Skyline Newsletter - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Skyline Newsletter


... That a spider can have as many as eight eyes; That Julie K can t tell the difference between dog or cat food ... That the SCI workshop is very busy; ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Skyline Newsletter

Skyline Newsletter September, 2011

Calendar of Events

Employee Birthdays 1st Crystal Pataska 14th
Julie Kremer 16th Katie Flood 16th Candie
Schipper 17th Crystal Renkenthaler 19th Shannon
Cook 23rd Denise Mayers 24th Angie
Marshall 25th Jacque McTier 27th Bill
Goble 28th Tiffany Bechtel
CPI Recert Sept 13th 830am Noon
15th 1230pm - 400 Orientation Sept 19th
23rd Brain Injury Sept 21st 1230pm -
400 Med Mgr Rvu Sept 27th 900am 1100

Current Job Openings are.. Direct Care Managers
Pt 2nd in Clinton DeWitt
FT 1st /2nd in DeWitt
New Employees are.. Heather Brooks and Ange
Volkers are Direct Care Managers. Welcome
Employee Anniversaries 7th Danyka Hoover 6
Yrs 12th Chrissy Kyseth 10 15th Jennifer
Green 14 15th Kim Gooch 7 20th Jared
Voss 1 27th Mike Postma 1
Our sympathy to. AMY STODDARD and her family.
Amys sister-in-law, Kris Weiskircher, passed
away at the University of Iowa Hospital on August
23rd. She was 42 years of age. Kris leaves
behind Amys brother, Kevin and their 2 year
old daughter, Emily. Our thoughts will be ith
you and your family during this very difficult

SCI Day Hab Attendance Award Winners
.. SCI had 59 Attendance Winners. Despite
the heat in August, the Individuals knew that
they were needed at the workshop because they are
so busy. Their dedication to their jobs is very
much appreciated by the supervisors. DAY HAB had
16 Attendance Winners. Day Hab had several
special events planned for the month of August.
We are very glad that so many Individuals were
able to join us for those events and the fun we
had during that time. CONGRATULATIONS TO ALL OF
YOU for being August, 2011 Attendance Award
Winners at SCI and Day
If you win, you win by doing the things you do
best. Doug Dickey
Employee of the month for August, 2011
isKIM GOOCH!! Kim came to us from DSP
in DeWitt back in 2006. Recently, at SCI, Kim
has taken on extra responsibilities and has done
a magnificent job of juggling these extra duties.
She not only takes time for her staff, but also
for the Individuals. Kim makes sure to take time
everyday to talk with her staff and see how they
are doing. She also stops by and talks with the
Individuals and sometimes puts a smile on their
face. Kim tries to make sure all of the staff at
SCI work together like a team to make for a
better working environment. We think that Kim
has earned this acknowledgement. CONGRATULATIONS
KIM GOOCH for being chosen September, 2011
Employee of the Month!!!
Be always sure you are right then go ahead.
Davy Crockett
SARCASTIC TOO SOON A burglar broke into a
house late one night. Sneaking through the
living room, he froze in his tracks when he
heard a loud voice say, Heaven sees you.
Nothing happened, so the burglar crept forward
again. But then the voice repeated, Heaven
sees you! The burglar stopped again and looked
all around. Then he spotted a parrot in a corner
of the room. Was that you who said Heaven can
see me? asked the burglar. Yes, said the
parrot. The burglar sighed with relief.
Whats you name? Clarence, said the bird.
Clarence? Thats a dumb name for a parrot,
sneered the burglar. What idiot named you
Clarence? The same idiot who named the
Rottweiler Heaven, answered the parrot.
Did You Know???
  • That in 1964 you could get a full lunch meal at
  • grill for 1.47..WOW
  • That Alexis K is meeting herself coming going
  • That apples, not caffeine are more efficient at
  • waking you up in the morning
  • That Tracy P hubby are now proud home owners
  • That the San Francisco Cable cars are the only
  • National Monuments
  • That Ann B did some cross training at the front
  • That the average number of people airborne over
  • U. S. in any given hour is 61,000
  • That Joan H was in the land of sand sun last
  • That honey bees will collect from as many as
  • 500 flowers in a single trip
  • That in 2006 TSA Airlines banned all liquids
  • carried on to a plane, that was later changed
  • That the first monorail opened in 1888 in
  • That I am VERY proud of Chrissy K.2 Big Ones
  • That Deidra H and Vicki F ventured up to the
  • That in 1975 we paid .79 cents for a bag of
  • baking flour
  • That school is back in session, drive safely
  • That Samantha is always quiet but has a smile
  • That we should ask Dani or Lynn how long it
  • actually takes to get to Des Moines ?
  • That a spider can have as many as eight eyes
  • That Julie K cant tell the difference between
    dog or
  • cat food (youd think the picture on the bag
  • give it away) ?
  • That in 1973 3lbs of hamburger were .99cents
  • That Jan K gets her exercise walking the halls
  • That the wheelbarrow was invented in China
  • That Chiquita is expecting an addition to her
  • That when sea water freezes much of the salt is
  • concentrated into pockets of liquid
  • That Barb E-M is the delivering bakery lady
  • That 1973 we paid .47 cents for a gallon of gas
  • That you should not ask Candie to set up

Have a Safe and Fun Labor Day!!!
Traveling to School
Safety tips to share with your children Whether
children walk, ride their bicycle or take the bus
to school, it is extremely important that they
take proper safety precautions. Here are some
tips to share with your children to ensure their
safety when traveling to school.
  • Walking to school
  • Walk to school with a group of kids and always
    have a responsible adult with you.
  • Always walk on the sidewalk if one is available.
  • If no sidewalk is available, walk facing the
  • The safest place to cross is at a street corner
    or intersection.
  • If you are 10 years old or younger, you need to
    cross the street with an adult. You should not
    cross by yourself.
  • Before you step off the curb to cross the street,
    stop and look all ways to see if cars are coming.
  • When no cars are coming, it is safe for you and
    an adult to cross. But look left-right-left as
    you do it, and hold the adults hand.
  • Walk, dont run. This gives time for drivers to
    see you before you enter the roadway. Running
    also makes you more likely to fall in the street.
  • Dont dart out in front of a parked car. The
    driver of the car coming down the street will not
    be able to see you.
  • Stay safe because we love you!!
  • Riding the bus to school
  • When the bus arrives, stand at least three giant
    steps away from the curb.
  • Be sure the bus driver can see you and you can
    see the bus driver.
  • When on the bus, find a seat and sit down. Loud
    talking or other noise can distract the bus
    driver and is not allowed.
  • Before you reach your stop, get ready to leave by
    getting your books and belongings together.
  • When getting off the bus, if you have to cross
    the street in front of the bus, walk at least ten
    feet ahead of the bus along the side of the road
    until you can turn around and see the driver.
  • Wait for a signal from the bus driver to cross.
  • When the driver signals,
  • walk across the road keeping
  • an eye out for sudden traffic
  • changes.
  • Stay away from the
  • wheels of the bus
  • at all times.
  • Riding a bicycle to school
  • Always wear your helmet when riding your bicycle.
  • Make sure that your helmet fits correctly. The
    helmet should fit low on your forehead so that
    two fingers fit between it and your eyebrows.
    Another way to check is to put the helmet on your
    head and look up. If you cant see your helmet,
    it is too far back.
  • To ride safely, you need to know the rules of the
    road. If you dont, then you should not ride in
    traffic or without an adult.
  • Ride on the right side of the road or trail in a
    single file line in the same direction as other
    vehicles and come to a complete stop before
    crossing streets.
  • Wait for a drivers signal before crossing the
  • When you ride your bicycle, you should wear
    bright colors during the day and right before the
    sun rises or sets.

  • Riding at night can be dangerous. If you have to
    ride your bicycle at night, you should ride with
    an adult. You should have a white light on the
    front of your bicycle and a red reflector on the
    back. You also can get lights and reflective
    materials to put on your shoes, helmet and

Chuckles When I was young, I found out
that the big toe always ends up making a hole in
a sock so, I stopped wearing socks.
Albert Einstein

I think its wrong that only one company makes
the game Monopoly. Steven Wright
Physical fitness is in. I recently had a
physical fit myself.
Steve Allen
Theres a difference between opinion
conviction. My opinion is something that is true
for me personally my conviction is something
that is true for everybody in my opinion.
Sylvia Cordwood
Too many people think they are being creative
when they are just being different.
Unknown Author
5 Everyday Health Tips
IMPROVING YOUR HEALTH can be as easy as enjoying
a nutritious meal or listening to your favorite
tunes. Here are five simple ways to improve your
well-being today EAT BREAKFAST. Breakfast is
essential for brain stamina weight management,
says a Baltimore, MD dietitian. Studies show
eating breakfast helps you lose weight keep it
off. Easy grab--go breakfasts such as yogurt
with sliced mango or blueberries or toasted
whole grain waffles topped with nut butter, a
sliced banana and cinnamon. MOVE MORE. Create
opportunities for exercise throughout the day.
Take a short walk during lunch spend a few
minutes playing outside with the kids. Dance
around the house says a personal trainer in New
York City. Any sort of movement that increases
your heart rate by 10 or more is stimulating
your muscles metabolism.
LISTEN TO MUSIC. Upbeat music can boost your
energy mood, soothing music can relieve
stress and promote sleep. Listening to music
also can lower blood pressure, alleviate pain and
even promote heart health. ADD A FRUIT AND A
VEGETABLE TO EACH MEAL. Each fruit or vegetable
provides fiber and essential vitamins for heart
and skin, and anti-aging benefits. GET ENOUGH
SLEEP. We tend to underestimate the impact that
lack of sleep has on our life. Lack of sleep can
cause concentration problems, irritation,
depression and well as headaches,
gastrointestinal and respiratory problems and
other ailments. The average healthy adult needs
six to eight hours of sleep each night. For
better sleep, avoid caffeine in the afternoon and
evening and dont nap during the day.
  • Heres some wisdom found on an anonymous e-mail
    thats worth sharing and pondering
  • Ive learned that our dog doesnt want to eat my
    broccoli either. Author age 7.
  • Ive learned that if you want to cheer yourself
    up, you should try cheering someone else up. Age
  • Ive learned that silent company is often more
    healing than words of advice. Author age 24.
  • Ive learned that if someone says something
    unkind about me, I must live so that no one will
  • believe it. Author age 30.
  • Ive learned that the greater a persons sense of
    guilt, the greater his or her need to cast blame
  • others. Author age 46.
  • Ive learned that motel mattresses are better on
    the side away from the phone. Author age 50.
  • Ive learned that regardless of your relationship
    with your parents, you miss them terribly after
  • they die. Author age 53.

Recipes of the Month.. we had a lot of requests
for certain recipes, so here you go. Enjoy!!
butter 1 cup sugar 1 egg Preheat the oven to 350
degrees. Prepare a cookie sheet covered in foil.
Mix together the sugar, peanut butter and egg in
that order. Then scoop spoonfuls of the dough
and put them about an inch apart on the foil
covered cookie sheet. Take a fork and press down
each cookie, criss-crossed. Bake in the oven for
7 minutes or until golden brown. Makes about 18
cookies. You wanted easy, these are easy!!
27oz. jar Sauerkraut (drain squeeze excess
liquid) ½ c each red green pepper, diced ½
medium onion, diced ½ c. canola oil 1 c.
sugar Mix together, cover and refrigerate
overnight. Easy and sounds good!!! Thanks
Jeff! PINANGEL CAKE 1 angel food cake mix. 1
15oz can pineapple Container Lite Cool Whip Make
cake mix as directed on box. Add can of
pineapple. Mix all ingredients and pour into a
9x13 pan. Bake at 350 degrees for 35 minutes
(or until brown). Once its cool top with the
cool whip. If you like pineapple, you will like
this. Thanks Barb L!!!! COLLARD GREENS 6lbs
Collard Greens ¼ c. vegetable oil (this makes
them tender) 1Tbs. sugar (this is added because
they tend to be a little bit of a bitter green) 2
Smoked turkey wings or necks (Hy-Vee has
them-adds great flavor) 1 Small onion - cut
up Sprinkle Seasoning salt after cooking for
about 2 hours only if needed. Wash collard
greens, set aside. Boil smoke turkey for 30
minutes, then add greens a little at a time, as
all may not fit until they cook down (keep adding
more to pot as they cook). Add vegetable oil,
chopped onion and sugar. Cook on medium heat for
2 ½ to 3 hours or until tender (to meet your
satisfaction), but should not be mushy. After 2
hours may want to add season salt. This
is Tracy Ps Moms recipe. We had a lot of
people ask how to make this after tasting it when
cooked in the Day Hab. If you like spinach, you
will like this. Its delicious!!!!!!

to send your Monthly Wellness Charts to the H.R
. Department. We are a little behind at issuing
your incentives and for that I apologize.
However, all of your steps will be getting
updated very soon and you will hear from us.
PLEASE, do not give up!! Even if you have missed
a few months, as I have, we need to get back at
it. Hope to hear from you even if it is just to
get a new chart or ask where your incentive is!!!
Two things rob people of their peace of mind
work unfinished and work not yet begun.
Unknown Around here youre either expense or
youre revenue. Donna
Vaillancourt Accept and Adjust..I believe in
bad luck. I believe I will always have it, and I
plan accordingly. Napoleon Bonaparte Monday
Morning Mantra..another week, another
opportunity to be a maverick. Patricia
OConnor Have a reason for making a decision.
You wont always be right, but be sure your
reasoning was correct. Eddie Kasko When we
realize we are part of the same team, then well
come up with real solutions. Charles H. Wright
in your careers, you will be called to take a
risk. And I think you will find, as I have
found, those will be the times of your greatest
opportunities. Raymond Gilmartin
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