Title: CRCT Review
1CRCT Review
2Your Task
- 1. Save this PowerPoint to your H drive.
- 2. Add a new slide (after each question) where
you will type the answer. - 3. When youre finished, print off the PowerPoint
with 9 slides per page. - You may want to email your PowerPoint to
yourself so that you can review it at home!
3Latin America
4- 1. Where was the Aztec civilization located? Who
was their leader?
5- Tenochtitlan(Present day Mexico City). Montezuma
6- 2. Where was the Incan empire located? Who was
their leader?
7- Western coast of South America. Atahualpa.
8- 3. What was traded during the Columbian Exchange?
9- Potatoes, peppers, corn, horses, tomatoes.
Diseases were also brought to New World.
10- 4. What did Hernan Cortes do?
11- Defeated Montezuma and the Aztec empire.
12- 5. What did Francisco Pizarro do?
13- Defeated Atahualpa and Incan empire.
14- 6. What was the Triangular Trade? Who did the
Europeans get to work on the sugar plantations
and mines in Latin America after the natives died?
15- Trade between Europe(Old World), Americas(New
World), Africa. - African slaves were brought in
16- 7. Who is Miguel Hidalgo? Country?
17- Mexican priest that led independence movement in
18- 8. Who is Toussaint LOuverture? Country?
19- Former slave that led slave revolt in
Haiti(gained independence)
20- 9. Who is Simon Bolivar? Countries?
21- Helped gain independence for Bolivia, Colombia,
Ecuador, Panama, Peru, Venezuela.
22- 10. Who is Fidel Castro and how did he change
Cuban history?
23- Became dictator of Cuba and started communist
24- 11. What was the Cuban Embargo?
25Interactive Notebook pg. 148
- 12. Who are the Zapatistas?
26- South American rebels against NAFTA. Took over a
few small towns in protest.
27Interactive Notebook pg. 113
- 13. What is NAFTA and how does it affect Mexico,
US, and Canada?
28- North American Free Trade Agreement. Eliminated
tariffs between the 3 countries. Opened up trade.
29Interactive Notebook pg. 123
- 14. What is happening to the Amazon Rainforest?
30- Deforestation-cutting of trees
31Interactive Notebook pg. 125
- 15. What is the primary religion practiced and
the primary language spoken in Latin America?
32- Religion- Roman Catholic
- Language- Spanish, Portuguese
33Interactive Notebook pg. 125
- 16. Which two countries had the greatest impact
on the religion of Latin America?
34 35Canada
36Interactive Notebook pg. 107
- 17. What two European countries colonized Canada?
37 38Interactive Notebook pg. 107
- 18. How did Canada become independent from Great
39(No Transcript)
40Interactive Notebook pg. 110
- 19. What does Quebec hope to preserve by becoming
independent from the rest of Canada?
41 42Interactive Notebook pg. 107
- 20. What are Canadas two official languages?
43 44Interactive Notebook pg. 95
- 21. Where does most of Canadas population live?
45- Along southern border of Canada, close to
northern border of US
46Interactive Notebook pg. 91
- 22. Why are most of Canadas factories located
along the St. Lawrence River and the Great Lakes?
47- Trade route/Access to the Atlantic Oceans
49Interactive Notebook pg. 33
- 23. Who is Prince Henry the Navigator? What is he
known for?
50- Set-up exploration school and began exploring
west coast of Africa
51Interactive Notebook pg. 35
- 24. Name at least 3 countries that were
originally colonized by Great Britain?
52(No Transcript)
53Interactive Notebook pg. 42
- 25. Which countries were involved in World War I?
54- Central Powers- Germany, Austria-Hungary, Ottoman
Empire - Allied Powers British, France, Russia, US
55Interactive Notebook pg. 42
- 26. The Treaty of Versailles ended World War I.
What did the treaty force Germany to do?
56- Accept blame for war, pay war reparations(33
billion), give back land, reduce size of military
57Interactive Notebook pg. 43
- 27. How did World War I affect Germanys economy?
58- Germany went into a depression, money was
59Interactive Notebook pg. 46
- 28. Who was the leader of the Nazi Party? What
were they known for?
60 61Interactive Notebook pg. 46
- 29. Who were the Axis Powers in World War II?
62 63Interactive Notebook pg. 46
- 30. Who were the Allied Powers in World War II?
64- United States, Great Britain, France, Russia
65Interactive Notebook pg. 46
- 31. What caused World War II to take place?
66- Hitler broke Treaty of Versailles, Germany
invaded Poland
67Interactive Notebook pg. 46
- 32. What was the Holocaust?
68- Murder of millions of Jews by Hitler/Nazi Party
69Interactive Notebook pg. 40
- 33. Who was Vladimir Lenin?
70- Communist leader of Russia after Russian
71Interactive Notebook pg. 40
- 34. What was the Russian Revolution?
72- Workers went on strike, riots in the streets,
some of army turned against czar, czar executed
73Interactive Notebook pg. 40
- 35. Who was Czar Nicholas II?
74- Last czar of Russia, killed during Russian
75Interactive Notebook pg. 47
- 36. After World War II, which 2 nations engaged
in the Cold War?
76 77Interactive Notebook pg. 47
- 37. What happened to Berlin after World War II?
78- Wall built to divide into communist and
democratic sections
79Interactive Notebook pg. 47
- 38. After the Soviet Union collapsed, what
happened to East and West Germany?
80- Berlin wall was torn down and communist side ended
81Interactive Notebook pg. 63
- 39. What is the European Union?
82- European countries joined to open trade, same
currency, ease of travel between countries
83Interactive Notebook pg. 25
- 40. What are the three major religions in Europe?
84- Christianity, Judaism, Islam
85Interactive Notebook pg. 16
- 41. What are some causes of acid rain in Germany?
86- Factories and car pollution
- Kills plants and animals, hurts soil/land, ruins
87Interactive Notebook pg. 16
- 42. What happened at Chernobyl, Ukraine?
88- Nuclear power plant explosion, contaminated
everything around the site
90Interactive Notebook pg. 165
- 43. Who were the Aborigines? How did they pass
their Dreamtime legends down through generations?
91Interactive Notebook pg. 164
- 44. Why did the British originally colonize
92- Used it as a prison colony
93Interactive Notebook pg. 162
- 45. Where do most Australians live? Why?
94- Southeastern coast because of milder climate
96Interactive Notebook pg. 8
- 46. What is an autocracy?
97- Govt controlled by a single strong
98Interactive Notebook pg. 8
- 47. What is an oligarchy?
99- Govt controlled by a small group or few people
100Interactive Notebook pg. 8
101- People control the govtthey vote for leaders
102Interactive Notebook pg. 53
- 49. What is a unitary system of government?
103- Strong central govt and weak local/state govt
104Interactive Notebook pg. 53
- 50. What is a confederation?
105- Strong local/state govt and weak central govt
106Interactive Notebook pg. 53
- 51. What is a federal system?
107- Central and state govts share powers/duties
108Interactive Notebook pg. 61
- 52. How is the leader chosen in a parliamentary
109- People elect members of Parliament and prime
minister is chosen from party with most
110Interactive Notebook pg. 61
- 53. How is the leader chosen in a presidential
111- People elect the president
112Interactive Notebook pg. 53
- 54. Australia is considered to have a federal
system, what does this mean?
113- The central govt and territory govts share the
114Interactive Notebook pg. 61
- 55. Brazil and Mexico both have presidential
democracies. How do they determine their leaders?
115- Elections are held and people vote for president
117Interactive Notebook pg. 51
- 56. What are the different economic systems?
Describe each.
118- Market people(buyers and sellers) control
economy - Command govt controls economy
- Mixed people/govt control economy
- Traditional trade/barter, habits of past
119Interactive Notebook pg. 51
- 57. In Germany, Russia, and the United Kingdom,
the government regulates some industries but most
business decisions are made by individuals. What
type of economy do these countries have?
120 121Interactive Notebook pg. 51
- 58. What are the 3 economic questions that every
country must answer?
122- What to produce
- How to produce
- For whom to produce
123Interactive Notebook pg. 69
- 59. What are the 3 economic trade barriers?
Describe each.
124- Tariff- tax on imports
- Quota limit on imports
- Embargo stop all trade
125Interactive Notebook pg. 51
- 60. Cuba has a command economy and Brazil has a
mixed economy. How do these two economies differ?
126Interactive Notebook pg. 73
- 61. What are the 4 factors of economic growth?
Give an example of each.
127- Human capital, Capital goods, natural resources,
128Interactive Notebook pg. 73
- 62. What is Gross Domestic Product (GDP)?
129- Total value of all goods/services produced in a
country in a year
130Interactive Notebook pg. 73
- 63. If a country does not have many natural
resources, what will their GDP be like?
131Interactive Notebook pg. 71
- 64. If countries want to trade internationally,
what must they first do with their currency?
132- Exchange currencies change currency from one
type to another
133Interactive Notebook pg. 78
- 65. If a country has a high literacy rate, what
will the countrys standard of living be like?
134 135Interactive Notebook pg. 113
- 67. What is the goal of NAFTA?
136- Open trade between Canada, US, Mexico