Attention - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Attention & Brain Rhythms – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Attention

Attention Brain Rhythms
Attention Brain Rhythms
  • Arousal
  • Attention
  • Body Rhythms
  • Rhythm Disorders

  • The Reticular Activating System (RAS), a diffuse
    collection of various nuclei in the pons, medulla
    and brainstem including
  • Locus coeruleus (pons, NE)
  • Activated by novel meaningful sensory stimuli.
  • Excitory effect on rest of brain.
  • Raphe nuclei (pons, medulla, 5-HT)
  • Mostly inhibitory. Particularly important in
  • Substantia Nigra, Ventral tegmental area (DA)
  • Cholinergic basal forebrain and brainstem nuclei
  • Excitatory

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  • The Reticular Activating System (RAS) projects to
    the basal forebrain, which then projects to the
    entire cortex.
  • ACh promotes behavioral arousal
  • Adenosine (AMP metabolite) builds up during
    waking, and acts to inhibit arousal. Caffeine
    inhibits adenosine receptors, and acts like a
  • Histamine from hypothalamus excites arousal.
  • GABA inhibits the thalamus and cortex and
    inhibits behavioral arousal.

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  • Stimulation of the RAS in sleeping cats (Moruzzi
    Magoun, 1949) produced a waking pattern of
    electrical activity in the cerebral cortex.
    Lesions caused sleep state.
  • RAS acts as the on/off switch for the brain.
  • On conscious
  • Off unconscious
  • Prolonged off state coma

  • The ability to preferentially ignore some
    distracting sensory inputs, i.e. the cocktail
    party effect.
  • Why do we have attention systems?
  • We cant possibly process every sensation.
  • To make optimal use of limited resources.
  • Detection is enhanced.
  • Reaction times are speeded.

  • Attention is generally limited to one sensory
    stream at a time.
  • There is some evidence for independent
    hemispherical attention, but the left hemisphere
    is more attentive.
  • Attention requires arousal (by RAS), but just
    enough. Insufficient arousal leads to inattention.

  • Attention is a like a spotlight, highlighting one
    somato- or enviro-topic area by inhibiting
    surrounding areas.
  • The pulvinar nucleus of the thalamus and the
    parietal lobes help directs attention by
    inhibiting irrelevant information.
  • The cortex controls inhibition of ascending
    sensory information to preferentially select
    input from one particular side or feature type
    (ex. particular audio frequencies).

  • Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)
  • Inattentive type (55)
  • Meso-libmic dopamine system, motivation
  • Impulsive-hyperactive type (15)
  • Meso-cortical dopamine system, disinhibition
  • Combined type (30)
  • Affects 7-8 of children (DSM-IV), 31 MF
  • Chronic persists to 4-5 of adults, lt21 MF
  • Strongly genetic MZ80-90, DZ25-35

  • Comorbidities
  • CD (20-50)
  • OCD (40-80, Hyperactive only)
  • Substance Abuse (35)
  • Anxiety (10-40)
  • Depression (0-45)

  • Non-genetic predispositions
  • Maternal smoking, drinking (2.51)
  • Maternal anxiety or high phenylalanine
  • Prematurity of birth (45 have ADHD)
  • Post-Natal
  • Hypoxia
  • Lead poisoning
  • Streptococcus infection (basal ganglia)
  • Frontal lobe trauma (inattention only)

  • Genetics
  • DAT1 (5p15.3) 10-R dopamine transporter
    polymorphisms are strongly related and highly
    predictive of ADHD hyperactivity and impulsivity,
    but not inattention. Dopamine is reuptaken with
    increased efficiency.
  • Dopamine-beta-hydroxylase (DBH) (9q34) variants
    are related. More efficient enzyme.
  • DRD4 receptor (11p15.5) 7-R subsensitive.
  • All act to decrease arousal by dopamine.

  • Neuroanatomical correlates
  • Filipek, et al (1997) reported 10 decreased
    volume in anterior superior (posterior
    prefrontal, motor association) and anterior
    inferior (basal ganglia) areas.
  • Castellanos, et al (1996) reported 10 decreased
    volume in the right anterior frontal, caudate and
    globus pallidus areas and loss of normal
  • No significant difference by gender
  • A hypofunctioning smaller brain

  • Commonly treated with stimulants
  • amphetamines
  • Benzedrine 1937, Dexadrine, Adderall
  • methylphenidate
  • Ritalin, Concerta, Metadate
  • Ineffective in homozygous 10 repeat DAT1 allele
  • pemoline (Cylert)
  • buproprion (Wellbutrin)
  • All these drugs inhibit dopamine reuptake
    transporters in the basal ganglia, raising
    synaptic dopamine levels.

Rhythms of the Brain
  • Body rhythms
  • Brain rhythms
  • Ultradian rhythms
  • Circadian rhythms
  • Monthly rhythms
  • Seasonal/yearly rhythms
  • Rhythm disorders epilepsy

Body Rhythms
  • Heart has its own pacemaker.
  • Normally runs too fast.
  • Vagus nerve (X) slows it down (parasympathetic).
  • Epinephrine speeds it up (sympathetic).
  • Breathing
  • Controlled by pacemaker in the medulla.
  • Temperature
  • Controlled by its own circadian clock, usually
    synced to the circadian clock. Also in medulla.

Rhythms of the Brain
  • Pairs of excitatory and inhibitory neurons can
    form neural oscillators.
  • Any network of strongly interconnected neurons is
    prone to oscillation.
  • Some thalamic neurons have special sets of
    voltage-controlled ion channels that allow it to

Rhythms of the Thalamus
  • Large thalamic rhythms are generated during
  • These project to all areas of the cortex and are
    thought to shut down all sensory information to
    and motor information from the cortex.
  • Cortical rhythms while awake are thought to help
    synchronize and bind various kinds of information
    which are to be associated.

Ultradian Rhythms
  • Faster than a day
  • 90 minutes
  • Infants feed, urination, sleep sub-cycles.
  • This clock appears to be in the medulla.
  • 12 hour
  • Most people have wakefulness lows at 6 and 18
    hours after rising, and are most wakeful at 0 and
    12 hours after rising.

Circadian Rhythms
  • Circadian ( about a day).
  • Circadian behaviors are inborn, not learned.
  • Primarily control sleep/wake cycle.
  • Secondarily control temperature, enzyme levels
    (i.e. liver enzymes), genetic expression, etc.

Circadian Clock
  • Located in the suprachiasmic nuclei of the
    hypothalamus, directly above the optic chiasm.
  • SCN lesions disrupt circadian cycles, fetal SCN
    tissue transplants restore circadian cycles.
  • SCN contains about 10,000 neurons, each with its
    own clock, all synced to light/dark cycle.
  • SCN projects to hypothalamus, midbrain, and the
    pineal gland. The pineal gland releases the
    hormone melatonin at night.

Circadian Clock Genetics
  • SCN neurons use genetics to oscillate on a long
    time period, just like two interconnected neurons
    can oscillate.
  • The production of the first protein stimulates
    the increased production of the second.
  • The second protein inhibits the first.
  • Cycle lasts about 26 hours in humans, but is
    resynchronized by the onset of daylight every 24

Circadian Clock
  • The SCN clock is synchronized to the onset of
    light, shortening cycle to 24 hours.
  • Dilemma some blind people still sync to
  • Melanopsin - newly discovered opsin (chromophore
    / B2) in the inner ganglion layer of the retina
    (NOT in rods or cones!).
  • Frogs have photosensitive cells in skin, maybe
    humans do too.

Circadian Clock
  • All mammalian species show about the same
    melatonin production cycle (high at night, low
    during the day), so melatonin only tracks time,
    not wakefulness.
  • Nocturnal animals interpret or respond
    differently to the melatonin cycles as diurnal
  • Teenagers have phase shift vs. adults.
  • FASPS phase shift due to 2q point mutation.
    (affects per2)

Monthly Rhythms
  • Primarily sex-related modulations
  • Hormonally controlled
  • Hypothalamus tells pituitary to release hormones.
  • Female ovulation cycle
  • Follicle Stimulating Hormone (FSH) causes
    follicle maturation. Maturing follicle produces
    estradiol. A large estradiol buildup causes
    release of Lutinizing Hormone (LH), which causes
    release of follicle. If egg is fertilized,
    progesterone is released. If not, prostaglandin
    causes menstruation.
  • Males have minor modulations.

Seasonal Rhythms
  • SCN-gtPVN-gtSNS-gtPineal gland implicated in
    seasonal patterns.
  • SCN/PVN lesions disrupt seasonal patterns.
  • Fetal SCN cell implants restore circadian
    patterns but not seasonal patterns.
  • Seasonal variations not generally found in
    humans, except in severe cases, like SAD.

Seasonal Affective Disorder
  • The length of melatonin produced at night remains
    constant all year in normal people.
  • People with SAD produce melatonin for about an
    hour longer during periods of prolonged reduced
  • Since melatonin and serotonin are both made from
    the same precursor, more melatonin generally
    means less serotonin. Lowered serotonin is linked
    with depression.

Seasonal Affective Disorder
  • SAD is about 70 genetic. There are both
    predispositions and protections.
  • SAD is geographical almost unheard of in
    equatorial areas, with increasing prevalence
    towards the poles.
  • Light therapy is usually an effective treatment,
    and early morning light is much more effective
    than evening light.

  • Must be important!
  • Takes up 1/3 of our lives, more than any other
  • Other than breathing, sleep is the most insistent
  • What function does it serve?
  • Why is it so important?
  • What controls it?

Sleep Function and Need
  • Sleep appears to let the brain rest.
  • Possibly to allow regeneration of depleted
  • Sleep appears to be necessary for survival.
  • All vertebrates and reptiles sleep, and fish and
    amphibians show periods of quiescence.
  • Sleep has not disappeared even where it
    interferes with survival, but not without
  • Uni-hemisphere sleep, multiple naps, etc.

(Beta 13-30 Hz, awake, alert) Alpha (8-12
Hz) Theta (3.5-7.5 Hz) Theta spindles and K
complexes Delta (lt3.5 Hz) Delta REM (like beta)
Sleep Stages
Dement REM (1) a hallucinating brain in a
paralyzed body. Delta (4) an idling brain in
a moveable body.
  • REM (Rapid Eye Movement)
  • Dement hallucinating brain in a paralyzed
  • Dreaming occurs during this phase.
  • Complete muscle relaxation/paralysis.
  • Paradoxical Sleep because of beta activity.
  • Can be easily awakened by meaningful stimuli
    (i.e. their name) and will appear alert and
  • Physical arousal of the sexual organs.

  • REM sleep is important to learning.
  • Periods of REM are longer following intense
    learning episodes.
  • REM deprivation interferes with learning tasks.
  • Non-REM deprivation does not interfere with the
    same learning tasks.

  • Dreams seem to be the cortex trying to make sense
    of random lower brain firings.
  • Dreams are usually high in visual imagery, but
    poorly organized with respect to time.
  • Madsen, et al (1991) found high cortical
    activation in the visual association cortex and
    low activation of the frontal lobes.

  • REMs seems to be related to visual scanning of a
    scene - EEG patterns match visual scanning, not
    just eye movements.
  • Cortical and subcortical brain mechanisms that
    would be involved if the dream were real seem to
    be activated during dreaming.
  • Brocas area is activated during speech.
  • Wernickes area is activated during listening.
  • Motor areas are activated during movement.

Sleep Theories
  • Recuperation Theory
  • Body needs time to rebuild after a hard days
  • Circadian Theory
  • Animals are active at the best times of the day
    to promote their survival.
  • Mostly circadian with some recuperation.

Recuperation Theory Pros
  • REM sleep seems to be necessary.
  • REM sleep is made up if deprived, non-REM is
  • Function seems to be memory housekeeping flush
    useless clutter and consolidate new memories and
    information with existing memories.

Recuperation Theory Cons
  • There is a problem with recuperation theory
  • Lack of sleep does not seem to interfere with
    human capacity for physical exercise.
  • Quadriplegics and forced bed rest subjects do not
    show decreased or altered sleep.
  • Exception exercise that significantly raises the
    brains temperature (and metabolic rate) seem to
    cause increased need for slow wave sleep.

Sleep Deprivation Predictions
  • Recuperation
  • Missed sleep will cause physiological and
    psychological disturbances, which will get worse
    with time.
  • Much of missed sleep will be made up.
  • Circadian
  • No ill effects, except due to falling asleep.
  • Sleep desire will display circadian cycle.
  • Little or no sleep compensation.

Sleep Deprivation Studies
  • Kleitman (1963)
  • Sleep deprived lab subjects functioned normally
    during the day, with greatest drowsiness between
    3-6 AM.
  • Gardner/Dement (1978)
  • Randy Gardner, 17, decided to break world record
    for staying awake, lasting 11 days.
  • Only slept 14 hours for one night, then 8.
  • Both support circadian theory.

Sleep Deprivation
  • Sleep deprivation increases sleep efficiency.
  • Increased percentage of REM sleep.
  • Increased slow wave sleep.
  • As much time in stages 3 4 as with longer
  • Seems to indicate slow wave sleep has some sort
    of recuperative features.
  • Protein synthesis seems to be accelerated during
    slow wave sleep.

Sleep and Affective Disorders
  • New research shows
  • Sleep deprivation can bring a person out of
  • Sleep deprivation can cause a stable bipolar
    patient to go (hypo)manic.
  • Prolonged sleep intensifies a depression.
  • Children with early onset bipolar disorder show
    marked ultradian cycles.

  • Epilepsy
  • Oldest known brain disorder (over 2000 years)
  • Def repetitive seizures (abnormally synchronous
    brain activity)
  • 7-10 have at least one seizure. 1 have
  • More a symptom than a disease.

  • Seizures
  • Undamped oscillation between hemispheres
  • Generalized (grand-mal)
  • Involves the entire cortex of both hemispheres.
  • Split-brain procedure used in the worst cases.
  • Partial (petite-mal)
  • Only a circumscribed area of the cortex is
  • Often treated with drugs, or by removal of the
  • Often preceded by auras (minor, partial seizures)
  • Tension, smell, sound, temperature, visual

  • Treatment
  • GABA antagonists are good convulsants.
  • Anticonvulsants
  • barbiturates and benzodiazapenes prolong the
    inhibitory effects of GABA.
  • (barbiturate and alcohol withdrawal can trigger
  • gabapentin (Neurontin) increases brain GABA.
  • phenytoin (Dilantin), carbamazapine (Tegretol),
    valproate (Depakote), clonazepam (Klonopin) and
    oxycarbazapine (Trileptal) decrease
    high-frequency firing by nerves.
  • Surgical resection or splitting
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