Title: Welcome to Telecare training Day
1Welcome to Telecare training Day
- Graham Wilson
- Helen Clayton
- Andrea Benstead
2What are we doing here?
- Opportunity
- Thinking outside the box
- Toolkit for wherever you work to enable
independence, choice and safety of your service
user, client or patient.
3Thinking differently..
- Wherever you encounter that individual, ask
yourself can telecare help in terms of- - Risk
- Prevention
- Reablement
- Reintegration
4So where do we find ourselves..
- Increased life expectancy
- Increased expectations
- Challenging health and social care budgets
- Can we afford it economically.
5Current situation
- Health 2007/08
- 7.3 GDP
- Up from 5.4 within last decade
- 2011-14 projected savings within health budget of
up to 15bn
- Social care 2007/08
- 20.7bn
- Up by 1.2 on 2005/06 and 4 on 2004/05
- 15.3bn spent on elderly care and long term
6Baby boomers (1946-64)
- Generation that wont accept second best
- Increased expectations for choice and quality of
services - Dispersed network of support.
- Longer life expectancy but dependency and QoL may
be impaired.
7Starting to think differently
- Dementia
- Limiting long term conditions
- Learning difficulties
- Wellbeing
- Social needs
- Economic drivers
- Timebomb
- 750,000 today expected to increase to 1m by 2025
- Managed risk
- Earlier involvement
- Alzhiemers society National survey
- Lincolnshire identified 3,400 on Gp register
- Forecast 9,703
- 68.2 increase by 2025
- 114th out of 152 sampled areas.
9Progressive limiting long term conditions
- Number of people with limiting long term
condition within Lincs
Age range 65-74 75-84 85 total
Number of people 28,665 24,322 9,438 62,425
10Limited life long term conditions
- Triggers
- Result in psychological distress or physical
deterioration. - On average 8,000 admitted nationwide per day
following a fall. - 890 as cross threshold
- Studies by office of DODPM in 2006 indicated
that on average following a fall individuals in
some form of care for 26 days.
11The downward spiral of falls
12Falls number of people who have fallen at home
AGE 65-69 70-74 75-79 80-84 85
MALE 18 20 19 31 43
FEMALE 23 27 27 34 43
13Lincolnshire (poppi 2008)
- Forecast that 21,840 had difficulty mobilising
and at risk of falls
14Learning disabilities
- Choice
- Dignity
- Inclusion
- Risk
- Ageing client group often living with elder
- Changing practice
- Reablement
- Commissioning of services
15How can we start to plan..
- Carry on all the same
- look for alternatives
- Develop Telecare to become mainstream
- Shifting the balance..
16If we could save..
- 1 Admission from a fall
- 1 week within hospital.
- By one month admission to full time care
- Supporting
- Monitoring
- Managing risk
- Ensuring choice and well being
Before the light sensors were installed my
husband fell and split his head open during the
night. After installation, he has had no more
falls. It has really helped
I feel I can have a bit more of a normal social
We dont always have to be in the same place. If
she wants to be alone the equipment allows this
to happen