Title: Major General David Deptula
1RESULTANT FURYAll-Weather Maritime
Interdiction Demonstration
Post Mission Debrief 23 Nov 2004
- Major General David Deptula
- Director, Pacific Air Forces
- Air and Space Operations
2RESULTANT FURY (RF) 05-01Operational Concept
3Demonstration Objectives
- Demonstrate all-weather precision engagement of
mobile-maritime targets - Affordable Moving Surface Target Engagement
(AMSTE) - Demonstrate target discrimination in all weather
environment - Demonstrate multi-weapons/multi-DMPIs per attack
- Demonstrate C2ISR fusion throughout the kill
chain - Exercise real-time centralized C2 with
decentralized execution
4Resultant FuryNetwork Concept
JSTARS feeds MTI into PAOC
PAOC Cross-cues MTI to P-3 for tgt ID
JSTARS detects tgt, initiates tracking
P-3 tgt imagery and post strike reporting
AWACS maintains C2 of airspace, provides
additional tgt tracking
High-res P-3 imagery downlinked to Kaneohe
Tactical Support Center
22 Nov
23 Nov
6Strike Day 1 Big Picture (22 Nov)
East Entry
- 0900-1100 C2ISR Targeting
- 1100-1300 Strike Vul
- 1st Up (AMSTE JSOW)
- --Beef (2xF-18) 1 x ISTT
- 2nd up (AMSTE JDAM)
- --Buff (2xB-52) 2 x ISTT
- 3rd up (GMTI/Mk-84)
- --Bone (2xB-1) 1 x ISTT
- B-52s will strike surviving ISTTs with remaining
JDAM after the B-1 attacks - 1300-1500 Phase II Training
7Strike Day 1Execution Overview
- 22 Nov, Strike Day 1
- Multiple attacks on 2 moving (towed) targets
maintenance problem w/1 of 3 remotely operated
tow boats - 2 x F/A-18 (1 each, inert AMSTE-modified JSOW)
missed target analyzing data to determine
reason - 2 x B-52 (1 each, live AMSTE-modified JDAM)
scored direct hits on both towed targets
simultaneously - Targets--25 feet long, moving at 12-13 knots
- 1 x B-1 (6 live Mk 84) cancelled, due to loss of
tanker support
8Strike Day 1 Video
Log on to following web site for
video http//www2.hickam.af.mil/pacaf/news/rf.htm
9Strike Day 2 Big Picture (23 Nov)
East Entry
- 0900-1100 C2ISR Targeting
- 1100-1300 Strike Vul
- 1st Up (AMSTE JDAM)
- -- Buff (2xB-52) LST
- 2nd up (AGM-65)
- --Hunter (P-3) LST
- 3rd up (GBU-10)
- --Buff (B-52 LGB) LST
- B-52 LGB will sink LST if still afloat with
BLU-109 LGBs. Demolition team as backup for
fallout or wx - 1300-1500 Phase II Training
10Strike Day 2Execution Overview
- 23 Nov, Strike Day 2
- Multiple attacks on LST (522 full scale target)
target on station as planned - 2 x B-52 (7 AMSTE-modified JDAM delivered on 1
pass) scored - direct hits Ship hull breached below
waterline - 1 x B-52 with litening pod (4 GBU-10s 1 pass)
scored direct hit destroyed superstructure on
forward deck - 1 x P-3 (1 AGM-65 Maverick) shot not taken due to
fishing boat in area - Target sunk approximately 1.5 hours after initial
11Strike Day 2 Video
Log on to following web site for
video http//www2.hickam.af.mil/pacaf/news/rf.htm
12Demonstration Objectives
- Demonstrate all-weather precision engagement of
mobile-maritime targets - Affordable Moving Surface Target Engagement
(AMSTE) - Demonstrate target discrimination in all weather
environment - Demonstrate multi-weapons/multi-DMPIs per attack
- Demonstrate C2ISR fusion throughout the kill
chain - Exercise real-time centralized C2 with
decentralized execution
13Bottom Line
- Provide the PACOM commander a capability to
respond in hours to conduct maritime interdiction
anywhere in the Pacific Theater in all weather,
day or night for his spectrum of contingency
plans - Â
- Superb joint efforthighlights the cooperation
between the Navy and the Air Force to demonstrate
increased capability for a unified combatant
14RESULTANT FURYAdvanced Technologies