Title: The Musculoskeletal System
1The Musculoskeletal System
- There are 206 bones in the body
- 4 bone types
4The Skull
- Two sections
- Cranial
- Facial
522 Bones make up the skull
68 Cranial Bones
7The skull
- Cranial 8 bones
- Frontal
- Temporal
- Occipital
- Parietal
- Facial- 14 bones
- Maxillary
- Mandible
- Nasal
NEW Book PG 104 Draw skull and label
8The Vertebral (SPINAL) Column
- 33 vertebrae
- The central nervous system contains the spinal
cord and the brain - Between each vertebrae there is a intervertebral
disc (shock absorber)
- DRAW Thoracic example on page 70 and label
- Body
- Foramen
- Transverse process
- Spinous process
- Laminae
9Vertebral column
- Cervical vertebrae
- Thoracic vertebrae
- Lumbar vertebrae
- Sacrum
- Coccyx
- The sacrum and the hip bones form the body
structure called the pelvic girdle
- Cervical Vertebrae C1- C7
- All mammals except manatees and sloths have
seven cervical vertebrae, whatever the length
of the neck. - Thoracic T1- T 12
- Lumbar L1-L5
- Sacrum 5 fused
- Coccyx 4 fused
- http//www.gwc.maricopa.edu/class/bio201/skeletont
t.htm - http//www.purposegames.com/game/1009
- http//www.purposegames.com/game/1541
12Additional Web sites
- http//www.purposegames.com/game/183/info
- http//www.abcya.com/skeletal_system.htm
- http//www.fossweb.com/modules3-6/HumanBody/index.
13Thoracic Bones
- Bones of the thoracic cage are
- Sternum
- 12 pairs of ribs (10 connected and 2 floating)
- Manubrium
- Xiphoid process
- Intercostal spaces- dead space between ribs
OLD BOOK Draw and label the above pg 72
14Shoulder Girdle and Upper Extremities
- Scapula
- Collarbone
- Acromion
- Humerous
- Radius
- Ulna
- Carpal bones 8 (wrist)
- Metacarpals 5 per hand
- Phalanges 14 proximal medial distal
Draw and label above may connect and make one
large drawing OLD Book pg 73 and 74
15Pelvic Girdle and Lower Extremities
- Lower Extremities
- Femur
- Tibia
- Fibula
- Tarsus
- Pelvic girdle
- Ileum
- Ischium
- Pubis
Draw and label above old book pg75 A B and pg
78fig 6-12 pg and fig 6-13
16How many bones are in the human foot?
- 15 of all sports injuries involve the
ligaments, bones, and tendons of the ankle - The ankle absorbs 3xs the force of the body
during running and jumping
- 20,000 ankle sprains in US a yr
- Feet cushion up to 1 million lbs. of pressure
during a single hr. of strenuous exercise - The feet log 1,000 miles per year
18Identify sex of skeletal remains by pelvis
- 3 types of Joints
- Diarthroses
- Amphiarthroses
- Synarthroses
- 4 types of Diarthroses
- Hinge joints
- Ball and socket joints
- Pivot joints
- Gliding joints
20Specific Joint Motion
- The skull
- The only moveable skull joint is the
temporomandibular joint - Capable of flexion, extension, protraction and
retraction - All other movement between the skull, neck trunk
are made by intervertebral joints of the
vertebral body
21Specific Joint motions
- Occipital bone and cervical vertebrae (c1 and C2)
allow F, E, Right and Left lateral F, and right
and left rotation - Trunk
- Most motion in cervical and lumbar area
- Intervertebral joints
- Gliding joints
- Same as head and neck
- Motion in the thoracic spine is limited by rib
22Specific joint motion
- Shoulder girdle and upper extremities
- Ball and socket joint
- Allows F, E, AB, AD, Internal and external
rotation - Elbow is hinge joint(moves in 1 direction)
- Flexion and extension
- Wrist-flexion, extention rotation
- Fingers-F,E, AB, AD
23Specific Joint Motion
- Pelvic girdle and lower extremities
- Built for weight bearing( to hold you up)
- Hip-ball and socket
- Motion same as shoulder
- Knee modified hinge-joint F, E, limited RO
- Ankle similar to wrist
- Toes- same as fingers