Title: Folie 1 > 12. STAB-Workshop > A. Krumbein
1Automatic Transition Prediction and Application
to 3D Wing ConfigurationsCurrent status of
development and validation
2 Outline
- Introduction
- Transition Prescription
- Transition Prediction
- Modeling of Transitional Flow
- Transition Prediction Strategy
- Preliminary Results ONERA M6 wing
- Outlook
3 Introduction
- aerospace industry requirement
- RANS based CFD tool with transition handling ?
- different approaches
- RANS solver stability code eN method
- RANS solver boundary layer code
- stability code eN method
- RANS solver boundary layer code
- eN database method
- RANS solver transition closure model or
- transition/turbulence model
- prescription - prediction - transitional flow
modeling - automatic, autonomous
4 Introduction
- aerospace industry requirement
- RANS based CFD tool with transition handling ?
- different approaches
- RANS solver stability code eN method
- RANS solver boundary layer code
- stability code eN method
- RANS solver boundary layer code
- eN database method
- RANS solver transition closure model or
- transition/turbulence model
- prescription - prediction - transitional flow
modeling - automatic, autonomous
5 Introduction
- Structured approach
- FLOWer laminar BL method for swept, tapered
wings - eN database methods for TS and CF
instabilities - FLOWer
- 3D RANS, compressible, steady/unsteady
- structured body-fitted multi-block meshes
- finite volume method, cell-vertex scheme
- explicit Runge-Kutta time integration
- multi-grid acceleration
- mainly eddy viscosity models, Boussinesq
6 Prescription
Transition Prescription
- automatic partitioning of flow field into
laminar and turbulent regions - individual
laminar zone for each element -
different numerical treatment of laminar
and turbulent grid points, e.g. mt 0
in laminar zones
7 Prescription
- transition line on ONERA M6 wing, 4 points on
upper and lower side -
PTupp(sec 2)
PTupp(sec 1)
PTupp(sec 3)
PTupp(sec 4)
8 Prediction
Transition Prediction
- RANS solver ? shall predict transition points
automatically! - stability database ? shall
yield accurate values of transition points! -
eN database method ? needs highly accurate BL
data! ? BL adaptation in NS grid ? very time
consuming, coupling with grid
generator NO! ? laminar BL method ? fast,
cheap, easy to couple YES! - restrictions
? linear stability theory ? parallel flow
assumption - independent of mesh topology, grid
structure, 2D or 3D - integration paths grid
lines of the structured grid
9 Modeling
Modeling of transitional flow
- algebraic models for the transition length
ltr ? Reltr 5.2 (Restr)3/4 downstream of
RANS laminar separation point ? Reltr 2.3
(Red(str))3/2 downstream of BL laminar
separation point ? Reltr 4.6 (Red(str))3/2
downstream of TS instability - intermittency
function ? g(s) 1 exp (- 0.412 3.36 (s -
str)/ltr2 ) s arc length
starting at the stagnation point
displacement thickness
10 Strategy
Transition prediction strategy
- coupling structure
11 Strategy
- algorithm
set stru and strl far downstream compute
flowfield check for RANS laminar separation ?
set separation points as new stru,l cl ? const.
in cycles ? call transition module ? use
outcome of eN-databases or BL laminar
separation point as new transition point set
new stru,l underrelaxed ? stru,l stru,l d,
1.0 lt d lt 1.5 convergence check ? Dstru,l lt e
12 Results
Preliminary Results
- ONERA M6 wing single-element semi-spa
n A 3.8 swept LLE 30 LTE
15.8 tapered l 0.562 - based on
ONERA D airfoil (symmetric),
perpendicular to 40-line - designed for
studies of three-dimensional flows from low to
transonic speeds at high Reynolds numbers
13 Results
- feasibility
- 1 block-grid, 384,000 points
- M? 0.84, Re? 2.0?106, a - 4.0
- turbulence model Baldwin-Lomax
- critical N-factors NcrTS 4.0, NcrCF 2.0,
arbitrariliy set -
14 Results
- Validation, 1st test
- 1 block-grid, 800,000 points
- M? 0.84, Re? 11.72?106, a 3.06 ?
classic CFD validation test case - Tu? 0.2 ? N 6.485 using Macks
relationship - WT S2MA, Modane Center
- turbulence model Baldwin-Lomax, Spalart-All
maras with Edwards mod. (SAE), Wilcox k-w - critical N-factors NcrTS NcrCF 6.485
- transition prediction in 3 wing sections near h
z/b 0.1, 0.5, 0.9 -
15 Results
- surface pressure and transition lines
- influence of TMs extremely low
- all transition points due to CF instabilities,
except - BL, h 0.1, lower side
- ? lam. sep.
16 Results
- cp-distributions at h 0.2, 0.44, 0.65, 0,9
- almost no difference to fully turbulent re-sults
- accuracy of results comparable to those of others
(e.g. lite-rature, TAU code)
17 Results
- Validation, 2st test
- 1 block-grid, 800,000 points
- M? 0.262, Re? 3.5?106, a 0, 5, 10,
15 - Tu? 0.2 ? N 6.485 using Macks
relationship - WT S2Ch, Chalais-Meudon
- transition detection in experiment sublimation
of acenaphtene - turbulence model SAE
- critical N-factors NcrTS NcrCF 6.485
- transition prediction in 4 wing sections
near h 0.1, 0.44, 0.5, 0.9 -
upper side
lower side
18 Results
- transition locations from experiment at h 0.44
h 0.44
h 0.44
lower side
lower side
upper side
upper side
19 Results
- transition lines for a 5 and exp. transition
locations at h 0.44 -
- Has acenaphtene triggered transition on the
lower side? - Is NcrCF correct?
outcome of the database methods
h 0.44 on lower side
20 Results
- max. N-factor curves for a 5 at h 0.44 on
lower side from a linear stability code
(from H.W. Stock using COAST (?) code) -
NcrCF ? 3.2
In other cases, e.g. ONERA D infinite swept,
NcrCF ? 6.0 was found.
21 Results
- What is wrong?
- 1. Error in coding of the 3d coupling procedure?
- ? compute infinite swept wing flow for ONERA D
airfoil using sweep angle at xTlow(h
0.44) - ? fails due to problems with BL code BL code
does not converge - ? another problem to be solved!
- 2. Is sweep angle correct?
- ? account for effective sweep angle Leff
L DL arcsin (UT/U?)) due to
influence of changing absolute wing
thickness ratio UT velocity in the
attachment line - tested 1 ? DL ? 6
- ? cp around stagnation point must be
- reduced to prevent BL code crash
- ? are database results affected?
- ? another problem to be solved!
) G. Redecker, G. Wichmann, Forward Sweep A
Favorable Concept for a Laminar Flow Wing,
Journal of Aircraft, Vol. 28, No. 2, 1991, p.
22 Results
- What is wrong?
- 3. Is CF database method erroneous?
- ? ONERA D infinite swept successfully analyzed
by ISM (TU-BS) with same program for M?
0.23, Re? 2.4?106, an 4, L 60 using BL
data from TAU code - ? Results from CF database method are almost
the same as those from linear stability code
COAST. - ? Is the functioning of the CF database method
case dependent? - 4. Are the grid lines of the structured grid a
too bad approximation of the streamline? - 5. Is the selected test case a reliable
validation test case? -
23 Outlook
- clarification/solution of the problems
- convergence problems of BL code
- automatic determination and consideration of Leff
in the iteration loop - automatic reduction and adaption of cp around
stagnation point - guarantee that CF databse results are do not
depend on manipulation of cp - reproduction of the results of the ONERA D
infinite swept case - coupling with linear stability code LILO (G.
Schrauf) - empirical criteria for - attachment line
transition - bypass transition -
transition in laminar separation bubbles