Title: Academic Team Flashcards, Part One
1Academic TeamFlashcards, Part One
2First Chief Justice
3John Jay
4Most famous philosopher of Existentialism
5Jean Paul Sartre
6Painted The Haywain
7John Constable
8Discovered X-Rays
9Wilhelm Roentgen
10Author of On the Road
11Jack Kerouac
12Two friends of Jack Kerouac
13Allen Ginsberg andWilliam S. Burroughs
- Members of the Beat Generation
14Highest mountain in Antarctica
15The Vinson Massif
16Tallest mountain in South America
17Mt. Aconcagua
18Highest mountain in North America
19Mt. McKinley
20Designed Central Park
21Frederick Law Olmstead
- Also worked on UC Berkeley Campus, Stanford
Campus, Capitol Building landscape, University of
Chicago Campus - Lesser known Point Chautauqua in NY
22Author of Tales of Genji
23Lady Murasaki Shikibu
- Recognized as worlds first novel
24Inventor of the Air Brake
26Inventor of the Reaper
27Cyrus McCormick
28Author of Winesburg, Ohio
29Sherwood Anderson
30Kidnapped and Treasure Island were written by
this man
31Robert Louis Stephenson
32State Department official accused of being a
communist spy in the 1950s
33Alger Hiss
34Author of rags to riches stories in the 1800s
35Horatio Alger
- Pull yourself up by your own bootstraps
36Author of The Importance of Being Earnest
37Oscar Wilde
38Who painted The Last Supper?
39Leonardo Da Vinci
40Who gave the Cross of Gold speech in the 1890s?
41William Jennings Bryan
42Who opposed William Jennings Bryan at the Scopes
Monkey Trial in 1925?
43Clarence Darrow
44Who painted The Persistence of Memory?
45Salvador Dali
46Author of the famous Russian play The Seagull
47Anton Chekhov
48Russian author of Dr. Zhivago
49Boris Pasternak
50Who painted Guernica?
51Pablo Picasso
- German bombing of Spanish village during Spanish
Civil War in 1930s
52What fascist dictator won the Spanish Civil War?
53Generalissimo Francisco Franco
54Author of To Kill a Mockingbird
55Harper Lee
56British Prime Minister who appeased Hitler at
Munich in 1938
57Neville Chamberlain
- I believe this means peace for our time
- Gave away the Sudetenland (western Czechoslovakia)
58British Prime Minister who beat Hitler in World
War II
59Winston Churchill
- until we have rid the earth of his shadow
60American inventor of the telegraph
61Samuel Morse
62First woman Prime Minister of Britain
63Margaret Thatcher
64First woman Prime Minister of India
65Indira Gandhi
- Nehrus daughter
- Not related to
- Mohandas Gandhi
66First woman Prime Minister of Israel
67Golda Meir
68Nixons last and best Secretary of State
69Henry Kissinger
70Deepest lake in world
71Lake Baikal
72Author of Brave New World
73Aldous Huxley
- Baby factories
- Perfect kids
- Perfect Society
74Darwins Bulldog who defended him against
religious attacks
75Thomas Huxley
76Most famous Ragtime composer
77Scott Joplin
- Maple Leaf Rag, and other songs
78Author of The Good Earth
79Pearl S. Buck
80Composed West Side Story and Candide
81Leonard Bernstein
82Invented sewing machine
83Elias Howe
84Wrote Morte dArthur
85Sir Thomas Mallory
86Wrote The Road not Taken and is buried in
Bennington, Vermont
87Robert Frost
88Who wrote the play The Iceman Cometh?
89Eugene ONeill
90Who wrote the play The Crucible?
91Arthur Miller
- Married Marilyn Monroe (as did Joe DiMaggio)
- Does the play deal with Salem in 1692 or the
Communist hunts of the 1950s?
92Most successful Jeopardy contestant of all time?
93Ken Jennings
94Author of Don Quixote
96Who wrote Catcher in the Rye?
97J.D. Salinger
98Main character in Catcher in the Rye
99Holden Caulfield
100Who originated the idea of Tabula Rasa?
101John Locke
102Author of existential novels like The Plague
and The Stranger
103Albert Camus (ka mu)
104Ancient Greek philosopher who drank hemlock?
106Republican turncoats in a Presidential election
in the 1880s
108Absolute zero in degrees Celsius
110Absolute Zero in Kelvin
112Highest navigable lake in the world
113Lake Titicaca
114Author of For Whom the Bell Tolls
115Ernest Hemingway
- Main character is Robert Jordan
- Hemingway fought personally in the Spanish Civil
War in the 1930s
116Author of Absalom, Absalom
117William Faulkner
- Mississippi author
- Fictional Yoknapawtha county
- Fictional Snopes family
- Also wrote As I Lay Dying in a stream of
consciousness style
118Poet who wrote the poems inThe Bell Jar
119Sylvia Plath
- Married to British writer Ted Hughes whose
cheating helped cause her suicide
120Author of War and Peace and Anna Karenina
121Leo Tolstoy
122Norwegian playwright whose plays included A
Dolls House
123Henrik Ibsen
124Who composed Water Music?
- Also The Messiah, a Christmas oratorio which
includes the Hallelujah Chorus
126Name the first four books of the New Testament.
What are they called?
127Matthew, Mark, Luke and JohnThe Gospels
128Name the first five books of the Old Testament.
What are they called by Jewish people?
129Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers,
DeuteronomyThe Torah
130Author of Heart of Darkness
131Joseph Conrad
132Author of Grapes of Wrath
133John Steinbeck
134Who wrote The Misanthrope and Tartuffe?
136Who wroteBeing and Nothingnessand No Exit?
137Jean Paul Sartre
- Leading 20th century existentialist
138Sartres girlfriend/companion and author of The
Second Sex
139Simone de Beauvoir
- strengthened the womens movement
- would not want to be called a girlfriend
140Please go to Part Two for more fun.