Chapter 9 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Chapter 9


Chapter 9 Graphs A graph G=(V,E) vertices and edges V is a set of vertices nodes E is a set of edges defined as vertex pairs (u,v) where u and v are ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Chapter 9

Chapter 9 Graphs
  • A graph G(V,E) vertices and edges
  • V is a set of vertices nodes
  • E is a set of edges defined as vertex pairs (u,v)
    where u and v are elements of V
  • Vertex w is adjacent to vertex z if there exists
    an edge (w,z) in E
  • If edge (a,b) indicates we can only go from a to
    b, then we have a directed graph
  • If edge (a,b) indicates we can go either way,
    then we have an undirected graph.
  • Sometimes an edge has a weight

  • We can use graphs to represent
  • Computer networks
  • Nodes are sites edges are connections
  • Weight may be transit time
  • Highway system
  • Nodes are cities edges are roads
  • Weights could be time or distance
  • Airline system
  • Nodes are cities edges are plane routes
  • Weights could be cost, distance, or time

More Definitions
  • A path is a sequence of vertices w1, w2, , wn
    such that (wi,wi1) are edges in E
  • The length of a path is the number of edges (n-1)
  • A cycle in a graph is a path of length at least 1
    such that w1wn
  • A simple path has all vertices distinct
  • A graph is acyclic if it has no cycles
  • DAG directed acyclic graph

Representing Graphs
  • We draw a graph with circles and connecting lines
  • Can use an adjacency matrix representation
  • If there are n vertices, then we create an n x n
  • The matrix will have a 1 in position (i,j) if
    there is an edge from vertex i to vertex j.
  • The matrix has a 0 in position (i,j) if there is
    no edge between vertex i and vertex j.
  • An undirected graph will be symmetric

Weighted Graph
  • Instead of using a 1 for a connection, put in the
    weight of that edge.
  • For some algorithms you could use infinity or
    infinity for no connection depending on the
  • Space requirements are V2
  • This is fine if the matrix is dense (i.e. there
    are many edges compared to V2)

Another Representation
  • If there are not many edges can use the adjacency
    list representation
  • Keep an array of head pointers of size V
  • Each element points to a linked list of vertices
    that are adjacent to the current vertex
  • The space requirements for this representation is
  • If the edges have weights, we can store that
    information in the nodes of the linked list
  • Undirected graphs use 2x the storage

Topological Sort
  • An ordering of vertices in a DAG such that if
    there is a path from vi to vj, then vj appears
    after vi in the ordering.
  • This is useful in determining the order to take
    courses if the DAG represents courses and their
  • Cannot be done if there is a cycle
  • The ordering is not necessarily unique

Topological Sort Algorithm
  • Find a vertex with no incoming edges
  • Print that vertex out
  • Remove that vertex from the graph and all the
    edges that go out of it
  • Repeat this process until there are no more
    vertices left
  • Will be useful to keep an indegree with each
  • Update the indegree when you remove the node

Analysis of Topological Sort
  • Find a vertex with no incoming edges takes O(V)
  • Will do this V times
  • Entire algorithm is O(V2)
  • Can make the find vertex more efficient
  • Keep a list of all vertices with indegree 0
  • Find is now O(1)
  • When remove vertex and update indegrees, add to
    the list.
  • Now algorithm is O(VE)

Shortest Path Algorithms
  • Single source, shortest weighted path problem
  • Single source, shortest unweighted path problem
  • Shortest path to one vertex or all vertices
  • Assume no path has negative cost
  • Currently there is no algorithm to find the
    shortest path to a specific node that is any
    faster than finding the shortest path to all nodes

Unweighted Shortest Paths
  • Find the shortest path from vertex s to all other
  • Look at all vertices adjacent to s
  • Enter the value 1 in entries associated with
    those vertices
  • Look at all the vertices with an entry of 1 and
    find which vertices are adjacent to them.
  • Enter a 2 into those entries (that do not have a
    value entered).
  • Repeat until all vertices accounted for.

Analysis of Algorithm
  • The longest path will be at most V.
  • Will repeat the loop at most V times.
  • The search for vertices with entry 1 is O(V).
  • Algorithm is O(V2).
  • Can be made more efficient by keeping a list for
    vertices with path length k and path length k1.
  • As you go through the list of vertices with path
    length k, create list of vertices with path
    length k1 to be used in the next loop.
  • Now O(VE).

Dijkstras Algorithm
  • Now what if the graph has weighted edges?
  • Use the same basic algorithm as with the
    unweighted graph.
  • Instead of keeping a value of the path length
    with each vertex, we keep a tentative path
  • Start the same way. Start at the starting node
    and see which nodes are adjacent to it.

Shortest Weighted Path
  • Uses a greedy algorithm.
  • Greedy algorithms do not always work
  • This one does not work if a path weight is
  • Keep a queue of vertices that can be processed
    (vertices adjacent to those that have been
    processed) and the weight to that vertex. Check
    to see if getting to that vertex is better than
    any other way to that vertex yet. Update the
    tentative path length if better. Add to queue if
  • Select the vertex with the smallest weight.

Example from the book
  • Done on board

  • Using trivial find the minimum would take O(V)
    time to find the minimum. Do this V times and
    we get a O(V2) algorithm.
  • Really this is O(EV2), but since
    EltO(V2) we get the above result.
  • If E is much less than V2 then we could keep
    the list in a priority queue.
  • Now the algorithm is O(E log V V log V)
    which is O(E log V).
  • The E log V term is from the insert.

Minimum Spanning Tree
  • Find a tree formed from graph edges that connects
    all the vertices of G with lowest cost.
  • Can perform this on directed or undirected
    weighted or unweighted graphs.
  • Result will be a tree since it will have no
  • We will look at weighed undirected graphs.

Prims Algorithm
  • Pick any starting vertex. Place it in the tree.
  • Find all edges adjacent to all vertices in the
    tree. Pick the one with the smallest weight.
  • Do not pick an edge what would cause a cycle (the
    ending vertex is already in the tree).
  • Add that edge/vertex to the graph.
  • Repeat until all vertices are processed (if graph
    is connected).

Kruskals Algorithm
  • Sort edges by weights.
  • Pick the next edge to add to the tree as the
    smallest edge not already picked that will not
    cause a cycle (the endpoint vertices are not both
    in the tree).

Depth First Search
  • Start at some vertex
  • Visit an adjacent vertex and search all of its
    adjacent vertices before returning to the
    original vertex to search the rest of its
    adjacent vertices.
  • Must worry about cycles.
  • Easily implement as a preorder recursive general
    traversal with a marker for already visited (to
    prevent cycles).
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