Title: Lecture 3 Creating a Web Page with HTML
1Lecture 3Creating a Web Page with HTML
- Hypertext Document in WWW p1.4-1.5
- The HTML language p.1.8-1.10
- Definition
- Web browsers and HTML
- Versions of HTML
- Tools for creating HTML documents
- HTML syntax
- Examples of HTML tags
- Basic tags
3Objectives (cont)
- Creating p.1.11-1.34
- Headings
- Paragraphs
- Lists
- Character tags
- Special characters
- Horizontal lines
- Graphic images
- Exercises
4Hypertext Document in WWW
- A hypertext document is an electronic file that
contains elements that a user can select, usually
by clicking a mouse, to open another document.
Liner VS. hypertext document
5Hypertext Markup Language (HTML)
- Definition Language used to create and format
Web pages, using a set of special codes, called
tags - HTML doesnt describe how text looks
- HTML uses a code that describes the function the
text has
6Web browser HTML
- A Web browser interprets the codes to determine a
documents appearance - Different browsers might display a document
7An Example A HTML file displayed by two browsers
8Why different browsers display a web document
differently ?
- Portability
- different computer platforms
- different types of fonts supported e.g. Arial,
Gothic - different I/O devices
- chunky teletypes
- high-end workstations
- non visual media such are speech and Braille
- Advantage frees web page authors worrying about
compatibility on different computers and
operating systems
9Why different browsers display a web document
differently ? (cont)
- Speed
- exact specification on how to display each
character dramatically increase - file size
- the time to transfer
10Versions of HTML
- HTML has a grammar or set of rules called syntax
- The specifications or standards have been
developed by a consortium of web authors,
software companies and interested users (World
Wide Web Consortium W3C) - Extensions are supported by some browsers to add
new possibilities to HTML
11Versions of HTML (cont)
- 5 versions of HTML ref.
- HTML 0.0
- HTML 1.0
- HTML 2.0
- HTML 3.2
- HTML 4.01
12Adds support for style sheets, new features to
tables and forms ...
HTML 4.01
13Tools for Creating HTML Documents
- HTML documents text files
- Tools
- Text editor e.g. MS note pad
- HTML convertor e.g. MS Word
- HTML editor
- Other design tools MS FrontPage,
- Macromedia Dreamweaver
14HTML syntax
- 2 elements
- Document content
- Parts that the user sees
- Tags
- HTML codes that indicate the document content
15HTML syntax (cont)
- ltTag Name Propertiesgt Document Content lt/Tag
namegt - e.g. ltH1 ALIGNCENTERgtMary TaylorltH1gt
- A tag contains
- brackets (lt gt) that enclose the tag name
- properties (optional)
- additional information that defines the tags
appearance - Document content parts the user sees
16HTML syntax Two-side tags
- Two-sided tags
- require both opening and closing tags
e.g. - ltH1 ALIGNCENTREgt Mary Taylor lt/H1gt
- opening tag tells the browser to turn on the
feature and apply it to the document content that
follows - closing tag turns off the feature
17HTML syntax One-sided tags
- require only the opening tag
- e.g. ltLIgt, ltIMGgt
- ltOLgt
- ltLIgtGraduated May, 1996. M.A. International
- ltLIgtGrade Point Average 3.5 overall, 3.9 in
major - lt/OLgt
- ltIMG SRC Taylor.gifgt
18HTML syntax characteristics
- Tags are NOT case sensitive
- H1h1
- HTML ignores extra blank space, blank lines or
19HTML syntax characteristics (cont)
- The following HTML statements are the same
- ltH1gtTo be or not to be. That is the
question.lt/H1gt - ltH1gtTo be or not to be. That is the
question.lt/H1gt - ltH1gtTo be or not to be.
- That is the question.lt/H1gt
20Examples of HTML tags
21Examples of HTML tags (cont)
22Basic Tags (example)
Displayed at the title line
ltHeadgt surround information about the Web
page ltBodygt surround the part that appears in
the browser
23Example Result Basic Tags
24Creating Headings
- 6 levels
- ltHy propertiesgtHeading textlt/Hygt
- where y is a heading numbered 1- 6
25Example Headings
26Example Creating headings
27Example Result Headings in the browser
28Creating a paragraph
29Example paragraph text (no ltPgt tag)
30Example Result Text Not separated into paragraphs
31Example ltPgt tag for paragraphs
- ltPgtSatellite Technician (Front Range Media Inc.
1993-1994) Monitored satellite uplink/downlink
procedures to assure quality video transmissions.
Aided technicians with transmission problem.
Associated in the assembly and maintenance of
uplink facility.lt/Pgt - ltPgtTechnical Assistant(Mountain View Bank
1992-1993)Managed data cessing system. Handled
user requests anf\d discussed programming option
Managed delivery servicelt/Pgt - ltPgtSalesperson(Computer Visions 1991) Sales and
customer support in computers and electronics.
Managed commercial accounts in Mountain View and
Crabtree locations.lt/Pgt
32Example result paragraphs with ltPgt tag
33Creating lists Ordered list
- List in numeric order
- Example
- ltOLgt
- ltLIgtGraduated May, 1996. M.A. International
Telecommunications - ltLIgtGrade Point Average 3.5 overall, 3.9 in
major - ltLIgtDeans List September 1994-May 1996
- ltLIgtMember, Phi Alpha Omega Honor Society
- lt/OLgt
- Result
- 1. Graduated May, 1996. M.A. International
Telecommunications - 2. Grade Point Average 3.5 overall, 3.9 in major
- 3. Deans List September 1994-May 1996
- 4. Member, Phi Alpha Omega Honor Society
34Creating list Unordered list
- List in which list items have no particular
order. - Example
- ltULgt
- ltLIgtGraduated May, 1996. M.A. International
Telecommunications - ltLIgtGrade Point Average 3.5 overall, 3.9 in
major - ltLIgtDeans List September 1994-May 1996
- ltLIgtMember, Phi Alpha Omega Honor Society
- lt/ULgt
- Result
- Graduated May, 1996. M.A. International
Telecommunications - Grade Point Average 3.5 overall, 3.9 in major
- Deans List September 1994-May 1996
- Member, Phi Alpha Omega Honor Society
35Character tags
- Definitions
- Character tag A tag that is applied to an
individual character - Logical tag Indicates how you want to use text,
not necessarily how want it displayed - Physical tag Indicates exactly how characters
are to be formatted
36Common Logical tags
- It indicates how you want it displayed.
37Example Logical tags
38Common Physical tags
39Example Physical Character tags
40Example Applying character tags
41Example result Applying character tags
42Special characters
43Example Special characters
- ltH5 ALIGNCENTERgt11 Kemper Ave. 183 Lake View,
CO 80517 183 (303 555-1012lt/H5gt - Result
44Horizontal lines
45Example Horizontal line
- After the end of Marys address line, press Enter
- type ltHRgt
- Result
46Inserting a graphic
- Two types
- Inline image
- External image
47Inline image
- appears directly on the Web page
- loaded when the page is loaded
- 2 types supported by all browsers
- GIF (Graphical Interchange Format)
- JPEG (Joint Photographic Experts Group)
- Syntax
- ltIMG SRC filenamegt
- e.g. ltIMG SRCTaylor.gifgt
48External image
- Not displayed with the Web page
- Browser must have a file viewer
- e.g. Shockwave