Title: I. The Passage
1I. The Passage (What Paul says to them)
21. Pauls remedy, 1-2
2. Pauls reminder, 3-4
3. Pauls realism, 5. Gn.3
4. Pauls relief, 6-7
5. Pauls revival, 8
6. Pauls rejoicing, 9-12
7. Pauls reunion, 13
3I. The Passage (What Paul says to them)
II. The Principles (What this says to me)
41. Power of encouragement, 2
- Thessalonians had Pauls . . .
- Still, they need a human touch
51. Power of encouragement, 22. Progress of
faith, 2
- Emphasis of chapter 3 5, 6, 7, 10
- Our victory, 1 Jn.54
61. Power of encouragement, 22. Progress of
faith, 23. Protection for faith, 2
7How to protect faith?
Support Aaron Hur Ex.17
Firm resolve Lords goal Lk.9
Fixed gulf Now or neverLk.16
Holy charge Peters work Lk.22
8Pauls goal for their faith (32)
- Support, strengthen, establish used of
reinforcement - Ac.13-14, importance of edification
Make them capable of standing fast w/o
discouragement or doubt, in midst of physical,
moral, doctrinal calamities (Spicq)
91. Power of encouragement, 22. Progress of
faith, 23. Protection for faith, 24.
Preparation for problems, 3-4
- Not shaken, 3 (2 Th.22) Ep.414
- Shaken is opposite of . . .
- Appointed, destined, 3 (Hb.927 1 Pt.412)
- Forewarned, 4
Stand firm, 38
101. Power of encouragement, 22. Progress of
faith, 23. Protection for faith, 244.
Preparation for problems, 3-45. Perception of
present progress, 5
But I fear, lest somehow, as the serpent deceived
Eve by his craftiness, so your minds may be
corrupted from the simplicity that is in Christ
2 Co.113
111. Power of encouragement, 22. Progress of
faith, 23. Protection for faith, 244.
Preparation for problems, 3-45. Perception of
present progress, 56. Power of prayer, 9-13
- Paul cant be there, but Lord can
- Job 15
- Ac.1212
- Ja.516
1. Thanksgiving, 9 2. Fix deficiencies in their
faith, 10 3. Night day wish list, 10, 11-13
12May (three times)
- May we go to Thessalonica, 11 (ct. 218)
- May Lord make you increase and abound in love
(12) . . . - 3. May He establish your hearts, 13
toward one another
toward all (Mt.544)
13If we work on marble it will perish. If we work
on brass, time will efface it. If we rear
temples, they will crumble to dust. But if we
work on mens immor-tal minds, if we impress on
them high principles, the just fear of God and
love for their fellow-men, we engrave on those
tablets something which no time can efface, and
which will brighten and brighten to all eternity
Daniel Webster