some indicators show
- singularities at transition points, while others
A.Anfossi et al., PRL 95, 056402 (2005).
8Ising model in transverse field
- The concurrence measures the entanglement
between two sites after having traced out the
remaining sites.
- The transition is signaled by the first
derivative of the concurrence, which diverges
logarithmically (specific heat).
A.Osterloh, et al., Nature 416, 608 (2002).
For a 2-qubit pure state the concurrence is
(Wootters, 1998)
- Is maximal for the Bell states and zero for
product states
For a 2-qubit mixed state in a spin ½ system
10Ising model in transverse field
2D classical Ising model CFT with central charge
Critical point
Jordan-Wigner transformation
Exactly solvable fermion model
11Near the transition (h1)
S1 has the same singularity as
Local (single site) entropy
Local measures of entanglement based on the
2-site density matrix depend on 2-point
Nearest-neighbour concurrence inherits
logarithmic singularity
Accidental cancellation of the leading
singularity may occur, as for the concurrence at
distance 2 sites
12Seeking for QPT point
Alternative FSS of magnetization
Standard route PRG
First excited state needed
C. Hamer, M. Barber, J. Phys. A Math. Gen.
(1981) 247.
Exact scaling function in the critical region
Crossing points
Shift term
13Quantum phase transitions (QPTs)
- First order discontinuity in
(level crossing)
diverges for some
- At criticality the correlation length diverges
scaling hypothesis
14- The singular term appears in every reduced
density - matrix containing the sites connected by .
- Local algebra hypothesis every local quantity
can be expanded - in terms of the scaling fields permitted by the
- Any local measure of entanglement contains the
singularity - of the most relevant term.
- Warning accidental cancellations may occur
depending on - the specific functional form next to
leading singularity
- The best suited operator for detecting and
classifying QPTs - is V , that naturally contains . Moreover,
FSS at criticality
15Spin 1 l-D model
l Ising-like D single ion
Phase Diagram
Around the c1 line
Critical exponents
The same for
Crossing effect
- What about local measures
- of entanglement?
Using symmetries
Single-site entropy
L.Campos Venuti, et. al., PRA 73, 010303(R)
17 F.Verstraete, M.Popp, J.I.Cirac, PRL 92, 27901
Localizable Entanglement
- LE is the maximum amount of entanglement that
can - be localized on two q-bits by local
N2 particle state
- Maximum over all local measurement basis
probability of getting
is a measure of entanglement
18 L. Campos Venuti, M. Roncaglia, PRL 94, 207207
Calculating the LE requires finding an optimal
basis, which is a formidable task in general
However, using symmetries some maximal (optimal)
basis are easily found and the LE takes a
manageable form
Spin 1/2
Spin 1
- Ising model
- Quantum XXZ chain
LE max of correlation
LE string correlations
- The LE shows that spin 1 are
- perfect quantum channels but is insensitive to
phase transitions.
- The lower bound is attained
19A spin-1 model AKLT
Bell state
Optimal basis
- Infinite entanglement length but finite
correlation length
- Actually in S1 case LE is related to string
Typical configurations
- Low-dimensional systems are good candidates for
Quantum Information devices.
- Several local measures of entanglement have been
proposed recently for the detection and
classification of QPT. (nonsystematic approach)
- Apart from accidental cancellations all the
scaling properties of local entanglement come
from the most relevant (RG) scaling operator.
- The most natural local quantity is ,
where g is the driving parameter - across the QPT.
- it shows a crossing effect
- it is unique and generally applicable
- Localizable Entanglement ? It is related to some
already known correlation functions. It promotes
S1 chains as perfect quantum channels.
- Open problem Hard to define entanglement for
multipartite systems, - separating genuine quantum correlations and
classical ones.
References L.Campos Venuti, C.Degli Esposti
Boschi, M.Roncaglia, A.Scaramucci, PRA 73,
010303(R) (2006). L.Campos Venuti and M.
Roncaglia, PRL 94, 207207 (2005).
21The End