Title: Telling Time to the Hour
1Telling Time to the Hour
2The Hands of Time
3The Hands of Time
4The Hands of Time
Count the numerals on the clock. There are only
12 hours on a clock face. So, the hour hand is a
short hand.
5(No Transcript)
6 When the minute hand is pointing to 12, read the
time as oclock. In this case, the hour hand
is pointing to the 3 and it is three oclock.
7 Now the minute hand is pointing to 12 and the
hour hand is pointing to the 5. So, we read the
time as five oclock.
8 What time is it now?
one oclock or 100
9 Another hour went past. What time is it now?
two oclock or 200
10 Another hour went past. What time is it now?
three oclock or 300
11 Another hour went past. What time is it now?
four oclock or 400
12 Another hour went past. What time is it now?
five oclock or 500
13 Another hour went past. What time is it now?
six oclock or 600
14 Another hour went past. What time is it now?
seven oclock or 700
15 Two hours went past. Look at the hour hand.
What time is it now?
nine oclock or 900
16 Two hours went past. Look at the hour hand.
What time is it now?
eleven oclock or 1100
17 This time the hour hand is pointing to the 12.
What time is it now?
twelve oclock or 1200
18Telling Time
Remember that the long hand is the minute hand.
And, the short hand is the hour hand.