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Hero s Journey Sam D. Homer s The Odyssey and The Bible s Noah s Ark story Hero s Journey: Homer s The Odyssey Departure Initiation Return Departure ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Hero

Heros Journey Sam D.
  • Homers The Odyssey and The Bibles Noahs Ark

Heros Journey Homers The Odyssey
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Supernatural Aid
  • In the beginning of the epic poem, Odysseus calls
    for inspiration, Sing in me, Muse, and through
    me tell the story of that man skilled in all ways
    of contending, the wanderer, harried for years on
    end, after he plundered the stronghold on the
    proud height of Troy (Book 1, 1-5). Odysseus is
    simply calling on the Muse, daughter of Zeus,
    source of all inspiration, to guide him and give
    him strength through his journey. That is his way
    of attempting to grab hold of a supernatural aid.

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Woman as a Temptress
  • As Odysseus and his crew try to sail home from
    their journey, they run into a major obstacle,
    Square in your ships path are sirens, crying
    beauty to bewitch men coasting by/ the sirens
    will sing his mind away on their sweet meadow
    lolling (Book 12, 4-10). The men have to face
    the sirens, tempting creatures whom sing a song
    so irresistible, its as if theyre luring the
    men to their very own death. Odysseus and his
    crew try to resist temptation like a teenager
    tries to resist operating their cell phone.

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Freedom to Live
  • Odysseus was absent from his home for twenty
    years straight, with a wife patiently waiting
    for him to return. Now from his breast into his
    eyes the ache of longing mounted, and he wept at
    last, his dear wife, clear and faithful, in his
    arms, longed for as the sun warmed beach is
    longed for by a swimmer (Book 23, 81-84). At
    this moment, the story is coming to a close, and
    Odysseus has completed his heros journey by
    receiving the freedom to live back in Ithaca.

Heros Journey Noahs Ark
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Call to Adventure
  • Noah was an extremely faithful and obeying
    follower of God, so God called down on him one
    day, Now the earth was corrupt in Gods sight
    and was full of violence. God saw how corrupt the
    earth had become, for all the people on earth had
    corrupted their ways. So God said to Noah, I am
    going to put an end to all people, for the earth
    is filled with violence because of them but I
    will establish my covenant with you, and you will
    enter the ark- you and your sons and your wife
    you are to bring into the ark two of all living
    creatures, male and female, and keep them alive
    with you (Genesis 6, 11-13, 18-19). God trusted
    Noah so greatly that he called on him to carry
    out this task, this adventure, at hand.

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The Road of Trials
  • In order to carry out Gods command on Noah, he
    had to endure many rough nights and days, Seven
    days from now I will send rain on the earth for
    forty days and forty nights and I will wipe from
    the face of the earth every living creature I
    have made ( Genesis 6, 4). Noah was to suffer
    through the forty days and nights in a wooden
    ark, with pairs of filthy animals all around, in
    the midst of a storm. He was on the road of

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Rescue from Without
  • The forty days and nights slowly passed, But God
    remembered Noah and all the wild animals and the
    livestock that were with him in the ark, and he
    sent a wind over the earth, and the waters
    receded. Now the springs of the and floodgates of
    the heavens had been closed, and the rain stopped
    falling from the sky. The water receded steadily
    from the earth (Genesis 8, 1-3). God stopped the
    flooding to return Noah from his journey back to
    earth, and build the new human race.

Works Cited
  • Bloom, Harold. Homer's the Odyssey. New York
    Chelsea House, 1988. Print.
  • The Holy Bible. Glasgow Scotland Collins
    Publishers, 1989. Print.
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