Title: SCALE. ETC.
2Sluggish Obese Unimaginative More Sluggish
More Obese More Unimaginative Even More
Sluggish Even More Obese Even More
Unimaginative Nissan Renault GM
Innovative Challenger for Toyota????
3I dont believe in economies of scale. You dont
get better by being bigger. You get worse.
Dick Kovacevich/Wells Fargo/Forbes/08.04 (ROA
Wells, 1.7 Citi, 1.5 BofA, 1.3 J.P. Morgan
Chase, 0.9)
4Last weeks InvinciblesDellMicrosoftBig
5Scale?Microsofts Struggle With Scale
Headline, FT, 09.2005Troubling Exits at
Microsoft Cover Story, BW, 09.2005Too Big
to Move Fast? Headline, BW, 09.2005
6New Economy?!Genentech09, Amgen09 gt Merck09
7WalMart Home Depot Walt Disney Intel
Microsoft Pfizer FlatSource Blue Chip
Blues, Cover, BW, 0417.06
8More than 1 RD spending, last 25 years?
10Line Extensions 86 percent of new products. 62
percent of revenues. 39 percent of
profit.Source Blue Ocean Strategy, Chan Kim
and Renée Mauborgne
11I HEREBY PLEDGE When asked, What are some
examples of companies stepping up to todays
challenges? I will NEVER AGAIN offer an
example of a Giant Company instead Ill refer to
Cirque du Soleil, Donnellys Weatherstrip
Service, 3K tanning salons, 10.6M women-owned
businesses (or the typically female recipients of
micro-lending) There is more to Biz Life
than Giant Cos LOTS MORE that hidden 99
12While many people big oil finds with big
companies, over the years about 80 percent of the
oil found in the United States has been brought
in by wildcatters such as Mr Findley, says Larry
Nation, spokesman for the American Association of
Petroleum Geologists. WSJ, Wildcat Producer
Sparks Oil Boom in Montana, 0405.2006
13 Market Share, Anyone? 240
industries Market- share leader is ROA
leader 29 of the time Profit /ROA
leaders aggressively weed out
customers who generate low returns
Source Donald V. Potter, Wall Street
14Sluggish Obese Unimaginative More Sluggish
More Obese More Unimaginative Even More
Sluggish Even More Obese Even More
Unimaginative Nissan Renault GM
Innovative Challenger for Toyota????
15??????????????Crappy Management (GM)
Arrogant-Overstretched Management (Carlos G)
Great Management
16Bacteria. (Left tail limits.)Productivity of
small.Failure rate of Big Mergers.Failure rate
of Big Companies.Terrorists.Galbraith vs Hayek.