Title: Vorticity
- Relative vorticity
- where U/R is the curvature term and -?U/?n the
shear term - Absolute vorticity
- where f is the Coriolis parameter. ? written
without a subscript normally refers to ?a. - Potential vorticity ratio of absolute vorticity
to depth of an air column - More formally we can derive Ertels formulation
of PV
2Vorticity equation
- We can derive the barotropic vorticity equation
- Which relates stretching to changes in vorticity
3Dines compensation
- In the stratosphere vertical motion is inhibited
- so ? reaches a maximum in the mid-troposphere - Divergence at jet stream level
- gt Convergence at the surface
- This is how the jet stream drives the weather
4Rossby waves
Minimum in ?ain ridge Maximum in ?a in trough So
d?a/dt gt0 ?a increases as air goes from ridge
to trough By conservation of PV, air columns must
stretch. Stratosphere resists vertical motion so
the columns stretch downwards descending motion
between A and B By Dines, this results in
divergence at the surface anticyclone tends to
- Upper tropospheric air flows at a speed of 30
ms-1 through a sinusoidal trough-ridge pattern at
50oN, of peak-to-peak amplitude 500 km and
wavelength 3000 km. - Calculate the change in absolute vorticity
between ridge and trough, and derive the
fractional change in the depth of an air column
as it traverses the pattern. - Draw a diagram to mark areas of upward and
downward motion in the flow, and hence describe
the effect of the pattern on the surface weather. - (The radius of curvature of y A sin(kx) is
(Ak2)-1 at the crests).
- Upper tropospheric air flows at a speed of 30
ms-1 through a sinusoidal trough-ridge pattern at
50oN, of peak-to-peak amplitude 500 km and
wavelength 3000 km. - Calculate the change in absolute vorticity
between ridge and trough, and derive the
fractional change in the depth of an air column
as it traverses the pattern. - Draw a diagram to mark areas of upward and
downward motion in the flow, and hence describe
the effect of the pattern on the surface weather. - (The radius of curvature of y A sin(kx) is
(Ak2)-1 at the crests). - First, calculate Rmax from (Ak2)-1
- A 250 km, ?3x106 m so k 2.09x10-6 m-1
- Ak2 1.09 x 10-6 m-1 so Rmax 916 km
- U/Rmax 3.28 x 10-5 s-1 (ve in trough, -ve in
71. Absolute vorticity 2. Potential vorticity
use 1, with no shear vorticity term
(uniform speed). 500 km corr. to 4.5 lat
2.25 (1 111 km) ftrough (47.75?)
1.08?10-4 s-1 so ?a 1.41?10-4 s-1 fridge
(52.25?) 1.15?10-4 s-1 so ?a 0.82?10-4
s-1 Fractional change in depth of air column is
calculated using 2. In the straight part of the
flow, ?a f 1.12?10-4 s-1. Since
is conserved .
Divergence aloft causes pressure drop Convergence
at surface causes cyclone to spin-up
8Shear Vorticity
on left side of jet
on right side of jet
- A zonal jet streak develops in a uniform zonal
flow of 30 m s-1 at 60N. The jet has a maximum
speed of 80 m s-1. The cyclonic side is 200 km
wide and the anticyclonic side 600 km wide. If
the initial depth of a column of air which enters
the jet is 100 mb, use the barotropic vorticity
equation to estimate its depth at maximum
velocity if it is positioned - (i) poleward of the jet core
- (ii) equatorward of the jet core
- (iii) directly upstream of the jet core.
- What limits the accuracy of these estimates?
10Curved jet streams
C, D convergence/divergence due to trough or
ridge C,D convergence/divergence due to jet
Diffluent trough
Confluent trough
Black arrow denotes jet axis (location of wind
Confluent ridge
Diffluent ridge