Title: What is the Most Common Chronic Childhood Disease?
1What is the Most Common Chronic Childhood
4Baby Teeth Are Important!
- Prevent the Spread of Tooth
- Decay in Babies and Young Children
5Children Need Their Baby Teeth to
- Chew and digest food
- Speak clearly
- Smile and feel good
about how they look - Save room for their
permanent teeth - Last from 6 to 12 years
6White Spots Early and Reversible
Signs of Decay
7What Causes Tooth Decay in Babies and Young
- Sharing food and eating utensils
- Sharing straws and cups
- Cleaning off pacifier in your mouth
8Then What Happens?
Help your child brush
10Just a Tiny Dab of Fluoride
Toothpaste(the size of a grain of rice)
11FLUORIDE Toothpaste
Read the Label!
13- Only Milk or Water in Bottle
- Wean from Bottle by One Year
14Drink and Cook with Tap Water
- Tap Water Contains Fluoride
- Most Bottled Water Does Not
15Eat Healthy Snacks
16Avoid Frequent Sugar Exposure
17First Dental Visit
- When the 1st teeth come in
- Or before age one
18Fluoride Varnish Protects Teeth From Decay
- Easy and Fast
- Tastes Good
- Painless
- Can help reverse white spots so they do not
become cavities
19Take Good Care of Your Own Teeth, Too!
20REMEMBERBaby Teeth Are Important!
21Adapted from Preventing Baby Bottle Tooth
Decay CA. Dept. of Health Services and Prevent
ing the Spread of Tooth Decay in Babies and
Young Children Alameda County Health
Department Office of Dental Health (2003) by
Linda Giordano Cannon, RDH Alameda County
Health Department Office of Dental Health (2009)