Title: Kuzmin and Stellar Dynamics
1Kuzmin and Stellar Dynamics
- Introduction
- Dynamical models
- G.G. Kuzmins pioneering work
- Mass models, orbits, distribution functions
- Structure of triaxial galaxies
- Conclusions
2Galaxy Formation and Evolution
- Galaxies form by hierarchical accretion/merging
- Matter clumps through gravitation
- Primordial gas starts forming first stars
- Stars produce heavier elements (metals)
- Subsequent generations of stars contain more
metals - Massive galaxies form from assembly of smaller
units - Galaxy encounters still occur
- Deformation, stripping, merging
- Galaxies continue to evolve
- Central black hole also influences evolution
3Observational Approaches
- Study very distant galaxies
- Observe evolution (far away long ago)
- Objects faint and small little information
- Study nearby galaxies
- Light not resolved in individual stars
- Objects large bright structure accessible
- Infer evolution through archaeology
- Fossil record is cleanest in early-type galaxies
- Study resolved stellar populations
- Ages, metallicities and motions of stars
- Archaeology of Milky Way and its neighbors
4Dynamical Models
- Aim find phase-space distribution function f
- Provides orbital structure
- Mass-density distribution ? ??? f d3v
- Velocities v derive from gravitational potential
V - Self-consistent model 4pG? ?2V
- Approaches
- Assume f find ? (but what to assume for f?)
- Assume ? find f (solve integral equation)
- Use Jeans theorem f f(I) to make progress
- Provides f(E,L) for spheres, f(E,Lz) for
axisymmetry - f(E,I2,I3) for separable axisymmetric triaxial
- Hamilton-Jacobi equation separates in (r,?,f)
- Four integrals of motion E, Lx, Ly, Lz
- All orbits regular planar rosettes
- Mass model
- Defined by density profile ?(r)
- Gravitational potential by two single
integrations - Selfconsistent models
- Isotropic models ff(E) via Abel inversion
(Eddington 1916) - Circular orbit model only orbits with zero
radial action - Many distribution functions ff(E), ff(EaL),
f(E, L), corresponding to different velocity
anisotropies - Constrain f further by measuring kinematics
- Large literature on construction of spherical
models - Popular mass models include
- Hénons (1961) isochrone
- The ?-models (e.g., Dehnen 1993)
- Already found by e.g., Franx in 1988
- Include the Jaffe (1982) and Hernquist (1990)
models - Many of these were studied much earlier by Kuzmin
and collaborators - In particular Veltmann (and later Tenjes)
- Density profiles and distribution functions
- Results not well known in Western literature, but
summarized in IAU 153, 363-366 (1993)
7The Milky Way
- Stellar motions near the Sun
- If Galaxy oblate and ff(E, Lz) then ?vR2? ?vz2?
and ?vRvz?0 - Observed ?vR2?? ?v?2?? ?vz2? and ?vRvz??0
- Galactic potential must support a third integral
of motion I3 - Separable potentials known to have three exact
integrals of motion, E, I2 and I3, quadratic in
velocities - Stäckel (1890), Eddington (1915), Clark (1936)
- Chandrasekhar assumed ff(EaI2bI3) to find ?
- This is the Ellipsoidal Hypothesis
- Model self-consistent only if ? spherical
limited applicability - Little interest in opposite route from ? to f
- G.B.van Albada (1953) oblate separable
potentials not associated with sensible mass
distributions (?)
8Kuzmins Contribution
- Set of seminal papers based on his 1952 PhD
thesis - Considers mass models with potential
- in spheroidal coordinates (?, ?, ?)
and F(?) a smooth function (?
?, ?) - These potentials have
- Three exact integrals of motion E, Lz and I3
- Useful associated densities, given by simple
formula - ?(R, z) ? 0 if and only if ?(0, z) ? 0 (Kuzmins
Theorem) - Translated by Tenjes in 1996,
including additions from 1969
9Kuzmins Contribution
- Assumption
- n3
- Fair approximation to Milky Way potential (no
dark halo) - Flattened generalisation of Hénons isochrone
(1961) - n4
- Exactly spheroidal model with
- In limit of extreme flattening
- Models ? Kuzmin disk surface density
- Rediscovered by Toomre (1963)
- Model nn0 is weighted sum of models with ngtn0
- This built on his pioneering 1943 work on
construction of models by superposition of
inhomogeneous spheroids
10Kuzmins Contribution
- Orbits in oblate separable models
- All short-axis tubes (bounded by coordinate
surfaces) - Similar to orbits in Milky Way found numerically
by Ollongren (1962) using Schmidts (1956) mass
model - Distribution function f is function of
single-valued integrals of motion only - Rediscovered by Lynden-Bell (1962)
- f(E, Lz) for model n3 (with Kutuzov, 1960)
- ?(R, z) can be written explicitly as ?(R, V)
without any reference to spheroidal coordinates - Allows computing f(E, Lz) via series expansion Ã
la Fricke - f(E, Lz, I3) found by Dejonghe de Zeeuw (1988)
making full use of the elegant properties of the
11Kuzmin 1972
- Generalization of earlier work to triaxial shapes
- Very concise summary in Alma Ata conference 1972
- English translation in IAU 127, 553-556 (1987)
- Potentials separable in ellipsoidal coordinates
(?,?,?) - Three exact integrals of motion E, I2 and I3
- ?(x, y, z) ? 0 if and only if ?(0, 0, z) ? 0
- Elegant formula for density
- Includes ellipsoidal model with
- Four major orbit families
- Rediscovered in 1982-1985 (de Zeeuw)
- Via completely independent route
12Separable Triaxial Models
- Four orbit families
- Same four orbit families found in Schwarschilds
(1979) numerical model for stationary triaxial
1. Box orbit
2. Inner long- axis tube orbit
3. Outer long- axis tube orbit
4. Short-axis tube orbit
13Separable Triaxial Models
- Mass models
- Defined by short-axis density profile central
axis ratios - Stationary triaxial shape, with central core
- Gravitational potential by two single
integrations - Each model is weighted integral of constituent
ellipsoids - Weight function follows via Stieltjes transform
- Projection is same weighted integral of
constituent elliptic disks new method for
finding potential of disks - These properties shared by larger set of models
- Each ellipsoid (pn or n/2) generates
similar family - de Zeeuw
Pfenniger (1988) Evans de Zeeuw (1992)
14Separable Triaxial Models
- Jeans equations obtain ?vi2? directly to ? and V
- Three partial differential equations for three
unknowns - Equations written down by Lynden-Bell (1960), and
solved by van de Ven et al. (2003). No guarantee
that f ? 0 - Analytic selfconsistent models
- Thin-tube orbit models (only tubes with zero
radial action) - Existence of more than one major orbit family
f(E, I2, I3) not uniquely defined by ?(x, y, z) - Abel models f S fi(EaiI2biI3) Dejonghe van
de Ven et al. 2008 - Through Kuzmins work and subsequent follow-up
the theory of stationary triaxial dynamical
models is now as comprehensive as that for
15Early-type Galaxies
- Structure
- Mildly triaxial shape
- Central cusp in density profile
- Super-massive central black hole
- Implications for orbital structure
- No global extra integrals I2 and I3
- Three tube orbit families
- Box orbits replaced by mix of boxlets
(higher-order resonant orbits) and chaotic
orbits slow evolution - Dynamical models
- Construct by numerical orbit superposition
- Use separable models for testing and insight
- Use kinematic data to constrain f
16Stellar Orbits in Galaxies
Image of orbit on sky
- Galaxies are made of stars
- Stars move on orbits (with integrals of motion)
- Galaxies are collections of orbits
17Schwarzschilds Approach
Observed galaxy image
Images of model orbits
- Many different orbits possible in a given galaxy
- Find combination of orbits that are occupied by
stars in the galaxy ? dynamical model (i.e. f)
Schwarzschild 1979 Vandervoort 1984
18Numerical Orbit Superposition
- No restriction on form of potential
- Arbitrary geometry
- Multiple components (BH, stars, dark halo)
- No restriction on distribution function
- No need to know analytic integrals of motion
- Full range of velocity anisotropy
- Include all kinematic observables
- Fit on sky plane
- Codes exist to do this for spherical,
axisymmetric and non-tumbling triaxial geometry
Leiden group Cretton, Cappellari, van den Bosch
Gebhardt Richstone Valluri
19The E3 Galaxy NGC 4365
- Kinematically Decoupled Core
- Long-axis rotator, core rotates
around short axis (Surma Bender
1995) - SAURON kinematics
- Rotation axes of main body and
core misaligned by 82o - Consistent with triaxial shape, both
long-axis short-axis tubes
occupied - Customary interpretation
- Core is distinct, and remnant of
last major accretion 12 Gyr
20Triaxial Dynamical Model
- Parameters
- Two axis ratios, two viewing angles, M/L,
MBH - Best-fit model
- Fairly oblate (0.70.951)
- Short axis tubes dominate, but 50
counter rotate, except in core cf
NGC4550 - Net rotation caused by
long-axis tubes, except in core - KDC not a physical subunit, but
appears so because of embedded counter-rotating
van den Bosch et al. 2008
21Dynamics of Slow Rotators
- 11 slow rotators in representative SAURON sample
- Range of triaxiality 0.2 ? T ? 0.7 ? no prolate
objects - Mildly radially anisotropic
- Most have KDC
- Dynamical structure
- Short axis tubes dominate
- Smooth variation with radius
- similar to dry merger simulations
Jesseit et al.
2005 Hoffman et al. 2010 - No sudden transition at RKDC
- KDC not distinct from main body
- In harmony with smooth Mgb and Fe gradients
van den Bosch et al. 2011, in prep.
- Kuzmin was a very gifted dynamicist
- Much of this work was unknown in West
- Few read Russian translations came later, but
even today most papers are not in, e.g., ADS - Kuzmin sent short English synopses to key
dynamicists, but these were not widely
distributed - Pereks (1962) review did help advertize the
results, but even so, much of his work was
independently rediscovered - Kuzmins work has substantially increased our
understanding of galaxy dynamics - And increased the luminosity of Tartu Observatory
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