Title: 10-Man Modified Pitching proposed rule
110-Man Modified Pitchingproposed rule
2- The 10-Man Modified game is intended to be more
hitter friendly vs. the 9-Man game, so the
pitching rules are more restrictive.
3- However, Pitchers looking for an edge, are
exploiting the current rules.
4One of the key differences between 9-Man and
10-Man ASA pitching is that at no point can the
ball be outside the wrist.This rule limits the
height of the backswing.
5- External rotation of the humereus (which will
result in the ball being outside the wrist)
allows a greater backswing. -
6Some Pitchers have found a way to exploit the
current rules and increase the backswing without
noticeably bringing the ball outside the wrist.
7From the Third base perspectiveTurn the hips
and shoulders towards third base, raise the arm
arm to the side while cocking the wrist so the
ball faces second base.
8From the Home plate perspective
9From the First Base perspective
10The motions previously described, allow a range
of shoulder motion that is comparable with the
9-Man style.
11(No Transcript)
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13By turning the hips and shoulders while bringing
the ball back toward second base, these pitchers
approximate the 9-Man pitching style without
openly or noticeably bringing the ball outside
the wrist.
14By combining these movements, pitchers are now
able to bring the ball as high as they can reach
(some almost 180 degrees) on the backswing, thus
creating a greater range of motion which enables
them to generate more force and greater speed.
15This is not the intent of ASA 10-Man Modified
pitching rules.In fact, there is
technically nothing currently illegal with the
16This is clearly not the intent of the 10-Man game.
17The challenge is to stop the advantage these
pitchers gain by bringing the ball as high as
they can reach while NOT affecting those pitchers
that are pitching within the 10-Man
intent.ANDto make the rule easy for Players
to understand and Umpires to implement.
18It is physically impossible to bring the pitching
arm above 90 degrees (usually range is 45 to 60
degrees) to the pitchers torso
19unless one of the following is done
- External rotation of the humereus (which will
result in the ball being outside the wrist). -
- 2. bringing the arm out to the side (abduction)
while turning the hips and shoulders -
- both actions allow the pitcher to bring the ball
well above a 90 degree angle to their torso.
21Therefore, the following rule change is being
proposedOn the backswing, no part of the
pitching arm may be above a 90 degree right angle
created by the pitching arm and the pitchers
22Note that we are NOT saying that you cannot bring
the ball above the shoulder. If you bend at the
waist it is possible to bring the ball above the
shoulder but not break the 90 degree angle.
23On the backswing, no part of the pitching arm
may be above a 90 degree right angle created by
the pitching arm and the pitchers torso.
24This rule, if approved, will
- Limit the range of motion of the shoulder joint,
thus reducing the amount of force and speed. This
in turn will preserve the integrity of the 10-Man
Game - be easy for players to understand
- be easy for umpires to implement. (especially
given the fact that most pitchers who exploit the
current rules stand erect).