Title: Evolutionary Games and Population Dynamics
1 - Evolutionary Games and Population Dynamics
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4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Oskar Morgenstern (1902-1977)John von Neumann
(1903-1957)John Nash (b. 1930)
- Arbitrarily many players
- each has arbitrarily many strategies
- there always exists an equilibrium solution
- no player can improve payoff by deviating
- each strategy best reply to the others
13Nash equilibria can be inefficient
14John Maynard Smith (1920-2004)
15Evolutionary Game Theory
- Population of players
- (not necessarily rational)
- Subgroups meet and interact
- Strategies Types of behaviour
- Successful strategies spread in population
16Population setting
17Population Dynamics
18Example Moran Process
19Discrete time
20Continuous time
21Replicator Dynamics
22Replicator dynamics and Nash equilibria
23Replicator equation
24Replicator equation for n2
25Replicator equation for n2
- Dominance
- Bistability
- stable coexistence
26Example dominance
27Vampire Bat (Desmodus rotundus)
28Vampire Bat (Desmodus rotundus)
29Vampire Bats
- Blood donation as a Prisoners Dilemma?
- Wilkinson, Nature 1990
- The trait should vanish
- Repeated Interactions? (or kin selection?)
30Example bistability
31Example bistability
32Example coexistence
33Example coexistence
34Innerspecific conflicts
- Ritual fighting
- Konrad Lorenz
- arterhaltende Funktion
35Maynard Smith and Price, 1974
36Example neutrality
37If n3 strategies
- Example Rock-Paper-Scissors
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44Generalized Rock-Paper-Scissors
45Generalized Rock-Paper-Scissors
46Bacterial Game Dynamics
- Escherichia coli
- Type A wild type
47Bacterial Game Dynamics
- Escherichia coli
- Type A wild type
- Type B mutant producing colicin (toxic) and an
immunity protein
48Bacterial Game Dynamics
- Escherichia coli
- Type A wild type
- Type B mutant producing colicin (toxic) and an
immunity protein - Type C produces only the immunity protein
49Bacterial Game Dynamics
- Escherichia coli
- Rock-Paper-Scissors cycle
- Not permanent!
- Serial transfer (from flask to flask)
- only one type can survive!
- (Kerr et al, Nature 2002)
50Mating behavior
- Uta stansburiana (lizards)
- (Sinervo and Lively, Nature, 1998)
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52Mating behavior
- males 3 morphs (inheritable)
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54Rock-Paper-Scissors in Nature
- males 3 morphs (inheritable)
- A monogamous, guards female
55Rock-Paper-Scissors in Nature
- males 3 morphs (inheritable)
- A monogamous, guards female
- B polygamous, guards harem (less efficiently)
56Rock Paper Scissors in human interactions
- Example three players divide some goods
- Any pair forms a majority
- Shifting coalitions
57Phase portraits of Replicator equations
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