Title: Colin Brader
1Colin Brader Integrated Transport Planning
Ltd Cambridge Futures 23rd November 2001
2CRTS Ltd.
Stagecoach RTI Cambridge Rapid Transit
Limited AIM To upgrade the public transport
network Providing a viable alternative to the
private car
3The Public Transport Challenge
If you travel much by public transport in
Britain these days you soon come to feel like a
member of some unwanted sub class, like the
handicapped or unemployed, and that everyone
wishes you would just go away Bill Bryson,
Notes From a Small Island 1995.
4How Is Modal Choice Made?
- One mode of public transport cannot satisfy
- all market segments, all trip types and all trip
Target Market - The Marginal Car User
- Is modal choice made at all?
- Cost minimisation criteria?
- TAS (UK) low cost sensitivity
- Increasing affluence altered decision making
5Defining Rapid Transit
Intermediate Transit - Between the Bus and the
- High Quality Vehicle - Intermediate Transit
- Maximising segregation and/or priority
- Information at stops, in home and remote
locations - Ticketing options - smartcard
- An integral part of urban design/land use planning
6CRTS Line One South
- 70 Segregated
- Protected in Cambridge Local Plan
- Serving the new park and ride
- Linking Addenbrookes, Railway station and City
Centre - Establishing the principles
7CRTS - Key Facts
CRTS Supercam Length 7.5 Km 25
Km Cost 15-20m 55-60m Patronage (per
day) 2500 16,000 Planning Dec 2000 Part of
TWA Consultation Summer 2001 Early
2002 Transport Works Early 2002 Spring
2002 Open for passengers 2004 2006
8Funding Options
- Part funded through fares and franchises
- Equity partnership from contractors and
manufacturers - Additional funding from proposed developments
along route - Minimise any reliance on public funding
9CRTS - A network wide system
- Reacting to Structure Plan Allocations
- Supporting Local Transport Plan Objectives
- Pursuit through partnership
- Working alongside an enhanced bus network
Project Manager Graham Rayner www.rtiplc.co.uk