Legacy Transformation - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Legacy Transformation


Legacy Applications: Valuable Assets or Decrepit Liabilities? 7 February 2003 – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Legacy Transformation

Legacy Applications Valuable Assets or
Decrepit Liabilities? 7 February 2003
Scale of the opportunity
  • There were 6,267,000,000 people on our planet in
    late 2002
  • ...Driving 722,000,000 cars (average age 6.8
    years in the UK)
  • .And living in 1,645,000,000 households
  • They had invested 5,000,000,000,000 in
    software (according to Information Week and IBM)
  • ...And by 1998 had developed an estimated
    7,000,000,000 function points
  • ...Of which 30 were COBOL
  • These function points were equivalent to about
    640,000,000,000 lines of COBOL

  • What to do with those legacy applications?
  • Do we keep them running as long as possible and
    replace them when they are past their sell-by
  • or is there an alternative, such as re-hosting,
    renovation, re-use or recycling?
  • If yes, how to decide which way to go?
  • Whats involved?
  • Where to go for help?

Are legacy applications like cars, to be replaced
on a regular basis by newer, more fashionable
and/or economic models, . or more like houses,
to be maintained long-term, and extended or
modified to meet our changing needs, and perhaps
completely renovated once in a while?
A couple of definitions
  • A legacy application is any application based on
    older technologies and hardware, such as
    mainframes, that continues to provide core
    services to an organisation.
  • Legacy transformation is about retaining and
    extending the value of the legacy investment
    through migration to new platforms.

Transformation can involve any combination of
translation, migration, recycling, and re-use
Why transform?
  • 1. It retains/enhances the value of the
    application in the business
  • 2. Because its better economics

Do nothing
Application Value
Initial maintenance phase
Enhancement phase(s)
Initial implementation
Whats inside the black box?
Legacy Application
Transformed Application
Inside the black box - the process
  • Preserve the business rules.
  • Keep the migration timeframe short enough to
    avoid retrofit issues.
  • Retain the functionality of the application
    through any migration process.
  • Retain know-how in the organisation to support
    on-going maintenance.

Automating the transformation process is central
to addressing these challenges
A snapshot of available solutions
SWS DASE, Relativity Rescueware, Intercomp eMaker
- hierarchical relational to relational
Sapiens eMerge, Prolifics - middleware
ArtinSoft Freedom, Relativity Rescueware - Legacy
to J2EE, .NET, others
HostBridge, Jacada, DataDirect - Web-enabling
Netron HotRod, Semantic Designs, McCabe
Concerto2, CAST - code mapping and pattern
Add function-ality
Analyse and assess the legacy systems
Administer and control transformation activities
Set transformation goals success measures
McCabe Audit - assess metrics
SWS Software, Prince - COBOL dialect revision
ArtinSoft Analyzers - diagnostic assessment
ASG Encore - extract COBOL code segments
Cyrano Wincap - retro-documentation
Merant NetExpress - wrap COBOL in Java
ASG Rochade - administration, versioning
Example 1 GYSSA transformed an ERP product
  • GYSSA is based in Guatemala, with regional
    offices in all the Central American countries.
    GYSSAs ERP product (called SPC) took 48
    programmer-years to develop and has 7 sub-systems
    aimed at Central American market needs for B2B,
    CRM, ERP, information portal and business
  • Architecture was Client/Server, mostly written in
    earlier versions of Visual Basic.
  • Two choices build new system from scratch
    (estimate was three years based on previous
    experience) or migrate and re-architect.
  • Upgrading SPC to .NET was decided on as the best
    way to remain competitive in the Central American
    market and to stay in the forefront as a supplier
    of ERP solutions in the area.
  • Diagnostic analysis revealed that transformation
    could be completed in eight months, with an
    equally sized development team at one quarter the
  • Automatic translation tools were based on
    ArtinSofts upgrade wizard for Visual Basic 6.0
    to .NET.

Example 2 Owens Minor transformed contracts
and pricing applications - and avoided ERP
package implementation
  • Owens Minor are a leading US distributor of
    medical/surgical supplies.
  • Existing contracts and pricing applications were
    15 years old - heavily customised, written in
    OS/2. Complex rules for pricing with unique
    prices for each customer and product.
  • Original software vendor out of business.
  • Future requirement for such capabilities as
    multicurrency transactions over the Web
  • Relativity Technologies provided tools to analyse
    business rules and translate the COBOL and CICS
    into Java.
  • Tool tested on three master files containing EDI
    maps and customer information. The test project
    was complete within six months.
  • It easily would have cost us tens of millions of
    dollars to go with SAP or Oracle. So far we've
    spent about 1 million on this projectwe should
    complete the whole thing within 18 months and for
    less than 5 million CIO David Guzman

Example 3 Tharco extended package application
through Web front-end
  • THARCO designs and manufactures corrugated boxes,
    and foam cushioning plastics. THARCO carries an
    inventory of 1,600 sizes of stock corrugated
    boxes and packaging materials.
  • Requirement To enable customers to go online to
    place or check the status of their orders - the
    company also saves money and increases efficiency
    by streamlining the front portions of its
    business process.
  • THARCO was an all-SAP shop, so mySAP was the
    obvious choice - however, complexity, licensing
    and transaction-fee issues - and overall cost led
    - THARCO chose an alternative middleware option
    which exposed the required parts of SAP to the

Web browser
Standard Web server
Illustrative example
Example 4 How Anglo-Irish Bank upgraded
COBOL-based back-office applications
Used Intercomp MineIT to discover business rules,
regenerate COBOL
Used Intercomp AnalyzeIT to analyse code and
Micro Focus COBOL DB2 Consolidated data Bank
leveraging DB2 for extracts, reporting Improved
code semantics, readability Scalable
ACUCOBOL ISAM Distributed data Scalability
limits Record locking problems Problems in
Add function-ality
Analyse and assess the legacy systems
Administer and control transformation activities
Set transformation goals success measures
2.5 million lines of code
Contractors migrated data
Example 5 ALLTEL transformed data resource
  • ALLTEL Information Services provides banking and
    mortgage software to financial organisations in
    the U.S.
  • ALLTEL is developing new real-time/DB2 products
    to complement existing financial software suite.
    Components of this software suite are used by
    four of the top ten banks in the U.S. One of the
    major challenges of the initial project is moving
    from a VSAM to a DB2 data model.
  • ALLTEL used Netrons DMS product and associated
    services based on an iterative, rules-based
    approach to data migration.
  • ALLTEL also use this as the standard method for
    helping its customers move their data models to
    DB2 as they upgrade to new releases of ALLTELs
    software products.

What strategy?
  • Choice driven by business needs - push to save
    money, or pull to meet market requirements.
  • Mix and match 4 options to transform the
    applications - replace, re-use, transform,
  • Consider the future of the overall application
  • Choose the target platform based on general
    strategic considerations.

Migrations due to mergers and acquisitions can
fit more than one category
Business benefits and drivers
Legacy Transformation - Business Value Model
Business Driver
Internal focus
External focus
Deteriorating system
Get ready for change
Extend reach inside business and/or external to
Key business objective
Survival, operational continuity
Reduce operating costs
Position business for the future
  • Improved maintainability (documentation, easier
    to fix)
  • Access to support
  • Lower operating costs
  • Access to new customers (package supplier)
  • More adaptable system
  • Reduced operating costs, licence costs,
    back-up/disaster recovery costs
  • Opportunity to outsource
  • Reduced complexity
  • More adaptable system
  • Increased revenues
  • New customers/users
  • Better service to existing, new customers/users
  • Reduced customer acquisition costs
  • Brand enhancement
  • Adaptable system
  • Closer integration with business partners
  • Extended services to customers
  • Web Services option
  • Re-use of components
  • Future-proofing

Value dimensions
Key factors are quality of the legacy and
availability of standard packages
Unique, non-standard
Type of Application
Standard, packages available
Quality of Legacy Application
Adapted from Erlich
Steps to a decision
Legacy portfolio
Overview of Decision Process
Screen for continuing business value
Assess Individual Legacy Applications
Deteriorating system
Applications A B C D E ...
  • Quality
  • Cost
  • Business fit
  • Level of business change
  • Resourcing
  • Affordability

Selected applications
Looking for economies
Adding eBusiness functionality
Map portfolio against drivers
Do nothing
Getting ready for change
Input to business case
Which target platform?
  • .NET and J2EE - most automatic translation
    products target these platforms
  • Re-use, scalability, and wide access to related
    products and services.
  • Integrated Development Environments (IDEs) make
    the development and maintenance task easier.
  • Application containers (runtime environments)
    provide the qualities of service necessary for
    enterprise applications such as transaction
    handling, security and persistence services.
  • Growing skill base.
  • Suitable for Web Services.
  • Willingness to accept commitment to one strategic
    supplier a factor to consider in choosing .NET.

Choice between .NET and J2EE best made on broader
strategic grounds
Making it happen
Additional functionality definition
Proof of Concept
Acquire transformation technologies
Project set-up
Add function-ality
Analyse and assess the legacy systems
Build know-how
Example 6 Building know-how at North Carolina
Department of Justice
  • DOJ is migrating an application from an existing
    Unisys COBOL/MASM/MAPPER mainframe legacy
    application environment to a Java-based
    application. The migration was a pilot for the
    transformation of mainframe legacy code in other

Build know-how
DOJ staff with little or no knowledge of the
existing business rules contained in the existing
code reviewed and comprehended the COBOL
application's architecture, organisation and
Worked with consultants to validate the JAVA
programming standards, the XML messaging
standards and the state service broker
architecture to be utilised for the project.
Established training material and conducting
training class for DOJ's IT staff.
Selling the transformation project - what makes
it so difficult?
  • If it aint broke, dont fix it - Managers like
    to get something new for their money -
    transforming a legacy application looks like a
    project to fix something that already works.
  • Jam tomorrow - Transformation makes it easier to
    maintain and enhance the application in the
    future - to address things that might happen.
    This is always worth less than immediate
  • Apples and Oranges - Are you comparing like with
    like? The costs of the transformation project
    have to be spelled out, while the true cost of
    todays legacy (disruptions, maintenance issues,
    costly operations, and so on) is often hidden in
    other budgets. These must be spelled out if the
    transformation project is to be compared with the
    cost of doing nothing.

Choosing a business partner - Follow the money
Infrastructure suppliers
Transformation Project
Base Platform Provider
Enabling Technology
Mining Tools
Conversion Tools
System Integrator
IS Department
Licence-driven revenues
Project-driven revenues
Operations-driven revenues
In summary
Transformation works
Its feasible to extend the business value of
core legacy applications by migration to new
platforms. Transformation is probably cheaper
than rewriting or replacing a legacy
application. Choose suppliers, tools and mix of
transformation approaches based on future
business needs and realities of the legacy
portfolio. A first transformation project
has a steep learning curve. Its advisable to
work closely with the experts to ensure success.

Real savings are possible
Horses for courses
Alliances are key to success
  • Thank you

Declan Good declan_at_declan.vispa.com
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