Title: He Walks Among The Golden Lamps
1He Walks Among The Golden Lamps
He walks among the golden lampsOn feet like
burnished bronzeHis hair as snows of winter
white,His eyes with fire aflame and brightHis
glorious robe of seamless lightSurpasses
2He Walks Among the Golden Lamps
And in His hand the seven starsAnd from His
mouth a swordHis voice the thunder of the
seasAll creatures bow to His decreesWho holds
the everlasting keysAnd reigns as Sovreign
3He Walks Among the Golden Lamps
More radiant than the sun at noon,Who was, and
is to beWho was, from everlasting daysWho
lives, the Lord of all our waysTo him be
majesty and praiseFor all eternity.
4(No Transcript)