NICA White Paper - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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NICA White Paper


International Intergovernmental Organization Progress towards the NICA White Paper Joint Institute for Nuclear Research * * * * * * ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: NICA White Paper

Joint Institute for Nuclear Research
International Intergovernmental Organization
Progress towards the NICA White Paper
  • Editorial board
  • D. Blaschke
  • D. Kharzeev
  • V. Matveev
  • A. Sorin
  • Stoecker
  • O. Teryaev
  • I. Tserruya
  • N. Xu

(No Transcript)
NICA White Paper

The final goal of the NICA White Paper is to
address the following key topics
  • Phases of dense QCD matter and conditions for
  • their possible realization
  • Characteristic processes as indicators of phase
  • transformations
  • Estimates of various observables for events
  • Comparison to other experiments


The NICA White Paper
148 authors
25 Countries (8 JINR members)?
69 scientific centers
Arizona State University, USA
Lulea Technical University, Sweden
University of Oslo, Norway
Kurchatov Institute, Russia
Los Alamos National Laborator
University of Bergen, Norway
Lebedev Institute, Russia
University of Illinois, USA
SUBATECH, University de Nantes, France
St.Petersburg SU, Russia
Wayne SU, USA
San Diego State University, USA
IHEP, Russia
JINR Dubna
Columbia University, USA
ITEP, Russia
Indiana University, USA
INP MSU, Russia
Scientific centers from Argentina, Austria,
Egypt, Sultanate of Oman (for more detail data
see the NICA White Paper)
Ohio SU, USA
MEPhI, Russia
BITP, Ukraine
INR, Russia
INFN, Italy
Weizmann Institute, Israel
Osaka University, Japan
Tel Aviv University, Israel
SISSA, Italy
YITP Kyoto, Japan
University of Catania, Italy
Variable Energy Cyclotron Centre, India
GSI Darmstadt, Germany
University of Trento, Italy
FIAS Frankfurt, Germany
University of Florence, Italy
Rio de Janeiro University, Brazil
University of Barselona, Spain
University of Frankfurt, Germany
University of Coimbra, Portugal
University of Giessen, Germany
Wuhan University, China
Mateja Bela University, Slovakia
University of Bielefeld, Germany
Hefei University, China
Wroclaw University, Poland
University of Cape Town, South Africa
Tsinghua University, Beijing, China
Jan Kochanovski University, Poland
Beijing Institute of High Energy Physics, China
Institute of Applied Science, Moldova
Lanzhou National Laboratory of Heavy Ion
Accelerator, China
NICA White Paper - Contents
(83 contributions 75 8, additional 10)?
Foreword to the seventh
Edition 1 Editorial (2) 2
General aspects (6 1)? 3 Phases
of QCD matter at high baryon density (11 2)?
4 Hydrodynamics and hadronic observables
(15 3)? 5 Femtoscopy, correlations
and ?uctuations (8 1)? 6
Mechanisms of multi-particle production (7 )?
7 Electromagnetic probes and chiral
symmetry in dense QCD matter (7)? 8
Local P and CP violation in hot QCD matter (7
1)? 8 Cumulative processes (2)?
10 Polarization e?ects and spin physics
(4)? 11 Related topics (3)?
12 Fixed Target Experiments (6)?
List of Contributors
New Contributions to the NICA White Paper, Draft
v 7.01 (last update 20.06.12)? http//theor.jinr
Section 2 General aspects 2.7 Hadron Physics
at the Charm and Bottom Thresholds and Other
Novel QCD Physics Topics at the NICA
Accelerator Facility S. J.
Brodsky Section 3 Phases of QCD matter at high
baryon density 3.12 Physics at Large Baryon
Density A. Taw?k 3.13 Lattice QCD
constrained CEP prediction in nonlocal PNJL
models G. A. Contrera, A. G. Grunfeld, D.
Blaschke Section 4 Hydrodynamics and hadronic
observables 4.16 Importance of clusters for ?ow
measurements at NICA P. Danielewicz, T.
Klaehn, W. Reisdorf, D. Blaschke 4.17 Baryon
stopping probes decon?nement G.
Wolschin 4.18 Can NICA verify BES? D.
Parganlija Section 5 Femtoscopy, correlations
and ?uctuations 5.9 Baryon number cumulants in
relativistic heavy ion collisions M.
Kitazawa, M. Asakawa Section 8 Local P and CP
violation in hot QCD matter? 8.8 Exploring
Dense and Cold QCD Phases in a Magnetic Field
V. de la Incera, E. J. Ferrer
Section 1 Editorial
1.1 Physical phenomena and relevant
observables in-medium modification of hadron
properties (MMH) the nuclear matter equation of
state (EoS) the onset of deconfinement (OD)
and/or chiral symmetry restoration (CSR)
signals of a phase transition (PT) the mixed
phase and the critical end-point (CEP) possible
local parity violation in strong interactions
The correlations between observables and physical
4.16, 4.18
2.7 Hadron Physics at the Charm and Bottom
Thresholds and Other Novel QCD PhysicsTopics at
the NICA Accelerator Facility S. J.
Brodsky (SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory
Stanford University, Stanford, California, USA)
Proposal a number of novel hadron physics
processes which can be investigated at the NICA
collider formation of exotic heavy quark
resonances near the charm and bottom thresholds,
intrinsic strangeness, charm, and bottom
phenomena, hidden-color degrees of freedom in
nuclei, color transparency, single-spin
asymmetries, the RHIC baryon anomaly, and
non-universal antishadowing.
4.17 Baryon stopping probes decon?nement
G. Wolschin (ITP, Heidelberg Uni, Germany)
Problem Stopping and baryon transport in
central relativistic Pb Pb and Au Au
collisions are reconsidered with the aim to find
indications for deconfinement. At energies
reached at the CERN SPS (\sqrt(sNN ) 6.3 - 17.3
GeV) and at RHIC (62.4 GeV) the
fragmentation-peak positions as obtained from the
data depend linearly on the beam rapidity and are
in agreement with earlier results from a
QCD-based approach that accounts for gluon
saturation. No discontinuities in the net-proton
fragmentation peak positions occur in the
expected deconfinement region at 6 - 10 GeV. In
contrast, the mean rapidity loss depends linearly
on the beam rapidity only at high energies beyond
the RHIC scale. Proposal the combination
of both results offers a clue for the transition
from hard partonic to soft hadronic processes in
baryon stopping. NICA results could corroborate
these findings.
4.18 Can NICA verify BES? D. Parganlija (ITP,
Vienna University of Technology, Austria)
Problem Recent years have seen a lot of
activity with regard to scalar-meson spectroscopy
by the BES and BES II Collaborations. A new
scalar resonance is claimed to have been found by
BES but no subsequent experiments have been
performed to approve (or disprove) this claim.
Known scalar isoscalar resonances f0(600),
f0(980), f0(1370), f0(1500), f0(1710). Claims
have been made that the new one f0(1790) a
state very close to f0(1710) but with a different
decay behaviour f0(1790) decays predominantly
into pions whereas f0(1710) decays predominantly
into kaons.
There are two established spin-one resonances in
the non-strange meson channel ro(770) and
a1(1260). Their features are rather well known in
vacuum, especially for the case of ro(770), but
it is as yet not clear if (and how) their masses
change in medium.
Proposal The NICA Project could reconstruct
scalar resonances in the energy region between
1.7 GeV and 1.8 GeV thus either verifying or
disproving BES results regarding
f0(1790). Additionally, the issue of mass scaling
for the (axial-)vector mesons and also of chiral
transition is one of the still-unresolved
problems in QCD. The NICA Project may give
valuable experimental information also in this
5.9 Baryon number cumulants in relativistic
heavy ion collisions M. Kitazawa, M.
Asakawa (Osaka University, Japan)
Fluctuation observables, especially the baryon
number cumulants, are invaluable tools to
diagnose the primordial stage of heavy ion
collisions. In experiments, however, the baryon
number is not a direct observable. It is
shown that the isospin distribution of nucleons
at kinetic freezeout is binomial and factorized.
This leads to formulae for \sqrt (s_NN) gt 10GeV
that express the baryon number cumulants solely
in terms of proton number fluctuations, which are
experimentally observable.
New WP contributions in preparation 1.
Vorticity in heavy ion collisions M. Baznat,
K.K. Gudima, A.S. Sorin, O.V. Teryaev 4.
Boundary between Hadron and Quark/Gluon Structure
of Nuclei H.J. Pirner and J. P. Vary 5.
Precursor effects of color superconductivity in
electromagnetic signals T. Kunihiro and M.
Round Table Discussions on NICA_at_JINR
Round Table Discussion I Searching for the mixed
phase of strongly interacting matter at the JINR
Nuclotron, July 7 - 9, 2005 http//
Round Table Discussion II Searching for the
mixed phase of strongly interacting matter at the
JINR Nuclotron Nuclotron facility development
JINR, Dubna, October 6 - 7, 2006
Round Table Discussion III Searching for the
mixed phase of strongly interacting QCD matter at
the NICA Physics at NICA JINR (Dubna), November
5 - 6, 2008, http//
Round Table Discussion IV Searching for the
mixed phase of strongly interacting QCD matter
at the NICA Physics at NICA (White Paper)? JINR
(Dubna), September 9 - 12, 2009 http//theor.jinr.
Round Table Discussion V Searching for the mixed
phase of strongly interacting QCD matter at the
NICA Physics at NICA (White Paper)? JINR
(Dubna), August 28, 2010 http//

  • NICA/JINR-FAIR Bilateral Workshop
  • Matter at Highest Baryon Densities in the
    Laboratory and in Space
  • Frankfurt Institute for Advanced Studies, April 2
    - 4, 2012
  • http//
  • Topics
  • - Phases of QCD at high baryon densities
  • - Effects signalling phase transitions
  • - Observables in heavy-ion collisions and in
  • - Simulations of ion collisions and supernovae
  • Aims
  • - identify discovery potential of Nuclotron-NICA
    and FAIR
  • in the canon of current and future HIC
  • - chiral symmetry restoration
  • - onset of deconfinement
  • - in-medium modification of hadron properties
  • - color superconductivity, multiquark states,
  • Results

The White Paper demonstrates the unique physics
potential of the NICA/MPD Complex. Broad
international resonance to the NICA White Paper
is an important step towards an international
collaboration for the creation of the NICA/MPD
and BM_at_N experiments. Physics in the NICA
energy range is rich and attractive!
Thank you for attention!
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